Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E07: Mallard Migration
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
2d ago
@thefowlhunter sits down this week with Ducks Unlimited's Senior Waterfowl Scientist, Mike Brasher, to discuss this year's season and some of the key elements that could play a part in the Mallard Duck's migration. Billy reached out initially to find out more about recent information on DNA studies stating the amount of farm ducks breeding with wild mallards was changing the migration, Mike enlightens us on this topic as well as in some other areas and what DU is doing to support conservation. Subscribe here and the the Dr Duck YouTube channel and follow our journey all season long #enjoythejo ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E06: January Mallards
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
1M ago
Always a great time talking outdoors with friend and Realtree family member Rusty Creasey. Billy sits down on this episode with Rusty to discuss his recent offseason move and his keys to working January mallard ducks. Thanks for listening, subscribe while you're here and make sure you finish the season strong! #enjoythejourney ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E05: Merry Christmas!
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
1M ago
Thankful to share time again this season with Jonathan Porter, a husband, father, pastor, avid outdoorsman and voice of Realtree Outdoor's faithful messages you can find on social during most holidays. @revjono sits down with @thefowlhunter on this episode to discuss our season to date and share a message we hope everyone listening can enjoy and grab something to take home on this wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas folks and enjoy the journey! #enjoythejourney ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E04: Don't Mess With Texas
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
2M ago
Like it or not, Texas got it right on the majority of public land waterfowl hunting areas, hope they keep it that way. @dr_duck and @thefowlhunter sit down this week to discuss the Texas opener, its policies and some of the impacts of such policies(or lack of) while hunting public land. We provide a quick update on our season, a few tips for your journey and some exciting news about an upcoming auction from our friends at Ducks unlimited. Thanks for taking time to listen in, be sure to follow along all season by subscribing here, to the Dr Duck YouTube channel and hitting us up on social media ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E03: Wild Valley
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
2M ago
Shared time recently north of the border hunting and talking ducks with Travis Stauch and Doyle Weaver of Wild Valley Outfitters. With regulations continuing to grow regarding non-resident hunters around our country and Canada, @dr_duck and @thefowlhunter once again take the trip north to see first hand the process of entering the country since the pandemic. The process was simple, birds were plentiful and the experience is one everyone should enjoy, at least once, while you can. You can find a series of videos on the Dr Duck YouTube channel of the time spent in Canada, hope you check it out a ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S7E02: Mountain Time
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
3M ago
@dr_duck and @thefowlhunter sit down on this episode with @cutem_down_hal and Rob Grell of @fitch_ranch while camping on public land in Colorado. We talk about hunting and the outdoors and our recent experience sharing time on new ground while checking off a bucket list item. Follow the Dr Duck journey all season long by subscribing here and to the Dr Duck YouTube channel. You can also find Dr Duck on social media and learn more by visiting www.drduck.com #enjoythejourney Podcast Partners: Realtree Outdoors for concealment in any hunting situation: https://realtree.com 737 Duck Calls for the b ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S6E19: If It Ain't Broke...
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
3M ago
Happy Fourth of July weekend! I hope you and your team enjoy a wonderful, safe holiday celebrating our great nation's independence! You know the  "if it aint broke dont fix it" saying and Dennis gets a reminder of this old adage this year and shares the story on this episode with @thefowlhunter. Talk shooting pintail, mallard hens and the home work necessary to put in when trying something new. We catch up on his spring turkey travels and discuss making plans for duck hunting as now is the time to start planning and submitting draw paperwork for duck season. It's right around the corner b ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S5E20: Blue Bird Waterfowl
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
3M ago
@thefowlhunter sits down this week with George Parker, owner and creator of Blue Bird Waterfowl's Animator. Billy and George sat down about a year ago on the podcast to talk about his new idea and they get back together, shaking hands for the first time at Game Fair this week in Anoka, MN to discuss his progress and continued passion to help duck hunters find more success. Subscribe here and follow our Dr Duck video series on the Dr Duck YouTube channel all season long #enjoythejourney Dr Duck YouTube Video Series: https://www.youtube.com/@dr_duck Learn more about Blue Bird Waterfowl and the A ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S5E14: Riley Mclaughlin Team DeadFowl
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
3M ago
Blessed to share time with Riley in his home state several years back and thankful to sit down this week with to revisit that time shared and talk ducks. @rileymclaughlin of @teamdeadfowl grew up in the outdoors and has experience in the industry filming for various successful waterfowl programs and now spends the majority of his season chasing ducks and geese in the PNW. #enjoythejourney Find our trip with Riley on video here: https://youtu.be/QDThVUALC-o Find all the latest Dr Duck videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@dr_duck   ..read more
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Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast S4E26: David Schuessler DU
Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast
by Dr Duck
3M ago
@thefowlhunter continues conversations this week about the recently conducted USFWS waterfowl survey with National Director of Fundraising and R3 Programs for Ducks Unlimited, David Schuessler. Find more about the survey at the link below and be sure to follow the @dr_duck journey all year long by subscribing here, on social media and the Dr Duck YouTube channel #enjoythejourney ..read more
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