Finding Joy, Episode 278
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1d ago
After last week's heavy episode, we wanted to bring positivity and light, so in this easy-going show, we talk about finding joy in the little and big things... birthday parties, running in the rain, and vacations/concerts... Is anyone seeing Bad Bunny in PR this summer? Do let us know! We look forward to pausing and finding moments for joy together in 2025 more
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Discussing ICE Raids & Community Resources, Episode 277
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1w ago
With a new administration in office and so much happening politically in the US, we felt it was only right to share resources for our community. Collectively, we are all experiencing so much change, uncertainty, and, for many, injustice. Today's show offers many resources, not to be taken as legal or professional advice but simply as information. Sharing allows us to grow and learn together. As we shared in the show, this is not a time to hide in the shadows. This is a time to come into the light to rise together & inform the most vulnerable of their rights.  We understand our views m more
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Taking Back Your FINANCES in 2025, Episode 276
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
3w ago
Are you sick and tired of struggling with money? Need to change your limiting beliefs around wealth or need to do something more to achieve your financial goals? If so, this is the show for you! Hear from three women growing their abundance mentality, saving and respecting cash more than ever before, and building successful "side (or-not-so-side) hustles." Stream this one and get very inspired to level up your money no matter what the starting line more
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Vulnerability and Transitions, Episode 275
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
It's time to get honest about how hard transitions can be and how we must rise to the occasion! In this episode, we share real-life experiences where transitions kicked our butts. It was often a time when we learned to ask for help, work harder than ever, and, for some of us, a time to level up through challenges and uncertain times! This episode will help you see transitions in a new light, and we hope it supports the many women who are growing and changing as they level up their beautiful lives more
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How Kept Promises Lead to Good Fortune, Episode 274
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
Welcome to 2025. Like many at every turn of the year… the women of LUL think about annual intentions at the start of a new year.   In this show, we discuss how there's no right way to plan for the future, how the timing isn't ideal for all during the winter months, and how whatever your goals, resolutions, or intentions... we hope all dream and plan for a brighter tomorrow!  We love a good vision boarding session, goal-setting retreats, and sharing our dreams out-loud. Use this show to get and stay inspired & comment what your big plans are for the new year. WE'D LOVE TO HEAR ALL more
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Books, Movies and Shows To Check Out, Summer Series #3, Episode 255
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
What are you exposing yourself to this summer? Are any great shows, movies, books, or musical artists circling in your orbit? Is it something new or maybe some oldies, but goodies? Whatever it may be we're all consuming content these days with music apps and streaming services. With that in mind, for this quick summer series.... we are discussing recent reads, movies, and shows we are into! Don't miss it! more
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Supporting Loved Ones Through Divorce, Summer Series #1, Episode 253
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
The summer series is here! Every summer LUL has short and sweet episodes ranging in lifestyle topics, from family to career and everything in between. And we began this series with a BANG! Do not miss this first show on divorce and how to support friends and family who may be navigating separation in their lives. This is such a great show covering how we've tackled the "big D" as outsiders and what we've learned by being less judgmental along the way! Everyone should listen! There's something for everyone in one short & digestible episode.  And don't forget to submit your podcast topi more
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When it's Time to Reset
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
Sometimes you look up and think, "I need a reset!" Sometimes a good pattern gets boring and you lose valuable momentum. Whatever your problem with consistency, this episode covers how to restart, renegotiate, or re-invent your goals! This one everyone can relate to. Listen to get re-inspired as we approach the middle of the year and to also hear exciting details on our upcoming Breakthrough Brunch and don't forget to save the date: Oct. 12, 2024 11am in So CAL more
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Celebrating Influential Women, Episode 237
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
As we continue to celebrate Women's History Month, on the podcast today we talk about influential women (mostly Latinas) from our past and present. Some we know personally and many lived long ago and still inspire us today. With this show, we celebrate the power that it is to be phenomenally Latinas and extraordinarily female! Speaking of extraordinary, on today's show we learn about one of our co-hosts, Coach Irene's contributions to her latest book (Extraordinary Latinas, Vol. 3, available on and we talk about how March 11 was proclaimed "Latina History Day" in the city of Los An more
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November Random Show, Episode 229
The Level Up Latina Podcast
by Level Up Latina
1M ago
Today we bring you THE show of all shows... where Cecy plugs her very serious music career, which Irene will manage, and Vero will produce all while baking holiday pies. Ok... not completely serious, but maybe just a little because this is a random show! We talk about Cecy's birthday as we record on the actual day as well as other chaos to recap a month of holidays, vacations, and life in general. This is most definitely a completely off-the-rails show. Stream it if you want a very good laugh. You'll be so GLAD you did more
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