Evolution Of Self
Evolution Of Self is a weekly podcast for anyone on a journey to live a more conscious and self aware life. With years of experience as a Consciousness Coach, Advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, and explorer of what it means to be human Britt shares her own experiences and insights from life as well as those of others in the field to help you deepen your understanding of what is means to..
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
Did you know that the little things you do for yourself (the things that take courage) can be the things that inspire others to face their fears too. Being inspiring is not about wanting to inspire. It is about facing your fears and challenges and in so doing you inspire others to face their fears and challenges too :)
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Connecting to your truth
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"Evolution of Self" is a w ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
We all have the same human needs but how we meet them changes from person to person. Sometimes what we do is good for us and other times if we are unaware they can be detrimental to our well-being. In this episode, I share how this works.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Tony Robins 6 Human Needs
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self-aware way of living. B ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
At the start of the year, many of us start to think about making changes in our lives. Changes that often, even given our best intentions don't last. In this week's episode, I share 1 key that may help you create lasting change.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Access Consciousness Clearing Tool
Clearing methods
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self-aware way of living. Britt is a C ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
Most of us know that people tend to resist change but did you know that we also resist changes we actually want to make? In today's episode, I will share why and how to overcome it.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Access Consciousness Clearing Tool
Clearing methods
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self-aware way of living. Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
I recently realised that some people do not like to sit alone in pain and suffering. What they like more than anything is to infect others with what is hurting and drag them down to their level. In this week's episode, I share what you can do to neutralise this so you walk away unscathed.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Fear Video
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self-aware ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
I generally really focus on completing things in my life at this time of year only because it is nice and tidy to do so. However, you can do this at any time. When I talk about completing things in this context it is about reflecting on your life observing where you are still stressed, hurt, angry or upset about things that have happened and then doing something (such as forgiving someone) so that this event is no longer taking up space in your being.
Completing 2024
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Connecting to your truth
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Evolution Of Self
1y ago
Our past quite often creates our future. This is all well and good if the past is pleasant and empowering. However, if not then the future it creates might not be quite so great. In this episode, I share a few things you can do to rewrite your past.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Fear Video
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living . Britt is a Consci ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
There is something special about getting out in nature and in this week's episode, I explore this.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Fear Video
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living . Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and has considerable experience as a board director.
#SelfAwarenes ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
You may have noticed that some people have more drama in their lives than others, maybe you are one of those people. What you may not know is that dram is addictive and there is a reason you either seek it out or people try to draw you into it. Find out in today's episode.
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Tony Robins - 6 Human Needs
Connecting to your truth
Fear Video
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscio ..read more
Evolution Of Self
1y ago
As you go through your life you are most likely unaware of everyone's lives you touch. A simple smile from the heart can touch someone who just happens to pass and the ripples can travel far and wide. It is really good to smile :)
Free Course - Happiness Boost
Connecting to your truth
Fear Video
"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living . Britt is a Consciousness Coach, adva ..read more