Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
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Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
47m ago
Many have probably realised i don't think we can exercise free will, even think it's impossible for us to. Won't explain why i think it's an impossiblility for us yet, think it's useful for some to express why they think it exists first.
I have no doubt we have and can make choices throughout life, however, think our options are far more restricted than most realise. What do you think ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
15h ago
JEREMIAH 46:13-28
600 years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes again, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as the instrument of destruction against Egypt. It seems like Egypt was not humbled after the Passover experience. You would think that the pharaohs who rose to power after the time of Passover would have realized that the author of Egypt's destruction was the only and True God YHVH, but it seems like they did not, a hard heart is hard to break...
Jeremiah 46:13-28 and Matt 25:1-46 ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
1d ago
There are basically two ways of reading it. The first one is the one world government view, where the fact that the beast is adored by all tribes languages and peoples means literally that it is every single language tribe etc on the earth. The second one would be it means all tribes languages and peoples within the beast's kingdom, which would be the areas described in the statue of Daniel, so middle-eastern, european, north african areas.
Which one do you believe it is and why?
Will the beast rule the entire earth, one world government ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
2d ago
Daniel 7:23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it
Daniel 7:17 The four great beasts are four kings that will rise from the earth.
Why does it say both ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
2d ago
Jn 16:7
7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
The word expedient also conveys the meaning of [appropriate for a purpose]. The Lord Jesus Christ is giving His disciples [The Church] to know the importance of the need of the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, to come and to assist in their commission of evangelism, not only would...
The Holy Spirit and Salvation ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
3d ago
What do you tell someone who claims to have seen the Lord? Please weigh in on your experience, for there are three Apostles who have penned the unliklihood of Jesus appearing before our contemporary brothers:
'', , have not seen'' (1Peter 1:8, 1John 4:20).
''And last of all, He appeared also to me, as to one of untimely birth'' (1Cor 15:8) ''and last'' Grk def: ἔσχατον last, final
Interesting thing about that is, he received that vision while yet an evil man.
End-time Visions of Christ ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
3d ago
PARASHA: “BO” (enter) EXODUS 10:1-13:16
The Parasha starts; “And the LORD said unto Moshe; ‘Go in unto Pharaoh’…” Strange, the word “Go” in Hebrew is “Sh’lach”, but the Hebrew scriptures read “Bo” (enter) so, in reality, the Word of God is saying; “Enter, or Come in unto Pharaoh” But why? One way of looking at this is that Adonai is already there in the pharaoh's palace, and HE is inviting Moshe to come where He is to do business with the pharaoh! And what a business deal...
The Final Judgments against Egypt, and the First Passover (Exodus 10:1-13:16 ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
3d ago
Some common sayings among many believers are:
“There's only one gospel throughout all the Bible, and so everyone is saved in the exact same way.”
“Jesus, along with His 12 apostles, and along with Paul, all preached the same gospel message.”
“All that happened was Paul came along later and continued Peter's ministry gospel and ministry, but to the Gentiles.”
Those claims sound very biblical to many, but are the assumptions behind these claims correct?
1. To whom did Jesus and His 12...
Gospel Confusion ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
3d ago
Woe unto the shepherds that sell my Word! When I gather my jewels, they will not be there.
The LORD has an ought against those who profit from the Gospel! They take the free word He has given them & sells it! God has told us in Matt. 10:7And as you go, [g]preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven...
Profiteers of the Gospel ..read more
Christian Chat » Bible Discussion Forum
3d ago
Why would God create/make someone if He already knows they are going to choose to be evil and go to hell ..read more