From a solid corporate background, I have successfully migrated to online entrepreneurship. Taking on various projects and assisting start-ups, I have created a strong profile as a writer and a recruiter. I am currently writing a book about freelancing, in hopes that my experience will help others to find their passion and reach their dreams without financial worries.
23h ago
When you ask different age groups what helps them achieve job satisfaction, their answers vary significantly. For some, high salaries and financial security are at the top. Career growth opportunities are the ones that can help them achieve that job satisfaction. For Generation Z, work-life balance and job satisfaction come hand-in-hand over high pay or...
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3d ago
In today’s marketing environment, businesses must have content that caters to various target audiences. This content must be easy to read and optimised to match the algorithm rankings while ensuring that it builds impressions and trust. Amidst the ever-changing algorithm and evolving customer preferences, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads. However, with the powerful...
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6d ago
Getting the right talent for your business or company is tricky because each sector is competitive, especially now that it is evolving to meet the current market’s demands. Each business or company also has specific preferences regarding the type of talent it would like to work with, which can affect how recruitment strategies are developed...
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1w ago
Managers are very important in any business or company, and many often strive to achieve this role throughout their tenure. Some can manage multiple teams, while others manage individual contractors. Some who reach this role are able to move to more senior roles after building experience and showing results with their teams. However, some cannot...
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1w ago
Imagine this: You are a recruiter or employer with a deadline to find the perfect candidate for the open position in the company. But you receive hundreds of resumes in response to this opening. What should you do? Do you read all of the resumes? Understanding how recruiters or employers think and react to resumes...
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1w ago
Do you want to improve your workplace and make it thrive? You can achieve this by giving your employees all the motivation they need to focus and recognise their efforts. Employee recognition, in particular, has gained traction in recent years as employees now want to feel that they are a part of the team. This...
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