Homesteading in South Africa Episode 1
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
1y ago
Everything you need to know about successful homesteading in South Africa. As I have been living in my tiny house for the last few years and striving for energy independence, I have unknowingly become a micro homesteader and I have loved learning about solar and water harvesting as well as building etc along the way.  I decided to start creating some content about homesteading in South Africa. I have so many friends who live similarly to myself and there is such a wealth of information to harness and share. If you are planning on moving away from the city and starting to living more off more
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Where shall I park my tiny house. Tiny house South Africa Episode 2
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
1y ago
This week I give my story of how I ended up parking my tiny house. I've had this question asked many times and I thought to make this to answer that to my best ability. I hope this episode will answer that question for some. #tinyhousesouthafrica #livingtiny #buildyourowntinyhouse #wheretoparkmytinyhouse more
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Tiny house South Africa ( Podcast 1 ) A Conversation with Das
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
1y ago
This episode is our first, its a conversation with myself and a friend Das and we are speaking about the deeper parts of what it means to live in a tiny house in South Africa and what people sometimes don't think about. As Das and I embark on creating a micro homestead as a project we hope to share the journey with you and help you to get clearer ideas on your dreams to live a more sustainable life style. Please leave us a comment if you have any questions and follow us: Instagram:    Tinyhousesouthafrica Facebook: https://www.f more
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Homesteading in South Africa Episode 1
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
4y ago
Everything you need to know about successful homesteading in South Africa. As I have been living in my tiny house for the last few years and striving for energy independence, I have unknowingly become a micro homesteader and I have loved learning about solar and water harvesting as well as building etc along the way.  I decided to start creating some content about homesteading in South Africa. I have so many friends who live similarly to myself and there is such a wealth of information to harness and share. If you are planning on moving away from the city and starting to living more off more
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Where shall I park my tiny house. Tiny house South Africa Episode 2
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
4y ago
This week I give my story of how I ended up parking my tiny house. I've had this question asked many times and I thought to make this to answer that to my best ability. I hope this episode will answer that question for some. #tinyhousesouthafrica #livingtiny #buildyourowntinyhouse #wheretoparkmytinyhouse more
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Tiny house South Africa ( Podcast 1 ) A Conversation with Das
Tiny House South Africa
by Garth
4y ago
This episode is our first, its a conversation with myself and a friend Das and we are speaking about the deeper parts of what it means to live in a tiny house in South Africa and what people sometimes don't think about. As Das and I embark on creating a micro homestead as a project we hope to share the journey with you and help you to get clearer ideas on your dreams to live a more sustainable life style. Please leave us a comment if you have any questions and follow us: Instagram:    Tinyhousesouthafrica Facebook: https://www.f more
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