Vision for Life with Jason Pierce-CMAW220
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
6M ago
Contact Jason at Videos: The Why of It All Alan Watts What do you desire more
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Real Estate Investing with Brett Snodgrass-CMAW219
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago more
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AI with Luke Richey-CMAW218
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
For more info contact Luke Richey began coding software at the age of 14, a foundation upon which he has built a life dedicated to businesses that bring society and technology into the future. His broad understanding of the industry, paired with a passion for both integrity and optimization within the business domain, led him to create many successful startups.         In 2009, after selling his business to a gaming company, he co-founded Gravity Jack with a vision to advance mobile-based augmented reality. With a strong patent portfolio, dedi more
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Get and Give Feedback-Selah113-CMAW217
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
Get and Give Feedback Surveys from Lowe’s to just about everywhere online Why? Because it’s so important to not just work efficiently but to make sure you’re pursuing the right objective and in the right manner I manage projects and critical aspect of my job is defining early and accurately what my customer or stakeholder needs and wants as project deliverables Making assumptions or rushing to the execution phase are two big errors which lead to poor results and damaged business relationships On this topic I recommend recent episode of the Emotionally Healthy Podcast called The Life Changing S more
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110% at Work-Selah112-CMAW216
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
An overused phrase is to give 110% effort. What does that mean when we think of living out our faith through our work Well, I can't spell that out in a cookie cutter fashion that applies to everyone in all circumstances, but I know it when I see it This morning I saw it. I’ll use a different name, Bob. Bob took my biometrics, all good except high blood pressure . I told him I had a lot of stress. He went on for about 10 minutes sharing with me his philosophy. Like extending your arm holding glass of water. Water is like stress. Talk to yourself, love yourself, if you hold Onto feelings and tel more
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Unseen, Seen, Unseen-Selah111-CMAW215
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
Phil 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things" During my self-help days, I often heard "You are what you think about all day long" or as it says in proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" What should we think about, or focus on, in this life? Our highest p more
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One Measure of a Man-Selah110-CMAW214
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
52 minutes.  One measure of a man and his life.   Red was the name he went by, from the color of his hair, but his name was Roger.   I met Red early on in my current job.   Our paths crossed due to our work, but we connected and enjoyed our time together based on our common love for God, for family, and for conservative politics. While my shift away from focusing on politics change in recent years and I haven't been assigned jobs that had me working with Red as often, we still had a bond and I always enjoyed seeing him and even more so talking with him. Red worked more
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Father Filtering Service-Saleh108-CMAW212
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan!  For it is written,  ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’  ” Luke 4:8 Yeshua says to Satan here that we should only serve Yah, and yet Yeshua demonstrated serving others and called us to do the same. Friend when serving wife says it’s for Him not her Don’t have to keep score who’s giving more if we’re filtering our service through the Father, if we’re considering all of our service being for Him not others, though others may benefit from that service My challenge for you in your work this more
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Fathering Filtering Speech-Selah107-CMAW211
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit “ Prov 18:21 “a fool’s voice is known by his many words.” Ecclesiastes 5:3 “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise” - Prov 10:19 James 1:19 says " let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;" In corporate prayer my Pastor Julio Calderon challenged us to make sure that anything we say that day be more beautiful than silence I've talked in the past many times about the power of our speech, particularly more
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Fathering Filtering Sight-Selah106-CMAW210
Christian Men at Work Podcast
by Dave Hilgendorf (Marketplace Ministry, Faith at Work)
7M ago
Father Filter 4 parts: Sight, Speech, Service, Being Content Each will be brief but felt best to split them up so you could focus on each specific topic and make an application in your life rather than taking them all on at once. Term I heard from Dr Joe Martin Beyond “what would Jesus do” and trying to be like Him, but rather about literally partnering with Him in our walk here in the flesh as justified but ongoing sanctified children of Yah Josh 1:9 says "do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”" As believers, we all recognize more
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