Mixed Kids Ministry
Mixed Kids Ministry: The Podcast is an outlet where we gather stories from other people who identify as mixed race, as well as faith leaders who can bring both their experience and their professional insight into this subject.
Mixed Kids Ministry
3y ago
On this episode, we had the pleasure of talking with Rev. Kim Montenegro! For over a decade Kim has worked as an inspirational facilitator, trainer and lecturer, she is also ordained in the United Methodist Church. Her work emerges from years of self-exploration and academic study. Group dialogue, self-inquiry, reflection and whole body learning by participants are some of the strategies she employs. She invites people to grapple with both the intellectual and emotional complexities of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Kim identifies as a multiracial African-American woman ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
We're back, baby! We're excited to be starting Season 3, and even more excited for y'all to get to meet all of the people we have lined up for this new season.
If you haven't already, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the website: mixedkidsministry.com. You can also follow us on Instagram at @mixedkidsministry and on Twitter at @MixedKidsMin, and, now, you can join us on our Discord! If you're interested in Mixed Kids Ministry merchandise, you can find that HERE on our RedBubble page.
As always, thank you so much for being here, for supporting us thus far, and welcome t ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
As Season 2 comes to a close, we just want to say thank you for being here. We're so in love with this ministry that we've created and we dream of what it could become in the future. We look forward to being back with y'all for Season 3!
If you haven't already, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the website: mixedkidsministry.com. You can also follow us on Instagram at @mixedkidsministry and on Twitter at @MixedKidsMin, and, now, you can join us on our Discord! If you're interested in Mixed Kids Ministry merchandise, you can find that HERE on our RedBubble page.
As always, tha ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
On this episode, we welcome Nathan Samayo! Nathan is a first year Master of Divinity student at Harvard Divinity School and is currently seeking ordination in the United Church of Christ. He was born in Guahan (known as Guam), and grew up in Tacoma, Washington. Nathan's research interests include comparing the Hebrew Bible Israelite’s themes of culture, identity, and exile to the historic and modern experiences of Indigenous Pacific Islander religions and diasporic traditions, arguing that revisiting Pacific Islander Indigenous heritage, traditions, and creation narratives is the solution to c ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
This week, we welcome Cassie Chee to the MKM Podcast! Cassie is a printmaker and community organizer. As a 4th generation displaced settler in Hawai’i, she is committed to co-creating and building power with those most vulnerable in her neighborhood, Kalihi, for a more just world.
To see Cassie’s art, you can find her art portfolio at cassandrachee.com. As mentioned in the episode, we want to bring attention to the U.S. occupation of Okinawa. For more information and to learn more about the protests of the expansion of U.S. military bases into sacred Okinawan land and burial sites, visit these ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
This week, we go to therapy...well...sort of... In this role-reversed episode, we sat down with Ava Gaines, a social emotional learnings specialist and former family therapist, to answer some questions about life and being mixed.
Be sure to check out Ava on Instagram and Twitter at @avasinterests. You can also check out her store on Miiriya here: https://www.miiriya.com/store/avasinterests/ and be sure to use the code SethRogansLaugh for 20% off your order!
If you haven't already, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the website: mixedkidsministry.com. You can also follow ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
This week on the podcast, we talk about Ash Wednesday and the relationship of life and death in our own lives. Not as cut and dry as one might think...
If you haven't already, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the website: mixedkidsministry.com. You can also follow us on Instagram at @mixedkidsministry and on Twitter at @MixedKidsMin, and, now, you can join us on our Discord! If you're interested in Mixed Kids Ministry merchandise, you can find that HERE on our RedBubble page.
As always, thank you so much for being here, for supporting us thus far, and welcome to those who m ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
"As I spent time with my Dad, I learned a lot about how it had to do with his experience of being Filipino in the United States. That prompted for me a question of how is it that my Dad could feel so alienated here in a place, the only place, that I ever really grew up in; the place where I learned what love was like, where I experienced wonder, where I experienced friendship, and family, and kinship, and encountered God."
In today's episode, we had the pleasure of having a conversation with Colton Bernasol, a Master of Theological Studies student at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
“Things like religion are what we would call, for the most part, ‘solid corner stone objects or definers.’ So, if you come at someone - challenging their religious beliefs in a straight on manner, you will get all of these resistances because if it changes, it changes who you are.”
In today’s episode, we had the pleasure of having a conversation with Cillian Green, a Master of Theological Studies student at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. If you’re interested in looking at the Beta version of Knightsbridge, you can find it here on DriveThruRPG.
If you haven’t already, please subscrib ..read more
Mixed Kids Ministry
4y ago
Welcome BACK to the Mixed Kids Ministry Podcast! We are excited to be here with you in 2021. In this brief introduction episode, we're giving you the rundown of the things that we're excited for this upcoming season. From Merchandise (which you can find on HERE on RedBubble), to the upcoming release of Jordan's new book (You can still get her first book HERE on Blurb), there are so many things that we are looking forward to.
With that, if you haven't already, subscribe to our monthly newsletter. In this newsletter we give you a sneak peak into what's coming up in terms of both the podcast and ..read more