Special Guest Tom!
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
John and Chris have a special guest on today. We are interviewing Tom. Tom is a developer at Miles Technologies and has been developing software using the Breckenridge template we've been talking about so much. He helps share a 1st hand perspective of our software and share's his angular story. Quick Tips: Engineering Excellencies https://medium.com/swlh/what-is-engineering-excellence-a8aa5a1e8dc5 Payment processors https://www.braintreepayments.com/ Google Maps https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation https://www.milestechnologies.com/careers Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers - https ..read more
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Component APIs
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
John and Chris talk about an option for controlling components by creating an API and outputting that.  This allows for complex control from a parent component to a child component. Quick Tips: mentorship programs and their value bash aliases for helping with dotnet core CLI Links: mentoring club https://www.mentoring-club.com/ bash alias https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-create-bash-aliases/ https://www.milestechnologies.com/careers Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com ..read more
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Practical State Management
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
John and Chris talk state management in Angular applications.  The format is a train-me episode where John plays the part of the audience, learning about state management from Chris.  The focus is on practical uses of light state management. Quick Tips: chrome tabs https://blog.google/products/chrome/manage-tabs-with-google-chrome/ discord for business https://discord.com/ Links: state management https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_management Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com ..read more
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Lazy Loading v2 - Eager to Lazy
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
John and Chris take another look at lazy loading in Angular, as they discuss lessons learned while converting their codename:Breckenridge Angular template from Eager Loading to Lazy Loading.  In this episode they go over analyzing the code generated for lazy loading, tweaking the output to optimize it, and a few advanced routing cases. Quick Tips: automating tasks with bash scully.io for SEO in Angular Links: Angular lazy loading https://angular.io/guide/lazy-loading-ngmodules webpack bundle analyzer https://www.npmjs.com/package/webpack-bundle-analyzer Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers ..read more
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Dynamic Forms part 3 of 3
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
Join John and Chris on an epic journey, as they tackle a topic so big, it just can't be contained in one episode.  It all starts with a simple idea... "why do we have to keep building out forms manually?  I wish we could automate this part of web development."  In this final episode in a three part series, we discuss the implementation of dynamic forms using dynamic field components and configuration objects for the Angular front end. Quick Tips: vim adventures - https://vim-adventures.com/ optional chaining - https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescrip ..read more
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Dynamic Forms part 2 of 3
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
Join John and Chris on an epic journey, as they tackle a topic so big, it just can't be contained in one episode.  It all starts with a simple idea... "why do we have to keep building out forms manually?  I wish we could automate this part of web development."  In this second episode in a three part series, we discuss the use of a json based Model that allows our Database to build out interfaces and form control prototypes for the Angular front end. Quick Tips: Air Purifier - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073WJL99W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Priori ..read more
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Dynamic Forms part 1 of 3
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
Join John and Chris on an epic journey, as they tackle a topic so big, it just can't be contained in one episode.  It all starts with a simple idea... "why do we have to keep building out forms manually?  I wish we could automate this part of web development."  In this first episode in a three part series, we discuss the problem and the beginnings of an exciting solution that we have named as Dynamic Forms.  Quick Tips: Go on a vacation Send Grid - https://sendgrid.com/ Links: Angular reactive forms https://angular.io/guide/reactive-forms Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers ..read more
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ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
John teaches Chris all about Cypress for end to end testing in Angular.  In this episode we try something new where John explains cypress.io and e2e testing in Angular to Chris, who has never worked with it before.  The result is a quick tutorial of cypress, what it does, how it works, and some of the ways we have implemented it in our CI to provide testing for our Angular framework. Quick Tips: Shape-up - https://basecamp.com/shapeup  Work doesn't have to be crazy - https://www.amazon.com/Doesnt-Have-Be-Crazy-Work-ebook/dp/B079WV79TK/ref=sr_1_2?crid=AG46YM8KYJWM&dchild=1&a ..read more
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ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
Directives are everywhere and are super powerful, but also a bit more complicated to create than components.  In this episode, Chris and John cover many of the inner workings of directives inlcuding how to create them and some more advanced ideas of what you can do with them. Quick Tips: Bent - https://www.npmjs.com/package/bent Angular Essentials - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=johnpapa.angular-essentials Links: https://angular.io/guide/attribute-directives https://sweetalert2.github.io/ Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com ..read more
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Component Orchestration
ng build --pod
by ng build pod
5d ago
This week John and Chris use an example of building a forum to talk about how to conditionally create the components you need without the use of ngIf statements.  The discussion includes the steps to get there, why you would want to do it this way, and gotchas along the way. Quick Tips: Regex101 FTW cmder console Links: https://regex101.com/ https://cmder.net/ https://angular.io/guide/dynamic-component-loader Music: Phortitude by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com ..read more
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