Olena Grischenko Blog
My name is Olena Grischenko. I was born in Ukraine and live in Australia. I am a Dynamics 365 consultant, working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM from version 1.2, for 15 years. I love blogging, but I don't like the particular tech blogging.
Olena Grischenko Blog
3w ago
Two things before we start. First, I am genuinely surprised that I couldn’t find a Power Pages article on this topic. I feel almost embarrassed posting this, as it seems like everyone else knows how to do it. Yet, I have a rule: if I struggle with something, there must be someone somewhere trying to ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
1M ago
Recently, we implemented the Inactivity process as part of the CoE Toolkit, which is a component of our general tenant hygiene strategy. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, I suggest reading the article below: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/guidance/coe/after-setup-tenant-hygiene Also, I suggest learning about the inactivity process setup: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/guidance/coe/setup-archive-components If you don’t like reading, here’s a quick summary: it’s ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
1M ago
The previous article is here: https://msolenacrm.blog/2024/08/06/power-pages-migrate-standard-data-model-sites-to-enhanced-data-model-part-1/ Let’s complete the upgrade! We are up to Step 4 now: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/admin/migrate-enhanced-data-model#step-4-update-site-data-model-version-after-successful-data-migration Use the following command update site data model version: You are lucky if it works. It didn’t work for us, unfortunately. We received an error and from the log file, it was clear that it was looking for ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
1M ago
Read more about the enhanced data model here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/admin/enhanced-data-model We are going through the trial migration at the moment following the steps in the article below: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/admin/migrate-enhanced-data-model As we encountered some issues and were able to overcome them and move forward, I would like to share our ongoing journey with the community. I hope it ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
4M ago
In my Power Platform dev life I use custom connectors a lot. One of the latest use cases is limiting a standard Microsoft Entra ID connector to meet the least privilege principle.
Custom connectors could be very useful. However, there are some tricks and catches in the implementation and the deployment.
A new post from Carina M. Claesson is the first one in the series of articles about a Custom Connector.
Sharing it here with a big ThankYou to the author.
Revisiting Custom Connectors ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
6M ago
As a Power Platform admin, I would like to automate the environment creation at the same time, making sure the environment created could be used to install Dynamics 365 apps in the future.
Power Platform Admin
Create and manage environments in the Power Platform admin center article here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/power-platform/admin/create-environment#create-an-environment-with-a-database
Enable Dynamics 365 apps
Select Yes and make a selection to automatically deploy apps such as Dynamics 365 Sales or Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. You must have an appropriate D ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
7M ago
The case
As a Power Platform admin I want to remediate the Default environment to deploy a DLP policy so I could get to the Power Platform maturity level 200 for the Admin and Governance.
We notified users with non-compliant assets to back up or move their apps and automation, as they are going to break during the remediation. Some of the users got back to me, and we had some happy and unhappy conversations. One case stood out, so I decided to share it with you.
A user contacted us to ask if we could help him to back up assets. His assets appear in our reports as they use a Dataverse co ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
8M ago
I was modifying my custom environment creation automation today. For the security group creation action, I needed to add a System Admin to the security group owners to simplify a user management. The action takes the array like below:
First, I tried appending a System Admin value to the Owners array without making any checks. However, I was getting a Bad Request error suggesting that all item in the array must be unique:
“Objec ..read more
Olena Grischenko Blog
9M ago
In my world being an expert in something and being a dummy in something else is pretty normal. No one knows everything. I am an expert in the Power Platform and Business Applications, but even that area is too big for me, so I continue learning every day.
When I tried to deploy the Power Platform communication site template for my organisation, I encountered multiple issues. They look like silly issues to me now and I am sure 99.9% of you would never struggle with something like this. But I did.
First, I am not a PowerShell expert. Over the past year, I have learned that being a good developer ..read more