The Bag for Life Blog
This is a personal blog written by a bowel cancer patient with the aim to raise awareness about what life with cancer is like. These are light-hearted personal accounts, aiming to give hope to those afflicted by cancer and their friends and families.
The Bag for Life Blog
4M ago
Well-known blond, Irish warbler Ronan Keating famously sang in his big pop tune of May 2000 that life is indeed a roller coaster, and you ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
6M ago
I very nearly died in the early hours of Tuesday 20th August 2024. I got sepsis; it was swift, frightening, aggressive, relentless ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
6M ago
I had the good fortune recently to visit the orthopaedic hospital in Birmingham, having been on a waiting list for 43 weeks, and now at ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
7M ago
Now I do not know about you, my dear reader chum, but I am finding that as I get older, it is the small things in life that cause the most stress. Let me give you an example, if I may. In the middle of May, I was asked by one of my very dear Polish chums to apply for an electronic signature. Not, at first thought, an outrageous request, and indeed it would make perfect sense, would save a lot of time, effort, and money, and make life simpler all around.
So, I decided that I would bite the bullet and make the application. Bearing in mind the company that I was applying for the signature from w ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
11M ago
A press release about my journey with cancer has recently been published by the South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust. You can read it here.
I'd like to use this opportunity again to thank all the doctors and nurses who have been looking after me ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
11M ago
In my adolescent years, I had a mate of mine called Eamonn Martin. One of the things that we used to do was make up our own version of cockney rhyming slang. Many might be familiar with the old classics; for example, Trouble and Strife = Wife, Richard the Third = Turd, etc. So what on earth has that got to do with anything related to this blog?
Well, my dear chums, not only do I enjoy the rich delights of being a cancer patient, along with the many splendid challenges that come with it, but now I also find that I have not one, but two somewhat serious heart conditions (Heart/Strawberry Tart, a ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
1y ago
I was talking to a friend of mine today, and he asked me how I was. I had not seen him since before Christmas, so when he asked me, I thought to myself, do I just do the classic English thing and just say, "Oh yes, I am fine, thank you very much for asking." Or do I say, "Well, let me think, where do I start?"
Okay, let us start with my being diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, which is a condition where the top two chambers of the heart beat irregularly, often increasing the beats per minute from between 70 to 90, which is the normal average number of beats for the majority of people who do n ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
1y ago
The Bard himself famously said that life is but a stage, and we are all but players on the stage. Well, the older that I get, the more that I realize what a genius Shakespeare truly was, because actually, I have begun to realize that he was right. It is richly ironic that I will be receiving my 100th dose of chemotherapy in Stratford Cancer Hospital. How strangely appropriate to be in his birthplace; he defines Stratford Upon Avon as much as Stratford Upon Avon defines him. As the millions of visitors who stream to Stratford testify, I just wonder how one man born of humble stock rose to becom ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
1y ago
Well, as I meander closer to my 99th dose of chemo the week after next and then the big one on December 20th, where I hit the big milestone of 100 doses of chemotherapy, I thought that it might be timely to reflect on my journey with cancer in 2023. It is funny what you forget that you go through, isn't it? And in some ways, it is really useful having the blogs, as they do remind you what joys, challenges, and tribulations that you go through.
The year started with me waking up one morning with a ferocious pain in the small of my back, so I did the decent thing and tried to see if there was an ..read more
The Bag for Life Blog
1y ago
Friday, September 15th, 2023, was a memorable day in the life and times of yours truly. It marked five years to the day since I had a rather unforgettable phone call at 10:37 am. At the time, I was still asleep in bed, as my sleeping pattern was all over the place. I was staying in a flat which was part of the uTrack office in Sutton Coldfield.
As the phone rang, I woke up and looked at the number, which I did not recognize. So, I answered it. The voice on the other end said, "Is that Austin Birks?" I replied, "Yes." The chap then said, "This is Dr. John," who was the consultant at Nuffield He ..read more