How I Make Music
How I Make Music is a weekly music showcase podcast featuring the works and insights of respected soundtrack musicians from the audio drama community. Each episode is self-hosted by a composer and explores their inspirations for writing a music track they've selected.
How I Make Music
2y ago
Join Nashville-based singer and audio drama creator Newt Schottelkotte in a musical trip to a small town with some big secrets. Where the Stars Fell is a semi-serialized audio fiction supernatural fantasy and part of the Fable and Folly network. In this episode, hear touching stories about how Newt wrote and performed the country-folk song ‘Here With You’ as an outro theme for episode 18 of the series. An immersive listening experience. Headphones recommended.
Where The Stars Fell audio drama wherethestarsfell.com/
Newt Schottelkotte home newtschottelkotte.com/
Caldera Studios home ..read more
How I Make Music
2y ago
Join composer and showrunner Mike Atchley in a musical trip into the skies of fantasy tabletop roleplaying game audio drama Dice Tower Theater presents: Dawn of Dragons. Young heroes bound in love and kinship are forced on a quest to discover the truth behind the magic of dragons and seek those that stole it. In this episode, hear how the epic fantasy music of Dice Tower Theater is inspired by re-constructed DnD gameplay recordings. An immersive listening experience. Headphones recommended.
Dice Tower Theater audio series dicetowertheatre.com/
Good Ham Productions www.goodhamproduct ..read more
How I Make Music
2y ago
Join Emmy Award-winning composer Marcus Bagala in a trip to the bottom of the ocean for magical realism audio drama Stone Island. Set in present-day Maine, Harry is followed by a journalist who aims to uncover the truth of his harrowing encounter with dark beings from a terrifying storm. In this episode, hear how peaceful ocean field recordings set Marcus off on a journey to write, produce and score a two-part story set in his childhood homeland. An immersive listening experience. Headphones recommended.
The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is called A Storm Is Just A ..read more
How I Make Music
3y ago
Join Australian violinist and composer Irene Zhong in a baroque-meets-hip-hop trip into urban fantasy aJoin Windfall co-creator and composer Adam Raymonda in a fun-filled trip into audio drama sitcom Forgive Me!. A Catholic church called St. Patrick’s is the backdrop for an anthology of stories from a range of colorful parishioner characters, from the zany to the troubled, all rallying around the long-suffering Father Ben. An immersive listening experience. Headphones recommended.
The piece of music you’re listening to is called Forgive Me, main theme. It acts as the music that concludes ..read more
How I Make Music
3y ago
I quit my job during COVID and this was something that I did to pass the time, but I do wonder if I would have made Woe.Begone anyway. It just feels like the drive to make it was very organic. And it was from being in the communities that I was in. Participation in seeing what other people were doing and wanting to be in that sphere.
– Dylan Griggs, showrunner for Woe.Begone audio drama
An immersive listening experience. Headphones recommended. Join Woe.Begone audio drama creator Dylan Griggs in a gritty descent into the mind of sociopathic main character Mike Walters. Every episode of Woe.B ..read more
How I Make Music
3y ago
I’m a fiend. I just I make music. I can’t stop. It’s nicotine and music. Those are my two vices.
Oliver Morris, composer, “Among the Stars and Bones” audio drama
Okay. The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is called Pandemonium. It’s a theme from Among the Stars and Bones, an audio drama about a team of xeno-archaeologists investigating alien ruins on a distant world. Today we’ll break it down and get into why and how it was made. I love doing voiceovers. You’re listening to How I Make Music, where audio drama composers get to tell their own stories. In this show, we break ..read more
How I Make Music
3y ago
You immediately have to shelve your ego and say, what’s the best thing for this whole artwork? Rather than what’s the best thing for my track? How am I plus one-ing rather than deterring, or covering something up?
Sam Boase-Miller, composer “Marsfall” audio drama
The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is called The Trial. It’s featured in the soundtrack from the fiction podcast Marsfall. Today we’ll break it down and get into why and how it was made. You’re listening to How I Make Music, where audio drama composers get to tell their own stories. In this show, we break apart ..read more
How I Make Music
3y ago
The chords are very simple. It’s really meant to be music of the common people. It’s not sophisticated. It’s not clever. It’s just you know, simple music and triadic harmony. It’s the music that the people in the forest listen to.
Samuel Pegg, composer “Hood” audio drama by Spiteful Puppet
The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is called A Chance To Be Free. It’s one of the themes for the audio drama soundtrack from Hood: Noble Secrets, and the whole series by Spiteful Puppet. Today, we’ll break it down and get into why and how it was made. You’re listening to How I Make Mus ..read more
How I Make Music
4y ago
Doing a few things at Abbey Road next week. All the musicians are so grateful for the work.
Samuel Pegg, composer “Hood” audio drama by Spiteful Puppet
The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is called Hood Theme. It’s a main theme for the soundtrack from the audio drama Hood: Noble Secrets and the whole series by Spiteful Puppet. Today we’ll break it down and get into why and how it was made. You’re listening to How I Make Music, where audio drama composers get to tell their own stories. My name is Samuel Pegg. I’m a composer from London, United Kingdom. And this is Ho ..read more
How I Make Music
4y ago
You want to be complex and clever, but sometimes you can outsmart yourself.
Lindsay Graham, composer and creator “1865” audio drama by Airship FM / Wondery
The piece of music we’re listening to in the background is the outro theme music from the historical audio drama 1865. Today, we’ll break it down and get into why and how it was made. You’re listening to How I Make Music, where the musicians of audio drama get to tell their own stories. This show will break apart a song soundtrack or composition and investigate the insights into how it was made. My name is Lindsay Graham. I’m a composer ..read more