Unravel Blog
At Unravel Research we look in the brain to make marketing more effective. And there, there's more than meets the eye. We possess the most precise and comfortable equipment and solely use scientifically validated metrics.
Unravel Blog
3M ago
Unravel beat out the other nominees, MWM2 and Perspective.
The jury chose Unravel because "the agency does things differently than the rest" and "has passionately elevated a specialty to great heights ..read more
Unravel Blog
1y ago
Brand Image. That it is one of the most valuable assets of a company is something many marketers agree on. How to measure or strengthen it, however, is a bit less clear. While some may pull out their collection of Likert scales, others know that we need to dig deeper to get to the core of the brand image. Because only in that way can you strengthen the brand image and, consequently, stimulate purchases and drive growth.
In this concise guide, we share everything practical about brand image and brand image research. From what it is to how to measure and strengthen it. We also immediately revea ..read more
Unravel Blog
1y ago
Brands like to keep their finger on the pulse when it comes to their health. Smart, but then you have to measure the right things. In this blog, you'll read about which brand health metrics provide a meaningful reflection of the health and growth potential of brands.
The purpose of brand tracking is, on the one hand, to see the impact of marketing efforts reflected in visible KPIs. On the other hand, tracking is useful for spotting early indicators that signal an increase or decrease in market share.
But which metrics are worth measuring? In theory, you could measure hundreds of metrics, lead ..read more
Unravel Blog
1y ago
From increasing brand awareness to brand building and from strengthening brand image to launching a new brand; most marketing department objectives revolve around the brand. This is not surprising, as the brand often plays a significant role in the decision-making process, even when the shopper is not consciously aware of it.
However, we immediately encounter a problem. If the shopper is not aware of the role of a brand in their choice, how do marketers determine that role? In this blog, we will discuss the meaning and nonsense of brand research. Moreover, we will reveal the ins and outs of v ..read more
Unravel Blog
2y ago
Powerful brands have one commonality: super-sharp brand positioning.
Your brand positioning is simply the place your brand occupies in the consumer's brain.
Of course, as a brand, you want nothing more than to occupy a prominent and unique place in the brain that matches the customer's needs. With a solid positioning strategy, you can make that happen. But how do you start such a positioning strategy? And what should you think about while creating a positioning strategy? That’s exactly what we’ll discuss in this blog.  ..read more
Unravel Blog
2y ago
The image of a company is seen by many as one of the most important assets. But what is it exactly? How can you influence it? And what is the difference between brand image and brand identity? In this blog, we not only explain the meaning and definition of brand image, but we also dive into a number of other branding-related concepts ..read more
Unravel Blog
3y ago
“People don’t always do what they say, and they don’t always say what they do.”
While consumers might think they know exactly what they think or prefer, they really only have limited access to their own implicit preferences. This is one of the major obstacles that marketers face when doing market research.
In order to understand these implicit preferences more accurately, market researchers need to tap into the subconscious mind of the customer.
So, how can we tap into the consumer’s subconscious and gather deeper insights ..read more
Unravel Blog
3y ago
Just some quick fun facts.
Companies spend millions of dollars to discover the perfect amount of fizz in a soda. Eating chips with headphones on makes the experience less enjoyable. And the louder the sound of a shutting car door is, the safer a consumer feels - which is why car manufacturers see this as a feature instead of a bug.
What do these phenomena have in common? They highlight the importance of sound in consumer perception. But did you know that something as subtle as the sound of background music can affect your purchase decisions drastically ..read more
Unravel Blog
3y ago
Having such a strong brand, that you don’t even have to use your logo in advertising materials anymore.
McDonald’s suggested to be such a brand. At the end of 2014, they launched their gutsy ‘no-logo’ campaign, followed by multiple similar campaigns that did not display their logo. What these advertising materials did contain? Iconic products and a minimalist design. Because, as Pete Heyes, creative director of the advertising company behind McDonald's, said, "McDonald's is a leader ..read more
Unravel Blog
3y ago
From Coca-Cola’s distinctive bottle shape to Nike's 'Just do it' slogan - and from Duracell's tireless rabbit to Vodafone's iconic jingle. These are all examples of distinctive brand assets.
But what exactly is a brand asset to our brain? Why are they indispensable to brands that want to grow and not let their captured market share slip away into the hands of competitors? And how can you quantify the value of brand assets to your brand?
This guide delivers answers to all these questions - and more.  ..read more