Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
Anthology is a podcast exploring science fiction anthology television from TV's first golden age beginning with The Twilight Zone. Each week, join host Matt Hurt (The Obsessive Viewer podcast) as he discusses the plot, themes, and trivia of an episode of The Twilight Zone as well as how he felt as a first time viewer of the show.
Classic TV shows planned for future seasons of the podcast..
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
10M ago
This week, I review episode 1 from The Twilight Zone’s fourth season: In His Image. I also share my thoughts on episode 5 of Science Fiction Theatre’s second season, When a Camera Fails in a brief spoiler-free bonus review.
Intro - 00:25
Housekeeping - 02:16
From the World of Fiction and Science - 06:56
In His Image - 18:48
When a Camera Fails (Science Fiction Theatre) - 1:44:43
Outro - 2:00:55
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Science Fiction Theatre ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
10M ago
In this final between the seasons ep before starting season 4, I welcome back my podcast partner and dear friend Tiny to review the 1956 Paul Newman film The Rack, which was adapted from a Rod Serling teleplay from a 1955 episode of The United States Steel Hour (which I also review in this episode).
Intro - 00:26
From the World of Fiction and Science - 02:43
The Rack (United States Steel Hour) - 07:34
Introducing Tiny - 22:50
The Rack (1956) - 32:58
Outro - 1:05:24
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The R ..read more
103 - Actors in The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits with Victor Gamboa (The Outer Limits Podcast)
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
In this special between seasons episode, Matt welcomes Victor Gamboa from The Outer Limits Podcast for a discussion about actors who appeared in both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits!We also talk a little bit about Dune: Part Two and the 2024 Solar Eclipse.
Intro - 00:35
Introducing Victor - 01:26
From the World of Fiction and Science - 08:50
The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits - 17:30
Actors #10 - #6 - 22:52
Actors #5 - #1 - 50:11
Closing the Ep - 1:28:18
Outro - 1:32:24
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Start Your Podcast with Libsyn Using Promo C ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
In this special season wrap-up episode, Matt welcomes back Brandon Cruz from Submitted for Your Approval – A Twilight Zone Podcast to discuss and reflect on season 3 of the show and cover their favorite and least favorite episodes and moments.
Intro – 00:22
Chat with Brandon - 01:18
From the World of Fiction and Science – 19:30
TZ Season 3 Review – 27:00
Looking Ahead to TZ Season 4 – 1:34:25
Outro – 1:41:50
Related Links
Apathetic Enthusiasm
Interdimensional RSS – The Unofficial Rick And Morty Podcast
Submitted For Your Approv ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
This week, I review of episode 37 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: The Changing of the Guard. I also share my thoughts on episode 4 of Science Fiction Theatre’s second season, The Green Bomb in a brief spoiler-free bonus review. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Join at the $4 Sci-Fi only level for a curated tier of sci-fi related content only.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 04:15
The Changing ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
This week, I review of episode 36 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: Cavender is Coming. I also share my thoughts on episode 3 of Science Fiction Theatre’s second season, Who is this Man? in a brief spoiler-free bonus review. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Join at the $4 Sci-Fi only level for a curated tier of sci-fi related content only.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 04:46
Cavender is Coming ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
Happy New Year! This week, I kick off 2023 with a review of episode 34 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: Young Man's Fancy. I also share my thoughts on episode 1 of Science Fiction Theatre’s second season, Signals from the Heart in a brief spoiler-free bonus review. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 02:46
Young Man's Fancy - 20:31
Signals from the Heart (Science Fict ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
This week, I review episode 33 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: The Dummy. I also share my thoughts on the 1964 Rod Serling scripted TV movie, Carol for Another Christmas. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 04:01
The Dummy - 16:45
Carol for Another Christmas - 1:15:42
Outro – 1:32:27 Related Links
Carol for Another Christmas
Black Mirror E ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
This week, I review episode 32 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: The Gift. I also share my thoughts on episode 39 of Science Fiction Theatre’s first season, The Other Side of the Moon in a brief spoiler-free bonus review. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 03:01
The Gift - 08:18
The Other Side of the Moon (Science Fiction Theatre) - 57:01
Outro – 1:09:35 ..read more
Anthology - The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci
11M ago
This week, I review episode 30 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: Hocus-Pocus and Frisby. I also share my thoughts on episode 37 of Science Fiction Theatre’s first season, Sound of Murder in a brief spoiler-free bonus review. Become a patron for exclusive audio content and early access to episodes at Patreon.com/ObsessiveViewer.
Apple Podcasts
Timestamps Intro – 00:25
From the World of Fiction and Science - 04:50
Hocus-Pocus and Frisby - 11:33
Sound of Murder (Science Fiction Theatre) - 1:06:06
Outro –  ..read more