Vida newspaper
Vida newspaper is a free weekly Spanish and English newspaper that covers Ventura County, Vida Newspaper is located in Southern California in Oxnard. Stay tuned to get the latest updates on Oxnard and its surrounding areas.
Vida newspaper
20h ago
The Ventura College Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides resources and financial assistance to Ventura College students and school programs, distributed $738,558 in direct assistance support to 7,858 students during the 2023-2024 academic year and another $1.33 million to 56 Ventura College programs across 14 departments and divisions. “The Ventura College student body is made […]
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Vida newspaper
2d ago
I sped up to 50 miles per hour as the two lanes turned south to the “Scenic Drive” road south of Mexico Highway #! It was dark. Then, in my rearview window, red lights and a siren. Oh! No. The feared Mexican National Guard was pulling me over. For speeding? No. For no registration? No. […]
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Vida newspaper
3d ago
Fuerte y visible fue un operativo policiaco donde dos hombres fueron arrestados en Oxnard el jueves pasado durante una operación que involucró a miembros del equipo SWAT mientras se ejecutaban órdenes de arresto por un apuñalamiento en diciembre, dijeron las autoridades. Se cree que los arrestados fueron los que apuñalearon a un hombre de Oxnard […]
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Vida newspaper
4d ago
This Saturday, February 8th at approximately 3:00 p.m., a crash occurred between an Oxnard Police Department patrol car and a motorcyclist. Initial investigations show that the motorcyclist was traveling southbound on Oxnard Blvd. and the patrol car was traveling eastbound on Second Street in Oxnard, to support on an arrest. The police car had its […]
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Vida newspaper
5d ago
El Gobierno de Estados Unidos decomisó más de 20 millones de dólares obtenidos de un esquema de sobornos vinculados al fallecido empresario venezolano de origen sirio Naman Wakil, informó el Departamento de Justicia. El dinero decomisado es resultado de una demanda civil interpuesta en agosto de 2023 por el Departamento de Justicia, que alegaba que […]
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Vida newspaper
6d ago
Decenas de negocios en Estados Unidos cerraron el lunes en respuesta a la convocatoria hecha en redes sociales bajo el eslogan de “Un día sin inmigrantes”, organizada en protesta a la medidas migratorias implementadas por la Administración del presidente de EEUU, Donald Trump. De acuerdo a la activista de Los Ángeles Wendy Guardado, una de […]
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Vida newspaper
1w ago
By Peter Schurmann In the early 1970s, Poplar, CA a small unincorporated town in California’s agricultural heartland was designated by county officials as having “no authentic future.” That designation—entailing dramatic cuts to basic services—remained until as recently as 2023.Now, following a series of raids on immigrants that began on Jan. 7 in neighboring Kern County, […]
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Vida newspaper
1w ago
This Saturday, February 8th at approximately 3:30 p.m., a crash occurred between an Oxnard Police Department patrol car and a motorcyclist. Initial investigations show that the motorcyclist was traveling southbound on Oxnard Blvd. and the patrol car was traveling eastbound on Second Street in Oxnard. No further details are known at this time.
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Vida newspaper
1w ago
This Saturday, February 8th at approximately 3:30 p.m., a crash occurred between an Oxnard Police Department patrol car and a motorcyclist. Initial investigations show that the motorcyclist was traveling southbound on Oxnard Blvd. and the patrol car was traveling eastbound on Second Street in Oxnard. No further details are known at this time.
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Vida newspaper
1w ago
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, at approximately 3:22 a.m., officers from the Oxnard Police Department responded with Emergency Medical Services to a single vehicle traffic collision near the intersection of Latigo Avenue and Graves Avenue. Officers and EMS arrived and found Johann Villanueva, a 19-year-old resident of Oxnard, suffering from life-threatening injuries. He was quickly […]
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