“Pam’s Fight Crew”
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
3y ago
So ready for this! Naomi and I will be participating in the 2021 Komen Los Angeles County MORE THAN PINK Walk in honor of her birth mom/my sister-from-another-mister, Pam. The post “Pam’s Fight Crew” appeared first on Eyes Wide Open Adoption ..read more
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America’s National Parks: A Look Back
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
3y ago
When we set this goal seven years ago, we could not imagine life beyond that moment. Our four children were young (ages 4-11) and we were just catching our breath. The post America’s National Parks: A Look Back appeared first on Eyes Wide Open Adoption ..read more
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Preconceived Notions
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
Adoptive Mom. One minute placed on a pedestal too high for my liking, and the next in a mad free-fall, splat on the ground. A hero or villain, neither of which reflect who I truly am. The post Preconceived Notions appeared first on Eyes Wide Open Adoption ..read more
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It’s Not What You Think
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
Adoption. It’s not about giving a child a home, a hand-up. It’s not about helping a woman survive an untimely pregnancy and birth. It’s about growing up, and realizing we were never meant to be their savior. A Heart for Children Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to be a mom. I loved the very idea of it. Caring for another so deeply, meeting their every need. I wanted that. To see the love returned in adoring glances, in coming to me, recognizing the security I offered.  There is something sacred in that type of relationship. I yearned for it. Now mind you, I was not the girl that pref ..read more
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Unchain the Mind: ADHD
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
Mental illness takes many forms. It is the most misunderstood, societally shunned ailment. 50% of children with a mental health condition go untreated. I have been here, lived that. Purposeful ignorance will not be my mantra. His mind would be a horrible thing to waste. Born with Pulmonary Stenosis, David faced adversity from the start. He endured a 10-day hospital stay after he was born, and gave his first smile to his foster mom, Vivian, when he was only two weeks old. Bringing him home at 3 ½ weeks, we doubled-down on his formula to compensate for chronic spewing, and helped him to successf ..read more
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Going Out a Gladiator
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
I grew up in poverty. My childhood was filled with loss and uncertainty. At 11 years old I decided that, as far as it depended on me, that would change. Everything I had, I gave. But despite my best effort, it wasn’t enough. It’s been five days. Five days since I turned the last page and closed the book of 22 years of teaching students in an elementary classroom. After years of poor health, the countless experts and test results offered no way around it, only a way out. I ache from the hole that has been left. I can’t say I found my niche in education, but I did find a place where I was comfor ..read more
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Going Through the Rubble
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
Details of the story she told the night before materialize, and I lose my breath. With shaky hands I gather them together like puzzle pieces, desperate for answers. Renée Longshore Tweet With confusion and sorrow, I wonder. Will these become a part of my forever story? I stand, peering down the road ahead, trying to see as far as I can. Surely there must be a way through.  When Lydia entered a Residential Rehab two weeks ago, we hoped for healing and clear understanding. We had been here before, we knew the drill. Attend classes and therapy sessions: one hour on Saturday, two on Sunday. W ..read more
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Chapter 29
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
It was a girl date like any other. Pam was now happily married and some more time had passed since we last got together. I cannot remember who initiated it, but I recall how it progressed. We were going to catch up; with three children in school and only Naomi at home I was much more flexible in my schedule – I could find someone to watch Naomi and we could meet up anytime! In a text, Pam suggested we meet during the day, and that I could bring Naomi down if I needed to.  Bring Naomi down, with me, to see Pam? My mind started racing. Did she want me to bring Naomi down? Until this point i ..read more
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The Road to Rehab
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
If anyone has ever experienced dropping their child off at a Residential Facility, I need not write more. They’d get it. The desperate feeling of having no other choice, the complete relief accompanied with guilt, the hesitance to even let yourself believe that it is all going to be okay. The post The Road to Rehab appeared first on Eyes Wide Open Adoption ..read more
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Chapter 28
Eyes Wide Open Adoption
by eyeswideopenadoption
4y ago
It was a beautiful day in the later afternoon. The ceremony was held at a location filled with flowers in bloom, tucked in a plethora of trees. Pam was beautiful, Cassandra was poised, and Art was one lucky man! The minister spoke of reconciliation and grace, celebrating the joining of two hearts in a family of three. My eyes teared up on several occasions as I recalled the long road, one that I had only been on for such a short time in perspective. I felt insignificant, but glad to be taking part in such an event, thankful that Pam invited us.  We bought them a skillet and a book, to kee ..read more
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