Keys For Kids Ministries
Keys For Kids Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.
Keys For Kids Ministries
13h ago
Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29-31; 25:31-40
The cold winter wind bit at Maryam's nose and ears as she and her mother were shopping downtown. "Can we stop at the pet store and get some birdseed?" asked Maryam. Mom agreed, and they headed for the store.
As they passed an alley, they saw a man sleeping there, huddled against a wall. He was shivering in a shabby coat, his hands bare and his toes poking out from his shoes. Maryam grabbed her mother by the hand and quickly pulled her past the alley. "What's wrong?" asked Mom.
"That man made me nervous," said Maryam. "Why is he dressed like that? And w ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
1d ago
Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-17
"What are you doing, Thomas?" William stared at his little brother in shock. "Mom, come quick!"
Mom came running into the room. "Who got hurt?" she asked, then frowned. "Thomas, why in the world are you standing on a Bible?"
Thomas grinned. "We learned about it in Sunday school today. The Bible is God's Word, and we're supposed to stand on it!" He thrust his hand into the air.
William began to laugh. "Thomas, you're not supposed to actually stand on the Bible. That's just a fancy way to talk."
Now Mom laughed. "You mean a figure of speech?"
"Yeah, that," Willia ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
2d ago
Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-5
"Hurry! Pull up the drawbridge, Winston!" Mitchell hurried into the cardboard castle in their basement. "The enemy is coming!"
Winston pulled up the bridge, and both boys peered through narrow slits in the walls. "Now they won't be able to cross the moat," said Winston. "And even if they do, our strong walls will keep us safe."
Just then Dad came down the stairs, followed by the boys' sister, Charis. "I think it's time for a break," he said, holding out a bowl of popcorn. They all sat in the courtyard of the castle, eating popcorn and admiring the corner towers made ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
3d ago
Bible Reading: John 9:1-7
Jana looked out the window as a tear slid down her cheek. She watched as the other kids laughed and played in the snow. Her brother Caleb saw her and threw a snowball. She giggled in spite of herself as it softly hit the window. Sighing, she turned away and wheeled herself into the kitchen. "What are you making, Mom?"
"Supper," Mom said.
Jana raised her eyebrows and looked at the clock. "At nine in the morning?"
"Yes," said Mom. "But I think a better question would be what's causing these tears." She wiped away a tear from Jana's cheek.
"Oh, Mom," Jana said, "I just d ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
4d ago
Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-11
Leighton was excited to spend time with his aunt. Since his new cousin was born, he hadn't seen her much.
"Let's get right to the card tricks," said Aunt Ellie. "Where did I put my cards?"
There was baby stuff everywhere. Leighton helped his aunt go through it. Finally, they found a deck of cards under a stuffed giraffe.
Aunt Ellie was emptying out the card box when they heard crying coming from down the hallway. She stood. "That's River."
Leighton shuffled the cards as he waited for his aunt. His sister had a birthday party coming up, and he wanted to surprise he ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
5d ago
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:43-48; 1 John 4:7-13
"I'm not going to Topher's birthday party," Declan told his mother as they walked down the grocery aisle. "Not if Walker's there."
"That's not very nice," said Mom. "For Topher or Walker."
"Yeah, well, they both deserve it! Walker's mean and makes fun of people, and Topher just wants to be friends with him so the other kids will think he's cool."
They stopped in front of a display filled with bags of heart-shaped candy, and Declan's younger brother eagerly looked for something to pass out to his kindergarten class with his valentines. "Can I get th ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
1w ago
Bible Reading: John 6:37-40; Romans 6:23
"Mom, Sheba won't come when I call her!" said Adam. "Sometimes she comes toward me, but if I try to touch her, she runs away again. Watch!" Adam called to Sheba, his new puppy. Sure enough, Sheba looked at Adam, and when he kept calling, she ran in circles. Each time, she came close to Adam but always dodged away at the last moment. When she was finally exhausted, Sheba lay down, panting. Adam walked over to her. "You need to learn to obey," he said.
"You're right," said Mom. "I know! Try offering her a reward to encourage her to come to you. Try a dog ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
1w ago
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13
"I've tried to get into the habit of reading my Bible every day," Alanna said as she reached for a piece of pizza, "but I never seem to be able to." Several others in the room nodded in agreement. They were having a pizza party for their Bible study group, and their leader was encouraging them to set aside time for daily devotions.
"Bible reading is a bit like eating," said Mr. McRay. "First you take a bite, then you chew it, then you swallow it, and finally you digest it."
"How do you take a bite of the Bible?" asked Chloe.
"Well, look at t ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
1w ago
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-16
Everyone in Daphne's family had blond hair except for her. Her hair was bright red. She stood out in every family picture and too often heard comments about being her parents' "red-headed girl." Some people told Daphne her hair was pretty, and others just looked at her strangely, like she didn't belong.
Daphne sat on a camp chair at her little brother's soccer game and tried to cover as much of her hair as possible with her bucket hat. She heard someone sit down beside her and glanced over at her grandpa. "How's my little redhead?" he asked.
Daphne sighed. "Do yo ..read more
Keys For Kids Ministries
1w ago
Bible Reading: John 10:27-30
Tyler walked into the kitchen where his mom was preparing supper. They were going to a special program at church that night, so they would be eating earlier than usual.
Mom looked up and smiled. "Hi, Tyler. What have you been doing?"
"I've been reading," Tyler replied. "I'm learning some pretty cool stuff about the United States."
"What kind of stuff?" Mom asked as she began mixing up a salad.
Tyler reached for the lettuce and started shredding it. "I found out that once a state approves an amendment to its constitution, it can't change it. I guess the state has to ..read more