Rising Above It
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
1y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Rising Above It” Throughout one’s adult life, numerous issues must be experienced, some of which are difficult and challenging to say the least. No one who has ever walked this planet has lived a life unscathed by tough and trying experiences. Metaphysically and spiritually we understand and look upon problems as an avenue for spiritual growth and understanding. Naturally, no one wishes to invite problems into one’s life; however, no one can avoid them. The truth is that they tend to force issues in our lives, or may bring something to ..read more
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Loneliness—Mystically Perceived
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Loneliness—Mystically Perceived” From a king sitting in a palace to a head of a government, loneliness can be an ever-present state of consciousness. Like those who rule, loneliness is also present in the lives of those whom one might not suspect of feeling such loneliness: people who are married or in a significant relationship may also feel loneliness; those whose lives are surrounded by many people through family or social ties, as well as business or career ties, may also feel the presence of loneliness. Perhaps only those who consi ..read more
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Being Spiritually Tested
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Being Spiritually Tested” Have you ever felt that you were being spiritually tested? It is not uncommon for a person to sense that they are being put to the test spiritually by a divine power, or God. As in blaming one’s karma for making something happen, so too, for many, being spiritually tested seems to offer a rational explanation for an occurrence in their lives. Given a broad definition of spiritual testing, there is no doubt that everyone is tested—perhaps many times during the course of their life. And given that God created hum ..read more
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Healing—A Mystical Perspective
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Healing—A Mystical Perspective” There are many who present themselves as healers, as well as many methods of treatment, from the most primitive to what is described as the science of today. Everything has its place and time in the Universe—the Universe in Mystical Reality being the thought process of Universal Consciousness or God. And, if everything indeed does have its place and time in human experience—including healing—then in the human expression or practice of healing there is no “one size fits all” manner of treatment or one kind ..read more
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The Ultimate Teacher
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “The Ultimate Teacher” A person may attend the most prestigious universities filled with professors who have impressive credentials and academic achievements, and from a worldly understanding, one would tend to believe that these are the ultimate source of teaching and knowledge. In such worshipping of traditional academia, the concept of a higher teaching source becomes blurred. To suggest that life’s ultimate teacher is God seems naïve when compared to what can be learned in traditional academia, or even in traditional universities tha ..read more
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Spiritually Managing and Overcoming Difficult Times
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Spiritually Managing and Overcoming Difficult Times” Problems are a natural part of life which, due to their presence, create a necessity for change which in turn acts as a stimulus for spiritual growth. There are times in a person’s life when ordinary problems magnify, so much so, as to seem overwhelming. Difficult phases may be brought about by one problem, or by a major area of a person’s life that becomes an enormous challenge. Problematic periods may also encompass multiple areas of an individual’s life, each one experiencing signi ..read more
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Earthly Incarnation
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Earthly Incarnation” Everyone—every soul—incarnates into this earth plane because they belong to a certain level of consciousness or awareness, except for a very few souls who are in a higher state of awareness. These few higher souls are here to raise the awareness of those souls who are ready for their awareness to be raised. Their readiness is not brought about by any religion or spiritual teacher, but from God’s Presence within a soul that knows a soul is now sufficiently aware to awaken to more of Reality. This earth plane is ..read more
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Today’s Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry in Contrast with an Enlightened Society
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Today’s Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry in Contrast with an Enlightened Society” Except for a few souls in this world who are mystically aware, the practice of psychology and psychiatry will not create a truly mentally healthy society.  As it currently stands, the world standard for mental health is collective neurosis.  The occupation of the clinical psychologist and psychiatrist is to adjust the mind to be functional in a dysfunctional society.  In other words, what is cal ..read more
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Transitional Gender Incarnating
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Transitional Gender Incarnating” Honoring our differences—as long as they are not self-destructive or bring harm to others—is honoring God, because, in the final analysis, all differences between people are individualized expressions of God. Through the ages, religion has very often divided people—labeling some as being on the side of God’s Will, and others as being some lower order of life.  This religious influence has brought great misery, for example, to the lives of many whose sexuality was not heterosexual.  To the relig ..read more
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Guruism by Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Metaphysics.com | Dr. Masters’ Mystical Insights
by Steven Taylor
2y ago
Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. “Guruism” The only true teacher or guru is to be found within oneself. There’s an old Hindu expression that goes, “When the chela (or student) is ready, the guru (or teacher) will appear.” Until a soul has satisfactorily spiritually awakened to a higher awareness, it continues to look outward to find a guru or spiritual teacher to provide a passage from mortal to immortal consciousness. A true teacher will shun grandiose, spiritual accolades and simply be a spiritual signpost—pointing students back into ..read more
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