10 types of Urine Colour that Easily Determine Your Health Status
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
Determine your health status by looking at the colour of your urine What we eat and drink determine our health and the colour of our urine is a good indicator on our health status. By paying close attention to your urine everyday, you would be able to know what is happening to your body. Our body will digest the nutrition on the food that we eat and drink. Whatever left is digested through urination and stool. In the old days, there was an occupation that take care of the emperor’s urination and stool, to observe the emperor’s health. By observing the colour of our urine, we are able to learn ..read more
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How Ageing Affects Men’s Health
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
How ageing affects men’s health? Having more than 1,000 male clients, I find out that there is a big difference of sexual health between a 30 years old and 40 years old. If I would rate their erection from 1 to 10, 10 being hardest, those who are 30 years old is 8-9 in average while those who are around the age of 40 years old is only 6-8. While 9 is being exceptionally good for a 30 years old, it happens only in 1 out of 20 people but those who score only 4-6 is around 1 out of 10. There are a lot of reasons for men’s health to be declined. While it is nature our health decline, there are man ..read more
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Can Masturbation cause Erectile Dysfunction and harmful?
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
Can masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? Too much of masturbating is definitely not good for health.I believe that most guys had a period of time when they like to play with themselves. However, will coming too much cost your health in the future? Desire is a human nature and mtbate is actually normal. But, too much of a thing would turn negative. It is the same for mtbating, it is not good for health if it is too much. The come is actually protein. Think about it, if our body only consume of just enough protein, but the protein wasn’t given to the body but was flushed into toilet bowl, wh ..read more
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The fatter, the penis size is shorter?
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
Is there a correlation between penis size and body fat? There is a report that nearly 33% of men between the ages of 35 and 60 can’t see their penis because they are fat. But is the real reason of not able to is due to the view is blocked by the stomach or because the penis became shorter? There is another report from a sexology,  saying that for every 5 kg increment of a man’s weight, the penis will be shorten by 1 cm.  Of course, this does not necessary mean that it is really shortening, but the fact is, the fatter the person is, the smaller and shorte ..read more
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What is the price to pay for too much of masturbating?
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
Too much of masturbating is definitely not good for health.I believe that most guys had a period of time when they like to play with themselves. However, will coming too much cost your health in the future? Desire is a human nature and mtbate is actually normal. But, too much of a thing would turn negative. It is the same for mtbating, it is not good for health if it is too much. The come is actually protein. Think about it, if our body only consume of just enough protein, but the protein wasn’t given to the body but was flushed into toilet bowl, what would happen to the body? Too much of mas ..read more
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Understanding your health by looking at the colour of your urine.
Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
Understanding your health by looking at the colour of your urine. What we eat and drink determine our health and the colour of our urine is a good indicator on our health status. By paying close attention to your urine everyday, you would be able to know what is happening to your body. Our body will digest the nutrition on the food that we eat and drink. Whatever left is digested through urination and stool. In the old days, there was an occupation that take care of the emperor’s urination and stool, to observe the emperor’s health. By observing the colour of our urine, we are able to learn m ..read more
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Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
肾虚是阳痿吗?肾虚和阳痿不一样吗? 很多人听过肾虚这个字,可是却不是很是很明白肾虚是什么。肾虚,是可能比阳痿还要严重的一种慢性疾病! 我们常常都会听人说身体虚弱。所谓身体虚的意思就是身体的体质寒冷,导致身体不容易吸收足够的营养而不能健康的运作。肾虚和身体虚的道理是一样的,都是因为寒,得不到足够营养而不能好好做肾脏该做的工作。 肾虚的人不一定阳痿,阳痿的人也不一定肾虚。肾虚的人,有一定程度上会身体会反应出阳痿的症状,所以,很多人会误解肾虚是阳痿,就是这个原因。虽然肾虚不一定阳痿,相比起来,肾虚比跟阳痿,会造成更多、更严重问题。肾虚导致的健康问题,不止是在性生活方面而已,而且也会影响到其他的生活方面。 一个肾虚的人,会有以下10个症状: 容易觉得冷 由于体质寒,虚弱,所以稍微冷的温度就会让他觉得冷,尤其是在Air-con房里面,只要开得大一点就会觉得受不了了。 2. 经常睡不好,失眠,还有睡觉一直发梦 肾虚的人会出现虚热。虚热会导致睡觉的时候容易出汗,也会导致睡觉的时候身体不能好好的休息,所以会变得睡不好。 3. 夜尿,尿频 和以上的道理一样,以及肾功能不能好好运作,变得有尿就很自然的想要排出来,不像以前能够忍到天亮。 4. 精神不集中 由于睡眠不好以及肾功能不健康,精神变得不能集中,导致生活受影响,尤其是工作。 5 ..read more
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Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
打飞机上瘾会伤身体吗?自慰太多的代价是什么? 相信很多男生们都会有曾经的那一段日子是特别喜欢和自己弟弟玩。到底喷了过多,会不会有后遗症呢? 情欲是人的本性,打飞机其实是算正常的,可是物极必反,打得太多,对身体肯定是不好的。精水是又蛋白质,想一想,如果我们身体的蛋白质只是刚刚好足够而已,可是,就是因为这个控制不了欲望的主人把蛋白质都花在马桶上了,身体怎么办? 再加上如果那是发生在发育期,后果会比一般人可怕了。本来是用来发育肌肉的蛋白质,因为不该有的旺盛欲望而流失到海洋去了。长期以来的缺乏蛋白质,使身体只能利用剩下的营养而发育,错过了发育期,身体以后都补不回了。所以,太早接触A片是不健康的,只能怪这是社会的一种病吧。 我访问过很多顾客,很多20-40岁之间就开始有障碍不能硬完,或者硬不久的,都有一个共同点。你猜对了,就是中学时期就有打飞机这个习惯了,而且是频密的那种。严重的,30 ..read more
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Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
8个导致胃不好的原因 现代人10里面有9个人都有肠胃的问题,肚子胀风,一直拉肚子,胃痛,便秘等问题。 那到底是什么原因搞到胃不好的呢?    1.吃东西的时间的太快了 现在的人工作都很忙,所以吃饭的时间都很赶,都没有认真的把食物咬碎就吞。搞到胃不能进行好好的进行消化分解,对肠道造成伤害。    2.生活作息不正常 吃饭时间总是不定时,有时饿肚子,有时就吃的很饱,这样是会弄到肠胃不能正常做工,久了,胃肠就会有负担过重的问题了。    3.吃太油和吃太辣 快餐(麦当劳,肯德基),火锅,麻辣烫年轻人的爱的深深,太油和太辣也会造成肠道不舒服的。    4.饮食不卫生 上班族会学生们,为了方便就经常吃路边摊的,或makmak档的。但路边摊的卫生都很不好,很容易就把病菌吃进肚子的,慢慢形成肠道中会产生毒素,造成急性胃肠炎等胃肠病。 5.吃太多药物 有的人只要一点头痛发烧就开始乱吃药,长期吃药会造成肠道里的的益菌群不能生存,慢慢的剪弱了消化能力。   6.压力过大直接影响是肠道功能 工作压力太大或者生活带来不好的情绪也会影响肠胃的功能,可能会搞到胃酸分泌过多、减少蠕动或加快蠕动等。都对肠胃不好的。   7 ..read more
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Debbie The Therapist
by Debbie
4y ago
通过尿尿颜色了解你身体的健康状况 平时我们吃的喝的,都是经过消化吸收。之后,剩下的通过小便和大便排出体外。 以前皇帝身边会有一个太监是专门观察皇帝的尿尿和便便的。所以,通过观察尿尿的颜色,我们能够知道身体的健康情况。 当我们学会了观察自己的尿液颜色,就可以多了解自己的健康状况。 10种颜色的尿尿,代表身体健康的状况。 透明 表示身体有补充大量的水分了。但也不要和过量的水,不然会造成血液中的电解质失衡。 淡黄色 代表身体有补充足够水了。 深黄色 代表身体有一点不够水分了。是时候喝水补充水分了。 蜂蜜色 代表身体水分不足,需要喝水避免身体出现脱水哦。 橙色 有些食物如“萝卜”以及维生素C ..read more
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