Midlife Madness Blog
As a married lesbian mother of teenaged boy/girl twins, as a college-educated professional cis woman of Polish descent, a native Californian who resides behind the Orange Curtain, I've seen some things. And I'm constantly learning. I read, I research, and connect with others to gain greater understanding of the world we share
Midlife Madness Blog
3y ago
What kind of vacationer are you? If you have vacation days offered by your employer, do you take them? If you’re self employed, when you finally have the chance to get away, do you? What do you do?
I’m a four-day, cram it all in, see as much as you can kind of gal. Fly in, do something that night. Get up early and take a big tour, hit a couple of museums, key sites, or hysterical landmarks. Catch a show that night. Next day, hit another museum or park, see someone you know there (maybe two or three different meetups) and have a heart-to-heart. See a show, meet someone for dinner or drinks. Nex ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
3y ago
2021 is almost over. It’s the perfect time to slough the stuff I’ve been carrying since the spring of 2020 – and beyond.
Welcome to my newest weight loss journey. I’m coming at you 25 pounds down from this time last year, I’m proud and relieved to say. Like many, I have been overweight all of my life. While I’ve been a member of WW for approximately ten years, hormones and stress in the last three years undid all the work I had done when I first joined. Like most, I put back on more than I had lost. While furloughed from work in 2020, then, and working from home, my weight continued to increas ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
3y ago
I had a blast recording this new book by D. Vega. His easygoing, conversational style made it fun to relate his stories about middle-schoolers and how to inspire them to read for pleasure and write for discovery. It reminded me of writing and reading assignments during my middle school days back at Chaparral, plus the stories and novels my friends and I were writing outside of school.
Schoolteachers figure prominently in my life. In addition to being raised by a teacher, I am related to several, whose students range from kindergarten through high school – and a college professor. Many of my f ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
Positively thrilled to announce the Launch Party for “50 Things to Know About Motherhood – Stories & Truths from a Parent of Twins,” tonight at 5:00pm Pacific! All are welcome for an introduction to the book and a conversation about what it means to be a mother today. I’ll even do a live reading. Join me on Facebook Live HERE tonight!
For Audible listeners:
Please enjoy a free audio review copy of 50 Things to Know About Motherhood: Stories & Truths from a Parent of Twins, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo
3E ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
I am so excited to share that my new book has been released! I narrated the audiobook as well. Both are out just in time for Mother’s Day! The print copy is available now on Amazon at the link above (special introductory price) and, for you audiobook fans, it’s also available on Audible. Prime members,
For my friends and family – and those who have spent any time on headset with me – the animated storytelling and ironic asides will be very familiar. There were times while recording the narration that I teared up or cracked myself up. I hope you will be moved in similar ways. One bonus of the ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
Not only has Disneyland announced its re-opening date (April 30, 2021), the City of Anaheim is once again showing signs of life. There’s a lot going on, and it feels so good!
I live a short distance from Angels Stadium, the home of the Angels baseball team (formerly of Anaheim, now the Los Angeles Angels). It’s exciting to see the stadium alight, cars in the parking lots, and the halo on the “Big A” lit up to signify a win. Even the traffic on the nearby 57 freeway seems to signify that things are returning to normal. To be honest, it’s not *quite* back to normal and in this case it’s a good ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
I’ve fallen off of so many wagons in the past year, I’d like to say I’ve lost track. The trouble is that it’s the same few wagons. Today’s Quarantime Hazard: losing motivation for exercise.
The time since the first shutdowns for the pandemic – nearly a year now – is what I call “quarantime” – the time of hunkering down at home while COVID-19 was spreading across the world. Though the early days of the pandemic were much more restrictive than they are now, here in Southern California, this extended stretch of underemployment and reduced obligation has put my brain into a lengthy summer vacation ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
Powerful images from Inauguration Day, 2021
On Inauguration Day, I just kept thinking it. Then saying it out loud. “In. My. Lifetime.” In my lifetime, we have a woman as Vice President. A woman of color. An intelligent, belligerent, take-no-prisoners woman with a practice of lifting others as she rises. Not everyone agrees with her; that’s fine. She’s not a people-pleaser, but she’s politically savvy enough to moderate her personal opinions and actions to meet the team’s goals. One hundred years after women in this country were finally granted the right to vote. Before the Equal Rights Amendme ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
Combine with caution.
Start with relentless family time. Now that kids are out of school and many places of “non-essential” work are closed through the end of the year, this forms the base of the recipe.
Next, continue with waves of exhaustion. These are added at unexpected intervals. Allow to rest when needed.
Layer in the uncertainty. If yours is heavy, it will sink into the mix and affect everything else.
Add one full cup of holiday cheer.
This may take the form of light displays, childhood TV specials, sugary treats, gift-giving, etc.
If a full cup of cheer isn’t available due to pandemi ..read more
Midlife Madness Blog
4y ago
My new book, 50 Things to Know About Motherhood – Stories and Truths from a Parent of Twins will soon be available on Amazon, Kindle, and Bookshop.
I’m also pleased to report that I will be narrating the audiobook! It will be available early 2021. Thanks to CZYK Publishing and my family and friends for supporting me in these creative ventures.
Would you like to be alerted when 50 Things to Know About Motherhood is published? Please enter your email below. Join me at the Launch Party for a reading by the author AND free downloads!
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