An Easy Simple Square Quilt
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
5M ago
I finally finished the easy Simple Square quilt that I started last year. It’s made with scrappy 4.5″ squares cand is set on point. I thought it might make a dent in my pile of 4.5″ quilt squares. It didn’t make a dent in that pile. I always hope can’t I? The backing is vintage.... The post An Easy Simple Square Quilt appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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Circle of Friends Table Runner
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
My quilt guild a few months back started a challenge for members to make Circle of Friends quilt block(s) and use them in a project. After some consideration, I decided to make three blocks and use them to make a table runner for my dining table. I went with scrappy brights far the stars and... The post Circle of Friends Table Runner appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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Scrap Quilting makes me Happy
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
Scrap quilting makes me happy! What is better on a dull and cold winter’s day than staying inside and playing with a box of scrappy squares? This quilt top was started during those short days of wintery gloom when was spring is just a distant dream. While I usually go for brights, this quilt called... The post Scrap Quilting makes me Happy appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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I’m Still Quilting
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
I’m still quilting even if I’ve not been blogging about it recently. I’m not quite sure why I stopped updating my blog but regardless of the reasons, I’m planning to be more active blogging this year! Here are some of my recent creations! A table runner made using the Sew Kind of Wonderful Curved Ruler.... The post I’m Still Quilting appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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A 9 patch Quilt top! Stand back to see the pattern!The further back the better.
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
I got an idea to make 9 patches with three light squares in a line and darker fabrics for the other squares. As I had lots of light’s in my 2.5″ square box I decided to make all the fabrics scrappy (though I mostly stuck to brights) including the whites. The box of squares was... The post A 9 patch Quilt top! Stand back to see the pattern!The further back the better. appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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Topsy Turvy Quilt Pattern and a free giveaway
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
When Preeti of asked me to test her Topsy Turvy quilt pattern I took one look at the quilt she was asking me to test and quickly proclaimed “I’m up for that”. It looks complex but knowing Preeti I knew the directions would make it easy to sew – and it was! I have... The post Topsy Turvy Quilt Pattern and a free giveaway appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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Sewing from the Stash
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
My stash has been growing and it was time to start sewing from the stash instead of helping the economy by buying new fabric. I love supporting the economy but I’m running out of storage room. So I went rumaging around in my stash until I saw some fabric that I had found at the... The post Sewing from the Stash appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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I wanted to sew a Leaders and Enders Project so I tried again!
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
I really would like to be able to sew leaders and enders project. However, I tried again and failed again. I just get too obsessed on sewing a block and imagining how it will look that it takes over! A major internet outage caused me not to be able to work on Friday (so a... The post I wanted to sew a Leaders and Enders Project so I tried again! appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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Fidget Quilts are Easy and Fun to Make
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
I recently made two fidget quilts for donation to those with with Dementia or Alzheimer’s who are in long term care facilities and nursing homes. Fidget quilts are designed to catch the attention of those to whom they are gifted and provide them with a diversion. They are the size of a large place mat.... The post Fidget Quilts are Easy and Fun to Make appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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What the H Quilt?
Sew Yummy
by Yummy
2y ago
I finished the my second H quilt this week and am calling it my What the H? quilt. Those H blocks were fun to make. The only hard part about this quilt was finding colours that read the same for the various coloured H four patches. The backing was a piece of fabric I found... The post What the H Quilt? appeared first on Sew Yummy more
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