Kingdom Kids Conference 2023 Round Table Discussion
Kids-Min U
by Tyler Hodge
1y ago
Last week was Summit Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN, but to the kids and myself and a whole bunch of other amazing children's ministers, it was Kingdom Kids Conference! In this episode, I have an amazing round table discussion with some of the incredible children's ministers present at the conference where we talk Kid's Ministry and Kingdom Kids Conference. If you'd like to go next year, the dates are September 3rd, 4th & 5th 2024 in Pigeon Forge, TN. This is part three of the discussion we had. If you've been blessed and would like to hear the rest of our conversation, join in at the pod more
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5 Kid's Ministry Takeaways From Jochebed & Baby Moses
Kids-Min U
by Tyler Hodge
2y ago
ANNOUNCEMENT! If you've been wanting to attend a top-notch children's ministry workshop, come down to sunny Southern California April 28-29, 2022 (Friday and Saturday), and join me and many other children's ministers from around the nation as we come together for a fantastic time of fellowship, ideas, inspiration and learning. Registration is available at at $20 per person and includes amazing workshops as well as dinner Friday night and lunch Saturday afternoon. 5 Kid's Ministry Takeaways From the Story of Jochebed and Baby Moses: We MUST see these children as wor more
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Ep. 2 - Seven Keys to an Effective Object Lesson
Kids-Min U
by Tyler Scott Hodge
4y ago
In this episode you'll hear from my very first interviewee Bro. Philip Booker on "Seven Keys to an Effective Object Lesson."  Bro. Booker is the Sunday School Superintendent at the Inland Lighthouse Church in Rialto, CA, a dynamic children's evangelist, founder of, an out-and-out soul winner and my personal friend. I've labeled him as the King of Object Lessons and that is probably still an understatement. I hope your inspired, educated and challenged by this episode! This being my first interview, I went over my time-limit I've set for this podcast, but that wil more
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Ep. 1 - 4 Ways to Grow as a Children's Minister (Pilot Episode)
Kids-Min U
by Tyler Scott Hodge
4y ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out the pilot episode for Kids-Min U podcast! Don't forget to subscribe, like our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. Also subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our website for some exciting updates and releases. In this episode, you'll learn how educating yourself concerning your children's ministry can lead you to inspiration. Then how that inspiration should challenge you to act. Let's commit to impacting our churches and winning these kids to Jesus - whatever it takes! Resources mentioned in this episode: a more
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