Why being more naked can transform your life
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
2M ago
I would like to present you with a radical notion: until we change our relationship with nakedness, and particularly our own nakedness, I don’t think we will ever access deep part of ourselves and our psyche (soul in Greek) that demands to be explored. By being naked, I mean in your own terms, but whatever it is, I suggest you ‘push your envelope,’ and ‘lean in’ to the edges of your discomfort. Give it a try. Remember it’s all about the experience. Take small steps and see what happens! Let me explain: you have probably experienced some form of therapy, courses or books on self-development ..read more
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What is your ‘superpower?’ Here’s mine…
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
2M ago
Welcome to the ‘House of Mojo’ – Where we transform fear into love through Courage. I think it’s really important to know what our so-called superpowers are. I.e. the things that we are gifted with that we do with such gusto and ease. Often these look to other people like they are the work of geniuses but for us, we just do them and take them like ducks to water. The only thing that’s ever in the way is our mind, which likes to invent all sorts of reasons and excuses as to why it’s not a good idea or we worry about what other people will think or other people’s reactions. In my work helpi ..read more
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What is your ‘superpower?’ Here’s mine…
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
3M ago
Welcome to the ‘House of Mojo’ – Where we transform fear into love through Courage. I think it’s really important to know what our so-called superpowers are. I.e. the things that we are gifted with that we do with such gusto and ease. Often these look to other people like they are the work of geniuses but for us, we just do them and take them like ducks to water. The only thing that’s ever in the way is our mind, which likes to invent all sorts of reasons and excuses as to why it’s not a good idea or we worry about what other people will think or other people’s reactions. In my work helpi ..read more
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How to access your Wild Side
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
3M ago
Welcome to the ‘House of Mojo’ – Where we transform fear into love through Courage. I heard the term, Quietly Quitting, recently. I found it quite chilling. No one needs to know, but we know, we are simply and quietly disengaging; giving up. Do you know what a razorback is? It’s a domestic pig that has escaped and gone feral. A pig never gives up at the possibility of becoming wild, I think. When they go feral, they turn into ferocious and formidable beasts. Look at the difference between the ‘before and after’: How much of you, of me, have we allowed to become domesticated, comfortable, pink ..read more
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10 Tips for Managing your Mind and Living Brilliantly
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
3M ago
Abraham Lincoln said, “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” I think this is a simple maxim that we could all live by. What does this mean? Another way of saying this is, “what you put your attention on grows.” How we see the world and our experience, becomes our personal reality. For example, do you know wealthy people who appear to be consistently miserable, and you know poor people who seem to be consistently happy? How then do we manage our minds and be more expansive, open-hearted and positive, despite, not because of our circumstances? In my talks and workshop ..read more
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What I’ve learned about being ridiculous
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
4M ago
There are 4 steps, or phases that I’ve learned from being ridiculous and I cover these in my new, re-shaped keynote speech. Let me know if you are keen to hear it! I am looking to practice it in the market. Drop me an email. I got on a late-night bus in 1999 in Brixton, South London and without being drunk or talking about Jesus, made a speech that turned out to be a ‘Damascus Experience’ of sorts. What I learned from that was just how powerful and pervasive fear is and how it dissolved, when I faced it head on. (I had had some experience of this, but never as vivid as that day.) I discovere ..read more
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How to Stay Calm Under Fire: Mastering the Art of Composure
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
4M ago
Life throws curveballs. Deadlines loom, presentations go sideways, and unexpected situations can leave us feeling flustered and overwhelmed. But amidst the chaos, staying calm is crucial. A clear head allows for better decision-making, fosters resilience, and helps us navigate challenges with a sense of control. So, how do we stay cool under pressure? Here are some tips that I use: Breathe Deeply – Your Anchor in the Storm: When stress hits, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. This throws our body’s fight-or-flight response into overdrive. Deep breathing acts as an anchor, slowing your heart ..read more
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Possibly the most valuable talk in understanding the world I have ever heard
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
4M ago
I first came across this talk by Peter Kaufman a couple of years ago. It seemed a bit of a complicated title so I put it off but when eventually I read it I found it one of the most profound talks had ever heard in my life. You can watch it here: https://fs.blog/great-talks/multidisciplinary-approach-thinking-peter-kaufman/ I love how he goes methodically through the last 13.7 billion years of existence and pulls out incredible and simple threads of truth that are as applicable today, as since the dawn of time, and yet we keep trying to do new things! What do you think? Does this resonate with ..read more
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Transform your view of nakedness, transform your view of life
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
4M ago
I’ve been working on my keynote speech for some months now. It’s been no easy feat! It’s not like mainstream society is queuing up to hear about nakedness! But my intention is clear: I believe that my message of ‘being more naked (on the inside and/ or the outside) is an idea who’s time has come. I believe and know this: that being present, being in our bodies, here and now, with no ulterior and unnoble intention, with courage and heart, is the way to be in the world. Anything else is just a poor imitation. Here is a snippet from the start of my keynote. What’s your reaction? When I say the w ..read more
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Unveiling the ego: navigating past, present and future
Simon Ekin
by Simon Ekin
4M ago
The word ‘ego’ was originally coined by Freud who died in 1939 so it’s important to acknowledge that this idea developed over 80 years ago. Freud had a very cerebral approach to the ego:  he said it was the moderator between the ‘id’, which is our basic desires and the ‘superego’; our idealistic desires. This all sounds very well but a little over complicated and heavy in my view. The ego is fundamentally a survival system that is designed to protect us. It gauges what it perceives to be good and bad, and right and wrong, and places itself and therefore us, at the very centre of the unive ..read more
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