PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 65: GG, it's the poggers gamer slang episode
PCGamer Latest
1M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hey PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! We're officially on the other side of Summer Game Fest shenanigans, and the team is feeling pretty dang tired. Not only did we bring a ton of neat SGF coverage from the weekend, we've also been hard at work on the PC Gaming Show over the last few months, and it finally aired on Sunday! We hope you enjoyed what we had to show off. While we take a bit of time to recover from announcement madness before we talk about it on the podcast (spoiler alert, that's next week's episode!) let's party up ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 64: Weird brand tie-ins
PCGamer Latest
1M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hiya PC gamers, welcome to this week's episode of the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast!! The team's been real busy lately: Summer Game Fest approaches, as does our own PC Gaming Show. 'Tis the season for announcements, so everyone has been stuffing their noggins with brand new gaming goodness. Don't worry, the podcast still soldiers on among the chaos, and this week we're bringing Tyler Colp along to talk all about videogame brand tie-ins. You know, like Monster Energy being in Death Stranding for whatever reason, or Barack Obama co-opting the Xbox version o ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 61: (Development) hell hath no fury
PCGamer Latest
2M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hi there PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! Wow, feels like it's been a while since I wrote one of these, huh? Lauren and I have been on a little break while we showcased some of the fantastic GDC roundtables conducted by members of the PC Gamer team. Those are all done and dusted now though, so we're back! This week we're looking at games that have been in the throes of development for many years: the dreaded Development Hell. The games that got announced when you were still in school and now you're married with three kids, and ..read more
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'90s PC gaming roundtable: Veterans behind LucasArts adventures, Prince of Persia, Broken Sword, and Deus Ex sharing stories
PCGamer Latest
2M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  For our third and final roundtable from the 2024 Game Developers Conference, we put together a special panel—a quartet of developers who have all been making games since at least the year 1990, and are still active today. Joining us for this conversation:  Charles Cecil - Broken Sword, Beneath a Steel Sky Khris Brown - Voice director & editor for LucasArts, Double Fine, Ubisoft Jordan Mechner - Karateka, Prince of Persia, The Last Express Warren Spector - Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Deus Ex Over the course of an hou ..read more
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Our RPG roundtable returns with developers from Baldur's Gate 3, Avowed, Cyberpunk 2077, In Stars and Time, and The Elder Scrolls
PCGamer Latest
3M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  For this week's special roundtable episode of the PC Gamer Chat Log, recorded at the 2024 Game Developers Conference, we gathered a party of adventurers and ventured forth into our second annual deep dive into making RPGs. Here's who you'll hear talking about wizards, lovable and hateable companions, and, yeah, a little game called Baldur's Gate 3:  Swen Vincke, founder and director at Larian (Baldur's Gate 3) Carrie Patel, game director and senior narrative designer at Obsidian (Avowed) Sarah Gruemmer, acting lead quest desi ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 57: So the Fallout TV show is pretty good, huh?
PCGamer Latest
3M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Happy Thursday PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! How are we all this week? If y'all watch the video version of this pod, you'll know that I've discarded the beloved split dye hairdo I've been donning since before my time at PCG (and I've been here for over three years!!) It's quite strange getting rid of something I've spent so long associating as a huge part of my identity, but anyone who's bleached their hair for an extended period of time will know that it does an absolute number on your locks. Now my hair may change, but yo ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 56: Our white whale games
PCGamer Latest
3M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hey PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! Good week so far, I hope? I'm currently sick for the, uh, third time this year. Yeah, I don't know why, the beginning of the year is always a real illness magnet for me. Come May I'll be flying flu-free until 2025, when it'll start all over again.  I usually try and do a neat clever segue into this week's topic, but my flued-up brain is defeating the teeny tiny part of my brain that's still sorta smart. So this week we're talking all about our white whale games. The games in your genre ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 55: Returning to our childhood
PCGamer Latest
4M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hiya PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! Hope everyone's week is going well. I've been doing a lot of decluttering lately, which means I've been doing an awful lot of staring at nostalgic possessions. Old teddy bears, school books and photographs have had me doing a lot of reminiscing recently, which make's this week's episode perfectly on-theme. We're taking a trip down memory lane this week, talking about our childhood as mini-gamers. We're both fortunate enough to have been around games for as long as we can remember, playing ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 54: Time to talk Dragon's Dogma 2, Arisen
PCGamer Latest
4M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Hey there PC gamers, welcome to this week's episode of the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! I hope you've all had a fantastic week so far, whether you've been climbing up a cyclops in Dragon's Dogma 2, or having your pawn go around telling everyone you're shagging people in Dragon's Dogma 2, or throwing people off a cliff in Dragon's Dogma 2... Okay, so it's been a pretty Dragon's Dogma-heavy week for us here at PC Gamer. The sequel to Capcom's 2012 RPG is finally here, and a lot of folk on the team have been playing it. Hopefully you have too, because that ..read more
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 53: One launcher to rule them all
PCGamer Latest
4M ago
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Greetings goobers, goblins and gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! How's your week been so far? I am writing this from ~the past~ as I'm actually out of the office this week, enjoying some much-needed time off. Will I currently be doing all my errands I've been putting off, or sitting on my arse playing games? Only future Mollie knows. If future Mollie is sat on her butt ignoring her responsibilities in favour of videogame pixel people, she's probably doing it from her Steam library. It's just one of the many game launchers vying fo ..read more
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