The Elusiveness of Hermeneutical Injustice in Psychiatric Categorizations
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
8h ago
This blogpost is by Miriam Solomon on her recently published paper, 'The Elusiveness of Hermeneutical Injustice in Psychiatric Categorizations' (Social Epistemology, 2024).Miriam SolomonMiranda Fricker’s (2007) concept of “hermeneutical injustice” is a helpful critical tool for thinking about how improved social identities become available to those who can benefit from them. Fricker argues that more
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When are Conspiracy Beliefs Pathological?
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
1w ago
This week's contribution is from Joe Pierre on his paper Conspiracy Theory Belief: A Sane Response to an Insane World? (2023, Review of Philosophy and Psychology).Back in 2021, Ema Sullivan-Bissett invited me to participate in a multidisciplinary workshop at the University of Birmingham to tackle the question, “are conspiracy theory beliefs pathological?” While the workshop didn’t take place more
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Folk Intuitions about Free Will: Falure to Understand Determinism and Motivated Cognition
Imperfect Cognitions
by Kiichi Inarimori
2w ago
Today's post is by Kiichi Inarimori (Hokkaido University) on his recent paper "Folk Intuitions About Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Evaluating the Combined Effects of Misunderstandings About Determinism and Motivated Cognition" (Cognitive Science 2024), co-authored with Yusuke Haruki (The University of Tokyo) and Kengo Miyazono (Hokkaido University). Kiichi InarimoriPhilosophers have long more
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The Manipulationist Threat to moral responsibility
Imperfect Cognitions
by Kiichi Inarimori
3w ago
Today's post is by Kristoffer Moody (University of Edinburgh) on his recent paper, "The Manipulationist Threat to moral responsibility" (Synthese 2024).Kristoffer MoodyWe all have that one relative, let’s call him Antonio, who, at family gatherings, irritates us by expounding on how vaccines cause autism, that the election was stolen, or other strange, problematic, or offensive beliefs. While more
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Too Mad to Be True III
Imperfect Cognitions
by Lisa Bortolotti
1M ago
This post is by Helene Cæcilie Mørck (MA), academic, expert by experience and choreographer, who recently attended and talked at Too Mad to Be True III: Paradoxes of Madness, held on October 30–31, 2024, at the Dr. Guislain Museum in Ghent, Belgium. The conference was organised by Jasper Feyaerts (Ghent University), Bart Marius (Director of the Dr. Guislain Museum), and Wouter Kusters more
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On Epistemic Freedom and Epistemic Injustice
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
1M ago
Today's post is from Karl Landström on his paper 'On Epistemic Freedom and Epistemic Injustice', recently published in Inquiry.Karl Landström‘Seek ye epistemic freedom first’ is how Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni begins his book Epistemic Freedom in Africa: Deprovincialization and Decolonization (2018, 1). Ndlovu-Gatsheni’s book is a detailed study of the politics of knowing and knowledge more
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What is it to imagine an emotion?
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
1M ago
Today's post is by Radu Bumbăcea on his recently published paper "Imagining Emotions" (Erkenntnis).Radu BumbăceaWe all want to understand other people, and a central part of this understanding involves imagining their emotions ‘from the inside’. A key idea in the philosophy of emotions is that an emotion modifies the emoter’s experience of its object, that the emotion ‘colours’ the more
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Intellectual Humility and Humbling Environments - Part 2
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
1M ago
Today's post is part 2 of a two part series from Steven Bland on his paper "Intellectual Humility and Humbling Environments", published in Review of Philosophy and Psychology. Open science as a humbling environmentIn last week’s post, I argued that a lack of intellectual humility in individuals can have beneficial effects on individual learning and collective deliberation, but only in more
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Intellectual Humility and Humbling Environments – Part 1
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
2M ago
Today's post is part 1 of a two part series from Steven Bland on his paper "Intellectual Humility and Humbling Environments"Steven BlandCalls for intellectual humility are pretty common these days. A bit too common, perhaps. At least, that’s what I’ve recently argued.To be clear, I don’t think that intellectual humility is a bad thing. The tendency to recognize and own one’s more
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Hysteria, Hermeneutical Injustice and Conceptual Engineering
Imperfect Cognitions
by Aisha Qadoos
2M ago
Today's post is by Annalisa Coliva on her new paper Hysteria, Hermeneutical Injustice and Conceptual Engineering (Social Epistemology, 2024).Annalisa ColivaIn this paper, I dive into what Miranda Fricker calls "hermeneutical injustice" in her work Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing (2007), exploring how it plays out in the medical field. Using the long and more
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