Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
My name is Chaitanya C. Divakala. I am working as Oracle Dba Consultant. Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog is your number one source for all things Oracle, Asm, Rac, Unix, Linux, & Rman Backup & Recoveries. This Blog is useful for those who want to learn new technologies. We are here to provide all solutions in technologies. We are dedicated to giving you the very best of all things with a focus on..
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
ITIL Process
In this Blog i am going to explain ITIL Process,ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, It is the leading IT service management framework recognised globally and delivering impactful and techpowered services customers across the globe
ITIL is the set of guidelines observed ,gathered ,and put together in ITIL Process IT practioner in best services in a timely limit , ITIL provides direction to the organization and its people utilizing as a tool for changing,transforming ,developing the business
Service: Servic ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
Ticketing Tools
In this Blog i am going to explainTicketing Tools is the software which provides platform for the users and clients issues in different environments like production,testing,development etc,ticket means a problem or incident
Ticketing and monitoring Tool
User Created Ticket: user will create a ticket and raise the incident using the Ticketing Tools like BMC Remedy ,Services now
Automatic Ticket: integrate with OEM and Ticketing Tools , suppose an ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
Dba Activities
In this blog i am going to explain Dba Activities in daily ,monthly,quarterly and other activities for database administrators in real time projcets and different domains and environments like production,testing,development etc
Daily Activities
Check the Database Availability
Check the listener Availability
Check Space Availability
Check any sessions Blocking the other sessions oracle locks and clear locks
Check long running unix process
Check the Alert log for an error
Check the Top sessions using more physical I/o
Deleted Locked Objects
Check the SQL query ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
YUM Package Management
In this Blog YUM Package Management i am going to explain,Install,Update,Remove,find packages,manage packages and repository in linux systems, YUM(YellowDog Updater Modified) is an open source command line as well as graphical based package management tool for RPM based linux/unix systems.
It is an GPL (General Public Licence) open source means any one can download and acess the code and fix the bugs and develop the customized pacakages ,and you will work only from Centos 5/Red hat and latest versions of fedora,for old release like RHEL 4,you need to ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
RPM Package Management
In this blog i am going to explain RPM Package Management, RPM is a default open source and most popular package management utility for Red Hat based systems like RHEL,CENTOS and FEDORA)
The Red Hat Enterprise linux system divided into RPM packages which can be installed ,upgraded or removed,all softwares on a Red Hat Enterprise linux system is divided into RPM packages
The tool allows linux system administrators and users to install,update,uninstall,query,verify and manage system software packages in unix/linux operating systems.RPM package file na ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
ASH Report in Oracle
The ASH Report in Oracle contains recent information on active sessions sampled every second,The AWR and ADDM report will taken every one hour genetates and one hour old report will not generate and will not help in diagnosis issues that are in the current database
The ASH Report in Oracle report is an integral part of the oracle database self-management framework and is extremely useful for diagnosing performance problems
The ASH Report in Oracle gathers sampled data at the session level rather than at the instance level by ca ..read more
Chaitanya Oracle Dba Blog
4y ago
Linux Commands Tutorial
Introduction:In this Blog i am going to explain Linux Commands Tutorial Linux is a Unix-Like operating system. All the Linux/Unix commands are run in the terminal provided by the Linux system. This terminal is just like the command prompt of Windows OS. Linux/Unix commands are case-sensitive. The terminal can be used to accomplish all Administrative tasks
Let us Start the Process Linux Commands Tutorial
1)logname: It shows current username
# logname
2)pwd: Present working directory which means current folder in linux
# pwd
3)date: it displa ..read more