The Average Angler
The Average Angler was founded by fly-fishing guide Colin Archer. The Average Angler offers flyfishing guided trips and instruction offering walk and wade and boat trips along the Jersey Shore.
The Average Angler
4h ago
As I talked about in an earlier post the SS United States, a 1,000- foot long ocean liner, was scheduled to begin its journey south to Alabama this past weekend. It was stopping there before being sunk as part of a reef building project off of Florida. The ship was purchased by Okaloosa County, Florida and will be sunk about 20 miles southeast of Destin, Florida.
The ship has sat at Pier 82 since 1997. It was supposed to be moved temporarily to Pier 80 before making its way down the Delaware River to the open ocean before landing at Mobile, Ala ..read more
The Average Angler
1d ago
Today all eyes, well as least 120 million, well 240 million if everyone that has two, will be watching Super Bowl 59 tonight when the Chief's play the Eagles. That's a lot of people. For us, who moved down into Eagles country eight years ago, all that is The Birds is evident everywhere you go. While the big game is playing down in New Orleans this year the signs of fandom can be seen just about everywhere in and around Philly. I'm sure it's the same in Kansas City. For me I hope the Eagle's win, kind of for Saquon Barkley, and kind of not for Patrick Mahomes.
  ..read more
The Average Angler
2d ago
Above is a just a quick illustration of how some of the 14 parties as part of the ASMFC Management Board voted this past week on one issue regarding Addendum III to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for striped bass. That's a lot in one sentence.
Trust me, I can't come up with this stuff alone and look to the insight and work done by Charles Witek, who pens the One Anglers Voice blog, HERE, Jim Hutchinson of The Fisherman magazine, and additional press releases and published articles. While I do my due diligence in attending the v ..read more
The Average Angler
3d ago
While we know that regulations will remain the same for 2025 as they were for 2024 the insanity of meetings and kicking the can down the road continue. I like to think I have a gently grasp on this madness but I easily get twisted around from time to time.
This weeks nuttiness? What's the difference between a benchmark and stock assessment? Well I got a little help from AI when I Googled the question. So here it goes. Well first let's look at the upcoming assessments .
Every two years, I think, there is a stock assessment (SA ..read more
The Average Angler
4d ago
...and Steve Farrar. Last night I sat in on MOF and listened to Steve explain the history of SF Blends, him and fly fishing, and how he ties simple flies. I have watched him and been coached by him for several hours over the years starting back in the 1990's when he used to visit The Fly Hatch or we worked the booth at TFFS where he would tie at Choinard's booth.
So I've watched Steve at the shows, the Atlantic Saltwater meetings, and 1:1 at his home. He's always ready to help another brother out. In fact, if you'd like to see him at work just do a quick search on Y ..read more
The Average Angler
5d ago
Join Steve Farrar of SF Blends fame as he does a fly tying session on Masters of the Fly. It's free and you can join in tonight by registering at mastersofthefly.com.
Steve is just a love of a man who is selfless in sharing his passion of fly fishing and fly tying. I've had the pleasure of joining him on the beach, on the Vineyard, and at his house. The guy is just a wealth of knowledge and is always willing to help out, teach, and share. He's is one of the best ..read more
The Average Angler
6d ago
We'll see if "AC is Bangin'" this year. That's a catch phrase from One Stop Bait & tackle which calls that jetty home. The latest beach replenishment project in New Jersey just finished after 1,278,000 cubic yards of sand were pumped onto Absecon Island with some of it near the Absecon Inlet. That at just a cost of $38,000,000. The picture above is standing on the jetty looking towards the Ocean Casino Resort, originally aka Revel.
That jetty is a crowd favorite for those from "Monopoly City" and is known as a great eel soaking place. On on ..read more
The Average Angler
1w ago
Let's face it sometimes striped bass, and other swimming predators, just like the meat. While those in the trout game live and die by "matching the hatch" the same can be said, in a way, for those that like to fish for opportunistic eaters like striped bass. It's hard to believe that sometimes especially when you're throwing a size 2 albie flies into snot bait the guy next to you is catching them on a six-inch pink Hogy. Or when you have a beautifully tied almost exact replication of a sand eel and the spin angler next to you is getting them on a needle plug ..read more
The Average Angler
1w ago
In a purely striped bass way when I think of the Potomac River I think of one of the natal rivers that are a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Sadly, this week the Potomac River was the site of a plane crash between and American Airlines passenger plane and an Army helicopter that killed 67 souls on board. The mid-air collision occurred near the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
It was just a few weeks past the 40th anniversary of Flight 90 that crashed into the Potomac after striking the 14th Street Bridge. Both incidents occurred on the water's bo ..read more
The Average Angler
1w ago
Last Sunday I was looking through my stash from The Fly Fishing Show. I wondered if other attendees had a similar take. While I am sure some guys and gals were sitting down in front of a new vice, or maybe making some casts in their frozen yards with their new rod set ups, most of us had things tucked into our pockets or in small bags as we left the show. But those small purchases can add up.
What I realized after last weekend that stickers have become the new brochure and business card. Stickers are cheap, especially if buy them by the ..read more