150 Years in New Zealand
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
3w ago
On the 28th of January 1885, 108 days after setting sail from Hamburg, the sailing ship Humboldt arrived in Wellington with 400 passengers and crew. This was one of the longest migrant journeys to New Zealand and onboard the ship were my Great Great Grandparents and five of their six children. Sadly, the youngest child ..read more
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Passing multiple URL parameter values to PnP Search
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
2M ago
The deeper I dig into PnP Search the more I learn! I often use URL parameters to send search terms to custom search pages. This is usually to allow a user to click a link in a SharePoint library to get a dynamic result e.g. from a custom file, use PnP Search to show a ..read more
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A day in the life of my Copilot
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
2M ago
A Day in my Copilot’s life How much do you use Copilot in your workday and how does it benefit you? This is a question I’ve been asking myself lately because many people tell me, they struggle to see the value. I thought I’d try to answer the question by tracking my usage and trying ..read more
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How can Copilot help Law Firms?
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
3M ago
One of the fun things about my job is getting to meet people from all walks of life and from different industries. For a large part of my career, Law firms have been part of the mix. Law firms are document heavy organisations with often vast quantities of document content created over many years. Like ..read more
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SharePoint Copilot Agents
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
3M ago
Imagine being able to create your very own Copilot using your own content, in just a few mouse clicks? Well that is exactly what Copilot Agents in SharePoint do. I have to say my first impression is that this is not only easy, but also impressively powerful. It opens up a wide range of possibilities ..read more
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Delight your clients with a Minimal Delightful Product
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
3M ago
In conversations between technology teams and clients, the topic of an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) solution frequently arises. While it is a fundamental concept within teams providing technical solutions, clients often lack a thorough understanding of it. Occasionally, they agree to it after hearing a confident discussion because it seems like a logical course of ..read more
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Building SharePoint Intranets the Interview
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
4M ago
A little while ago, I embarked on a project to write and publish a book to help people make a better Intranet with SharePoint. After chatting with a friend last week I thought I’d experiment with generating an AI generated, interview style discussion using my book as the source content. The result is impressive! Don’t ..read more
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Create FAQ’s quickly with Copilot
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
4M ago
Digital workplaces and Intranets are full of information locked away safely inside documents. I am frequently reminded that just because the information is documented, doesn’t mean people will actually use it. Policies are produced, an email is sent, and document is saved to the policy library only to be “forgotten” by the collective consciousness of ..read more
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Creating SharePoint Document Sets with PowerShell
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
4M ago
Document Sets are great for scenarios where you need to store documents together and tag them with common metadata. I often use Document Sets for managing client documents, contracts management and job folders. This example script uses PnP PowerShell to read a CSV file and then create Document Sets of a specific Content Type in ..read more
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Microsoft 365 Search and Intelligence
SharePoint lightbulb moments
by Steve
6M ago
The Search and Intelligence features of Microsoft 365 provide a way to enhance the search experience for users. It can help overcome many of the common complaints people about not being able to find things and provides insights to help you understand what needs fixing. The Search and Intelligence Admin Centre is accessed via this ..read more
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