West Michigan Woman
West Michigan Woman is a magazine and online community dedicated to local influential and professional women. We provide timely and relevant content related to the many facets of women and all with a local flair. From family to financial and career to wellness, there's something for everyone! It is published bimonthly and covers topics related to family, career, finance, style, spaces,..
West Michigan Woman
6M ago
These local spots are perfect for relaxing and enjoying an excellent read ..read more
West Michigan Woman
8M ago
I was sitting at home, refreshing my healthcare portal page waiting for blood test results that were taking an exceptionally long time to come through, and I finally decided to give it a rest and do something else. The test result I was waiting for was my tumor marker, which, if it has risen notably, can be an indicator that my cancer has progressed. I switched to Facebook to check in with my recreation group and accidentally clicked on my global metastatic breast cancer support group instead. I don't visit this one often, as it can be overwhelming at times, and deeply unsettling at others ..read more
West Michigan Woman
10M ago
One day I was a healthy 30-year-old woman about to get married. The next, I received a life-changing diagnosis ..read more
West Michigan Woman
1y ago
It's that time again! The leaves are beginning to turn their warmest hues and the air has gotten crisper, just as the vibes start to get a bit spooky. And while the autumnal scenery truly settles in, you may be looking for a spooky read to really set the tone. Fear not! We've got you covered. From witchy romance to spine-tingling thrillers, keep reading to learn what titles are on our recommendation and TBR (to be read) list this fall ..read more
West Michigan Woman
1y ago
Do you find yourself rushing out of the door each morning, seemingly with no time to spare? If your mascara is barely dry on your daily commute (and you may or may not be wearing mismatched socks), it can be exhausting feeling like you don't have a single second to spare. It may be time to reassess how establishing a morning routine and giving yourself some room to breathe in the morning could potentially be a game changer for your stress levels ..read more
West Michigan Woman
1y ago
International Transgender Day of Visibility (ITDOV) occurs annually on March 31 and is a day to celebrate all transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people around the world. To learn more about ITDOV and how the community can be supportive and affirming of transgender and gender non-conforming people, West Michigan Woman sat caught up with Jazz McKinney, Executive Director, Grand Rapids Pride Center ..read more
West Michigan Woman
1y ago
International Women's Day, taking place annually on March 8, is an opportunity to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, in addition to being a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Take a look at some of the opportunities to celebrate here in West Michigan this year ..read more
West Michigan Woman
1y ago
Is it spring yet? Kidding. But really. If you're anything like me, the moment the holidays end, I'm ready for daffodils, baby animals and pastels ..read more
West Michigan Woman
2y ago
October is right around the corner, and for some, that means it's time to throw on a sweater, break out the spooky decor, and sip serenely on a PSL. Others of us are bracing ourselves for the pink barrage that accompanies Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A full 31 days of ribbons and races and rah-rahing ..read more