Christ’s Superbowl!
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
2w ago
God has an end game for what He is doing, and the Church better rest assured He will be the winner. So, all this pandering to immoral souls by all or any of those putting forth evil efforts written within scripture will be for naught. Our challenge as God’s children is to learn those truths more
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That spirit of Methodical Manipulations!
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
1M ago
Anyone in the Church knows issues always arise concerning the character of those represented within scripture. For example, when we look at the disciple Matthew, we see a guy who appears to have either been manipulated by the Roman government to be a tax collector or has taken aught against Israel. He sat daily collecting more
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Do Christians Think of Themselves as Part of Christ-mas?
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
1M ago
The word mind is (nous) in Greek, pronounced (noose); it reflects one’s thought consciousness, which is seen as comprised of perception and understanding of all things and rooted in an ability to learn and adapt to one’s environment. Any influences from those around us, such as teachers, parents, peers, etc., affect us. We also have more
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Ministry Defines Your Work, But Christ Has Defined You!
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
2M ago
God does not see a believer’s life as a ministerial asset but as His child capable of ministry by the Holy Spirit. Though the Church ministers the gospel, it is to be by faith, according to a procreative right that works by natural and supernatural means to reveal a Spirit of life as written in more
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To Vote or Not To Vote! That is The Question for Christians. STOP! It’s Actually This One – Are Christians Stupid Concerning Elections?
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
4M ago
I continue to read articles concerning the status of many Christian voters in the upcoming election. Several of them focus on Evangelicals who claim to be never Trumpers or even voters at all. This is a troubling situation for Christ’s Church as scripture reveals that God is the one who sets the powers to be more
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Jesus’s Life Revealed His Father, Can His Believers Do The Same?
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
7M ago
I have been watching lately, different ministry styles, taking place in the churches, and what is becoming a familiar mannerism is that many believers are failing to grasp an important truth: The whole word of God is given to reveal to His sons and daughters knowledge and understanding of His ways, the same ways Christ … The post Jesus’s Life Revealed His Father, Can His Believers Do The Same? appeared first on The Ballenblog more
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Your Righteousness – Is A God Thing:
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
8M ago
It appears it is way too much for churches to have a righteous mindedness within their members. As a result, the Church’s overall appearance is judged as too socialistic, appearing worldly and not spiritual. This is where we, the individual parts of the Church body, must stand up for the truth of the word of … The post Your Righteousness – Is A God Thing: appeared first on The Ballenblog more
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Money, Money, Money; Is That All There Is to Ministry in Today’s Church?
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
9M ago
Now, do not get waysided. There will be requirements for money, material goods, and laborers to fulfill a spiritual purpose; however, all of it is for the Lord’s use in bringing the heavenly Father’s will to pass. Too many churches today operate without any perception of God’s principles concerning money; thus, the supernatural power that … The post Money, Money, Money; Is That All There Is to Ministry in Today’s Church? appeared first on The Ballenblog more
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When The Truth Is Upside Down, It’s Not From God – Part Four
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
9M ago
What is the image, and what is it to be like God? It is to reflect a natural copy of Him and to have His character, the very nature and essence of God Himself. What is God? God is a Spirit. John 4:24 (AMP) God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship … The post When The Truth Is Upside Down, It’s Not From God – Part Four appeared first on The Ballenblog more
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When The Truth Is Upside Down, It’s Not From God – Part Three
The Ballen Blog
by Ballenblog
10M ago
The third truth concerns humanity’s heritage, and it’s essential because it pairs with all scripture relevant to each person according to the promises God ordains for them. Today, much of it is taboo mainly due to religious heretical and/or denominational exergies by those in authority. 2 Pet 3:3-11 Knowing this first, that there shall come in … The post When The Truth Is Upside Down, It’s Not From God – Part Three appeared first on The Ballenblog more
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