DIYChatroom » Flooring
DIYChatroom is a forum community dedicated to Do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles and much more. Discuss everything about flooring, from tiling, ceramics and marble. Ask questions about flooring and share advice to help other floorers.
DIYChatroom » Flooring
21m ago
We have very unattractive tile flooring in our house. Instead of removing all of it and laying new tile, we were wondering about pouring concrete over the tile and then embellishing the concrete with stamping or different colors. Has anybody done this before? Thanks for your help ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
10h ago
Do I need a toe-kick saw to remove subfloor that goes under a wall? I'd like to pull up the subfloor in a room and inspect what is underneath. I may need to add more supports underneath ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
3d ago
Anyone install Bruce flooring Dogwood? Does it really live up to the hype with regard to being scratch resistant?
Is there a better option for hardwood floors with a dog ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
4d ago
I have a townhouse condo with unusual floor construction, its 1.5x5" (actual) T&G planks supported by 4x8 beams on varying centres, slightly over 4' at most. The planks are exposed as floor and ceiling.
I have an issue with my dining room floor where the boards have gapped and warped to the point that the nails through the tongues have come loose, some tongues have disengaged from grooves and the boards are loose and bouncy. the beams in this room are about 4'-1" centres and my...
Reinforcing plank and beam floor ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
5d ago
Renovating a bathroom in a 25yo manufactured home. Removed the sheet vinyl flooring, which was glued down( very few spots) and dried out a few wet spots from recent pipe breakage. Subfloor is 5/8 particle board in good shape. My question is should I apply a waterproofing layer
(paint, poly, epoxy, redguard, maupei ect.) to the floor before laying the vinyl? And if so, which adhesive to use? Also, any suggestions on a durable replacement vinyl that may be waterproof, that is if they even...
Waterproofing Subfloor For Vinyl Sheeting ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
1w ago
I want to use Armstrong Imperial VCT in the basement of a commercial building. The area will be around 300-400sq ft. We have a little over 3 years left on a lease and are not sure if we'll renew then, so there are several issues of concern.
I know VCT can be installed directly on the concrete, but I don't see a future use where this flooring would be kept after we are gone. In other areas of the space we've used floating floors or carpet, etc. I'd like to make this easily removable as well...
Low Cost underlayment for VCT in basement; Advice ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
1w ago
This guy who installed my new wood floor in my basement messed up a few spots. Now there's a gap between my baseboard and floorboard, but only in a few spots (but definitely noticeable). What is the best way to fix this issue without installing quarter round along my entire basement perimeter or ripping up the floor. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
1w ago
Can someone explain why you would use carpet padding under carpet. It isnt waterproof and actually absorbs water. I have installed carpet for years using a waterproof sheet then carpet right over it. in 30 yrs I never had anyone complain,.
Note I do this on my properties and not for others ..read more
DIYChatroom » Flooring
1w ago
Hi Everyone, I'm about to sand these floors and I need to make these doorways look better. Any tips? I was planning to toss out the old transition pieces, extract the small pieces of flooring, and insert a new piece of 3/4" oak. But getting the old flooring out of there it looks like it's going to be a pain in the Wu-Tang. I saw on another thread somebody suggesting to router out partially the old pieces and then lay a new piece of 1/2" on top. Slightly different application in that other...
Wood flooring transitions ..read more