The Fireside Chats Blog
I am an avid reader and I have been my whole life. Even before I learned to read on my own, I liked it when someone else would read to me. So reading has been a life long obsession for me. It never started with any specific event in my life, it's just something that has always been with me. I started this blog in the hope that I can share my love for reading with others.
The Fireside Chats Blog
5d ago
What is an oddly specific thing you do while you’re reading? I’ll have the tv on even thought I’m not watching tv. I’m use to the tv being on when my husband is home so I’m use to the noise playing in the background. I would get why some people wouldn’t like this though because ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1w ago
{Note: Spoilers ahead…..do not continue reading if you haven’t finished the book!} Oh my! What did I just read? I just finished Rebecca Yarros’ latest book in the Empyrean series today. There were so many twists and turns throughout this book that it’ll definitely keep you reading until you reach the end and I didn’t ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1w ago
I got to enjoy a trip to my local book store today. I had to get out and about today to run an errand anyway so I thought I’d enjoy a stop at my local book store while I was out, especially since I ended up right next door anyway. Plus, the last few days ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1w ago
This is the first time I’ve read a book by this author before but what made me choose this particular novel was the fact that the synopsis kind of reminded me of the “And Then There Were None” novel by Agatha Christie, which is one of my favorite books by her. Because of this, I ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
3w ago
Finished reading this book and thought I’d share. I absolutely loved this book. It’s equal parts haunted house and science fiction involving AI mixed together. The story just continues to build and build until you don’t see the end coming…..or at least I didn’t. I believe true horror fans would love this book. I recommend ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1M ago
I went to the book store after work yesterday for about an hour and now I have 5 new books to add to my collection. I think I actually have two hobbies. Reading and purchasing books from my local book store. And for those of you who are wondering, there is no such thing as ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1M ago
I also purchased a new trilogy by author Charlie Fletcher which has already been downloaded to my Kindle. I’ve read the “Stoneheart” trilogy by this same author several years ago and it remains one of my favorite trilogies to this day. With that being said, I’m eager to give this trilogy I just acquired a ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1M ago
I just downloaded all 13 books in “The Haunting of Hadlow House” series by Amy Cross. I was fixing to buy them all in paperback form but I found out it was going to cost me a lot more money. The series is about a specific house that is haunted, however, each book tells a ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1M ago
I enjoyed reading this book. I’ve started getting into reading books from Japan (that have been translated into English, of course) once I got into the “Before the coffee gets cold” series. Different people who are different times in their life and from different walks of life, all end up at the same library and ..read more
The Fireside Chats Blog
1M ago
I’ve ordered some more books online yesterday. The first book is a pre-order, it’ll ship out on the 21st of this month when it’s released. I can’t wait to get my hands on that one and read it to find out what happens next. The other books should ship out some time this next week ..read more