Buy Now, Pay Later – Evolution, Regulation, and What You Need to Know about the CFPB Interpretive Rule Effective July 30
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
4h ago
“Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) products emerged relatively recently as a new approach enabling consumers to enjoy the ability to make a purchase and then pay for it over time. Today’s episode, during which we explore the evolution of BNPL products and important recent developments in BNPL regulation, is hosted by Alan Kaplinsky, former practice leader and current Senior Counsel in Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Financial Services Group, and features Ballard Spahr Partners Michael Guerrero and Joseph Schuster. We first discuss the structure and mechanics of BNPL products, and the benefits they afford to more
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Interest Rate Exportation Under Attack Part II
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
1w ago
The 1978 landmark opinion in Marquette National Bank v. First of Omaha Service Corp held that under the National Bank Act, a national bank has the right to export the interest rate authorized by the state where the bank is located to borrowers located elsewhere. Section 521 of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 ("DIDMCA") conferred equivalent rate exportation powers on state-chartered, FDIC-insured banks. These interest rate exportation powers (which also extend to certain fees), coupled with technological advances in recent years and the advent of “bank more
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Interest Rate Exportation Under Attack Part I
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
2w ago
The 1978 landmark opinion in Marquette National Bank v. First of Omaha Service Corp held that under the National Bank Act, a national bank has the right to export the interest rate authorized by the state where the bank is located to borrowers located elsewhere. Section 521 of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 ("DIDMCA") conferred equivalent rate exportation powers on state-chartered, FDIC-insured banks. These interest rate exportation powers (which also extend to certain fees), coupled with technological advances in recent years and the advent of “bank more
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California Consumer Finance Law - Hot Topics and Recent Developments
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
3w ago
California frequently is in the vanguard of consumer financial issues and legislation, foreshadowing trends that may spread to other states. Today’s episode, during which we explore important hot topics and recent developments in California consumer finance law, is hosted by Ballard Spahr partner Melanie Vartabedian, and features Partners Michael Guerrero and Joel Tasca, and Of Counsel John Kimble. We first discuss what the future likely holds for proposed rules issued under the California Consumer Financial Protection Law (CCFPL) by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innova more
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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wins in Supreme Court But Can the Fed Continue to Fund the CFPB Without Earnings?
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
3w ago
Special guest Alex J. Pollock, Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute and former Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Financial Research in the U.S. Treasury Department, joins us to discuss his recent blog post published on The Federalist Society website in which he urges Congress to look into the question of whether the Federal Reserve can lawfully continue to fund the CFPB if (as now) the Fed has no earnings. We begin with a review of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in CFSA v. CFPB which held that the CFPB’s funding mechanism does not violate the Appropriations Clause of the U.S. C more
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What Banking Leaders Need to Know About the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling That the CFPB’s Funding Mechanism is Constitutional Part I
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
1M ago
On May 16, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the CFPB’s funding mechanism does not violate the Appropriations Clause of the U.S. Constitution. This two-part episode repurposes a recent webinar. In Part I, we first discuss the SCOTUS decision, the status of the CFPB’s payday lending rule that was at issue in the underlying case, and a potential new challenge to the CFPB’s funding that has been the focus of recent attention. We then discuss four cases still pending before SCOTUS in which the decisions could impact the CFPB. Next, we discuss the pending lawsuits challenging the CFPB’s final more
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Did the Supreme Court Hand the CFPB a Pyrrhic Victory?
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
1M ago
Special guest Professor Hal Scott of Harvard Law School joins us today as we delve into the thought-provoking question of whether the Supreme Court’s recent decision in the landmark case of CFSA v. CFPB really hands the CFPB a winning outcome, or does the Court’s validation of the agency’s statutory funding structure simply open up another question: whether the CFPB is legally permitted to receive funds from the Federal Reserve if (as now) the Fed has no earnings. In other words, was the outcome in CFSA v. CFPB an illusory Pyrrhic victory for the CFPB? And, what happens next? Our episode begin more
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An Insider’s View of the CFPB
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
2M ago
Our special guest this week is John Tonetti. After decades as an industry risk executive, Mr. Tonetti joined the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), where he worked for many years in roles including Debt Collection Program Manager, senior policy analyst, and internal consultant on numerous issues including debt collection and risk management policies and examinations. In this episode, Mr. Tonetti shares his perspectives from the point of view of an agency insider who served under every CFPB director and acting director in office to date. We first discuss the pitfalls of the CFPB’s lea more
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Banks and Their Customer Relationships: What is the Appropriate Role of Bank Regulators?
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
2M ago
Our special guests are Professor Dru Stevenson, South Texas College of Law in Houston, and Brian Knight, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. In this episode, we first discuss the history of  “Operation Chokepoint,” the Obama-era initiative in which the FDIC and other federal banking agencies targeted banks serving payday lenders and companies engaged in other “disfavored” industries. We then devote the remainder of the episode to a discussion of what is the appropriate role of bank regulators with regard to banks’ customer relationships, with our guests pre more
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A Discussion of Industry and Consumer Perspectives on Mass Arbitration
Consumer Finance Monitor
by Ballard Spahr LLP
2M ago
Our special guest is Professor Richard Frankel of Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law and the author of a recent article on mass arbitration. In this episode, we first discuss what mass arbitration is, how it relates to class action lawsuits, and the role of public enforcement. We then discuss the industry and consumer positions on the use of mass arbitration and the empirical study conducted by Prof. Frankel for his article. We conclude with a discussion of steps that companies using arbitration provisions in their consumer agreements can take to respond to the use of mass arbitra more
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