Enough time?
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
13h ago
Have you ever went through a spell where you didn’t have enough time to spend on reading? I don’t think I’ve ever went through a time, recently speaking, where I’ve not been able to spend any time on reading. Normally, I get a few minutes before it’s bed time to do a little reading, even ..read more
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Only e-books?
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
3d ago
In today’s world, everything is becoming more and more computerized and it seems like we’re becoming more and more dependent on computers. So, with that in mind, do you think we’ll see a world where there will only be e-books? Why or why not? To answer the question, I don’t know if we’ll ever see the day when there will just be e-books and there won’t be any physical copies of books. I kind of hope we don’t see that as I love the smell of the book while I’m reading (I don’t know why I like that, I just do)…….but that’s something you’ll never get when dealing with an e-book. But I can see the b ..read more
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Latest haul….
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
1w ago
I ended up having to run some errands yesterday and I ended up stopping at my local book store. While I was there, I ended up picking up a little reward for myself in the form of 3 new paperbacks. Now I have to go add these to my personal library until I’m ready to read them ..read more
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Do you stop reading a book?
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
1w ago
Have you ever stopped reading a book before you’ve finished it? If so, why did you stop? How often do you not finish a book? Yes, I’ve not finished a book but it’s rare. If I don’t finish a book, it’s because the book couldn’t hold my attention. I can read books from lots of different genres but if the story within the book doesn’t hold my attention then I’ll quickly become bored with it. I think it doesn’t happen more than once a year, if even that. Sometimes I’ll go the whole year and I’ll read everything that I’ve picked up. Other times there will be maybe one book that I won’t finish. I do ..read more
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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
2w ago
My husband surprised me and got me this game as an early birthday present. I remember playing this game on the GameCube (I think it was around 2004 when it was initially released) and it was one of my favorites from the GameCube. I was happy to hear that they were going to remake it for the Switch (I was secretly wishing for this prior to Nintendo announcing it’s release). Now, I don’t have to wish for it anymore……it’s hear! I mention this game because the way the game is laid out, it’s like reading a book (sort of). The difference is that you get to be part of the story that’s taking place ..read more
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Too many books?
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
2w ago
Do you believe there is such a thing as too many books? Why or why not? In my opinion, that would be a definite “no”. I have so many books in my own personal library that it would keep me busy for a long, long time…..even if I found myself with a lot of down time and was stuck at home for whatever reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone showed up at my front door and wanted to know when they put in the new addition to the public library (referring to my own personal collection). I’ve got so many books, I’m thinking of adding another bookcase to the spare bedroom where I keep my personal lib ..read more
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Quiet or noise?
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
3w ago
Can you deal with background noise while you are trying to read? Or does it have to be completely quiet for you to read? At home, I can control the noise going on around me. Now, my husband will typically watch tv when he is home so I am use to that noise going on in the background while I’m reading. Something like that doesn’t bother me because I’m just use to my husband doing it. Even when he is not home, if I turn on the tv to make it seem like he’s home……it’s just a common background noise (even though I’m not actually watching whatever is on). Out in public, I can’t control the noises goi ..read more
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Today’s haul…
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
3w ago
Yes, I went to my local bookstore today. I didn’t get very many books today but I still found a few to add to my collection. They were having a book sale where you bought one book and got the second book for 50% off. It wasn’t on everything in the store, just certain books. The second and third books listed were part of their sale ..read more
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Latest from Amazon!
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
1M ago
I made a purchase from Amazon recently so I’ve got some new books that’ll be showing up on my door step some time this week. I went on Amazon as soon as I found out that the first two books are available. I was surprised when I found out I had enough points to get them and I still had enough points left over so I added the other two books to my list ..read more
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“The Kamogawa Food Detectives” by Hisashi Kashiwai
The Fireside Chats
by The Fireside Chats
1M ago
I’ve finished reading this and thought I’d share. This is a novel that hooks up people with a dish that they ate once upon a time and the father/daughter duo help them in finding that dish again. They are able to cook that meal again for their customer after a bit of detective work on their part. I thought the book was heart warming and I enjoyed it. If you are a bit of a foodie and enjoy a good mystery then I can see you enjoying this book as well. You might also like this book if you are a fan of the “Before the coffee gets cold” series by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Synopsis: What’s the one dish ..read more
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