Peter A Bell
Peter A Bell is a Thinker. Listener. Talker. Reader. Writer. In this blog, you will find interesting and the latest articles on Scotland, politics, and much more. Follow the blog to know more,
Peter A Bell
7m ago
We needn't all be bosom buddies in the independence movement. But we could and should be allies. Allies listen to one another ..read more
Peter A Bell
7m ago
Mostly, I dislike being angry because it is exhausting. Never more so than when your venting of that anger feels like feels like shouting into an intergalactic void. Or when the effort to explain a very simple proposition is like trying to nail blancmange to the wall. Repeatedly ..read more
Peter A Bell
1w ago
The only time Sturgeon exhibits anything that could be mistaken for cleverness is when it comes to self-promotion and covering her own arse ..read more
Peter A Bell
1w ago
This British state is best defined - with a nod to the late William McIlvanney - as the structures of power, privilege, and patronage which serve the interests of the few at whatever cost to the many. It is this British state which parasitises the nations under its sway. That it parasitises Scotland to a greater - or at least, more evident - degree is a function of the richness of our resources relative to England ..read more
Peter A Bell
1w ago
It is surely evident that the independence campaign desperately requires new perspectives and fresh thinking. Much more than we need bright 'visions' of where Scotland might be after independence is restored, we desperately need bold ideas as to how we get there ..read more
Peter A Bell
1w ago
I say that none of the nominally pro-independence parties has any plan or proposal for bringing about a proper constitutional referendum. But supporters of those parties will tend to deny this with varying degrees of vehemence ..read more
Peter A Bell
2w ago
The most important project at the moment and for the near future is the Manifesto for Independence Petition. It is vital that we get as many signatures as possible to make this something the nominally pro-independence parties can't ignore ..read more
Peter A Bell
3w ago
When John Swinney says a vote on independence will happen 'soon', he says nothing ..read more
Peter A Bell
3w ago
If we, the people, don't combine to force a change, the best we can hope for from the 2026 election is another five years of the pusillanimous procrastination that has left Scotland's cause becalmed since 2014 ..read more
Peter A Bell
3w ago
The Union is confinement. Restoring Scotland's independence frees us from that confinement. Is that not something that is worth doing regardless of any other considerations? Should the prisoner choose continued incarceration from fear of the responsibilities that come with freedom ..read more