Bravely She Blogs
Hey, I'm Kimberlee and I'm so happy you're here! I live on a narrowboat and roam and write while exploring the beautiful English countryside. I blog about living with Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, Addiction Recovery.
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
This post is a response to my participation in Ryan Robinson’s F29 Challenge. I started this challenge with the intention of following the daily prompts but soon realised this was not going to happen. I adore that Ryan has set up the space for this challenge on a private Discord group, away from the distractions of social media. Not least because we are all showing up real, the daily prompts are a little behind and we are all learning and growing through the experience. ‘Flow-state 29,’ has become a signpost on my journey of navigating through the currents of creation, overcoming fear, and s ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
This post is a response to my participation in Ryan Robinson’s F29 Challenge, a call to embrace our fiercest selves throughout February—29 days of unapologetic creation and sharing. While ‘F29’ denotes the fierce determination to push boundaries, for me, it has morphed into ‘Flow-state 29,’ a personal journey of navigating through the currents of creation, overcoming fear, and liberating my words into the world.
For me, this isn’t just a challenge; it’s a pilgrimage back to the heart of my own narrative, to the woman battling alcohol addiction – and the moment I chose to embrace sobriety and ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
Trying to find effective ways to cope with depression and mental fatigue can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
When your mind is spiraling into negativity, you can’t just snap out of it!
External stressors, an internal dialogue of automatic negative thoughts (ANT’s) and the stress of everyday life can make things feel unbearable.
Thankfully there are some small and subtle ways we can create some mental space when it all feels to much.
In today’s post, I’m sharing the little things help me cope with depression and mental fatigue.
6 Subtle Ways to Soothe Mental Fatigue When You Ar ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
“This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need. “ – Kristen Neff
Being kind to your mind is a huge challenge when depression flares.
When your mind is disturbed by depression, it can lead to low mood, loss of sense enjoyment and avoiding activities that once gave you a sense of pleasure
In the midst of this downward spiral automatic negative thoughts, a symptom of depression, bombard the mind with unkind, unhelpful thoughts.
What is Self-Compassion
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Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
“Sometimes the strongest ones among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about” – Levita Charin
“She’s just trying to seek attention by posting about depression on Instagram”.
The words stung.
Triggered, my mind went into a self-defensive free-fall.
The truth is I hadn’t posted on Instagram for ages.
A scene flashed through my mind, I had just been diagnosed with depression and was looking for answers online.
Discouraged by the lack of relatable information, it took years for me to garner the confidence to blog and ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
In November, you begin to know how long winter will be – Martha Gellhorn
This month our Depression Daybook focus is about discovering the hidden power that is unlocked when we move into gentleness.
If you read my last post, you’ll know I recently tested positive for Covid-19. I impatiently waited for the time to pass for the virus to run it’s course.
Several weeks on and I’m still experiencing a lot of uncertainty around post-viral Covid-19 symptoms and how my depression will play out day to day.
Hello November! A Hopeful Message for Brightening The Shorter, Colder Days
[e ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween
~Douglas Coupland
Are you feeling the the “feels” hard this Halloween? Me too.
Having just had Covid-19, which worsened my depression, it’s like I don’t really feel like it’s Halloween.
Then there’s the dread of possibly having to face trick or treaters, it doesn’t do well to foster the Halloween spirit!
I wrote this post because I know what it’s like when you have big (or even teeny) plans for Halloween that have been thwarted by things beyond my control
If you’ve stumble ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in – Leonard Cohen
I’m back after being laid up in bed, having tested positive for Covid-19. Thankfully, I’d been triple immunized but it was still a huge shock.
Curled up in bed for ten days the illness hit me hard. Physically my body ached. I’m incredibly grateful my airways remained clear and I could breathe okay, something I attribute to the vaccination. The combination of feverish chills and intense headaches, triggered my depressed mind into a frenzied, anxious state.
At the same time, I felt deeply discouraged because I had jus ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
When my depression flared last summer, I felt very low. Unrealistic expectations around a summer reprieve from depression made me feel worse. I thought I would get a much needed vitamin D boost from the summer sun, but instead I learned the sun can also be a trigger for seasonal affective disorder.
When depression-like symptoms flare unexpectedly, or you are experiencing changes in mood, it’s vital to seek out medical advice.
What the Experts Say:
The summer season, with all its warmth and sunlight, is the perfect time for the human body to recharge. Unfortunately, it can also be a trigger for ..read more
Bravely She Blogs
1y ago
Bravely She
sat on the hillside, gazing down at the Loch nestled in the valley below. She felt enlivened by the crisp air tingling on her skin. Every fiber of her being felt alive, as if the land was whispering secrets only her soul understood.
She often visits the wild lands of Scotland in her imagination, but it wasn’t where she was born, and it’s not the only place she feels a magnetic pull towards. Like fragments of her spirit scattered across the globe, she feels ‘at home’ in locations miles apart and vastly different—each place pulling at a unique chord of her being.
If you’ve ever ..read more