Re: Is Astrology a Science?
Noel Tyl
9M ago
Hello Ken and forum. I'm a little late to the party - I thought this forum was gone forever! To call Astrology 'a science' is stretching the meaning of that word. 'Science' comes from the Latin word for knowledge, so, in a sense, Astrology could be cal more
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Re: An exercise
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Sorry, Ken, I don't feel comfortable giving out her data at this time. Your mention of Catholic grandparents wanting Catholic grandkids reminded me that she does have a close relationship with her grandmother so maybe that's a factor here more
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Re: John Wilkes Booth
Noel Tyl
10M ago
it was a typo: the Asc is indeed 28Aqu31 more
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Re: How Crucial Is Your Location?
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Hi Robynne Thanks for that commentary.  Robert Hand stated some similar stuff about, as you put it, "letting things unfold," with the Transiting Neptune square the Ascendant.  It's like you can't plan much in advance.  The Sea is vast, with many curren more
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Re: An exercise
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Hi PDW By any chance, do you have the birth info of CD's love interest?  That would give a more complete picture of the dispute.  One thing that CD would need to be aware of, and that is, in most cases like this, the Catholic girl is under the gun fro more
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Re: John Wilkes Booth
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Hi Isaac,  something incorrect here.....your time of 1:32:40 AM gives Asc 28Aq35.    You have Asc 18Aq31???  Date of biirth:  May 10, 1838, Bel Air, Maryland. Click magnifier to enlarge.......... more
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Re: An exercise
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Re: "We’re all baffled why they couldn’t reach some kind of resolution on the kids-religion issue." Yeah, it certainly seems like it must be more than just that...though that might have been the line drawn in the sand.    I hope everything works out a more
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Re: An exercise
Noel Tyl
10M ago
OD, these are bold statements and they seem relevant, thanks. If it’s the end of their relationship I hope ‘separate in peace’ is part of their experience. I noticed CD’s lunar return was last week on May 1. In his 1st House conjunct Pluto and squaring more
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Re: John Wilkes Booth
Noel Tyl
10M ago
 "His chart was never rectified"- not exactly. 10 years ago I published my rectification in Astrodatabank,_John_Wilkes&oldid=178379 1.32.40 LMT Asc 18Aqu31 more
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Re: An exercise
Noel Tyl
10M ago
Re: "OD and Ken, you’re in the ballpark." From this look, it suggests a struggle for survival and separation. Here it looks like death of a female person, death of a mother...somebody without a mate. Looking through various lunar returns more
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