Pipeline logs appear in transaction logs
MemSQL Forum
by Thao158
11h ago
Hi Team, I have a question about transaction logs. I have set up some S3 buckets as remote storage for certain databases. Then, I created some pipelines to ingest data into a specific database. But when I checked the transaction logs in another database’s partition, I still saw pipeline logs and their access keys. They were hogging most of my bucket space. Is this normal? And if not, is there a way for me to ensure that only the transaction logs related to a specific database are saved in that database’s designated bucket? Thank you in advance. 3 posts - 2 participants Read full topic ..read more
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Startup probe failed: Error 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
MemSQL Forum
by shreyash.patil
1w ago
I am deploying SS Cluster using Kubernetes but facing issue Error: test@cloudlyte:/mnt/home/test/singlestore-operator$ kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.7 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -u admin -h -P 3306 -p ssoperator If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'@'' (using password: NO) pod "mysql-client" deleted pod default/mysql-client terminated (Error) Describe: test@cloudlyte:/mnt/home/test/singlestore-operator$ kubectl describe pod/node-sdb-cluster-master-0 -n singlestore-op Name ..read more
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Storing kafka keys in Singlestore pipelines
MemSQL Forum
by ashriram
1w ago
Hi I’ve been trying to create a singlestore pipeline to store kafka data into my table. It’s been running fine, and I have a dozen kafka fields being extracted into columns But now I have an additional requirement to store the entire kafka message key into a text column. (no field extractions for the key, just have to dump the entire thing as a string) I can’t seem to find a way to do this anywhere in the docs (this is the closest thing I could find, but it’s not what I want) Any pointers on how to achieve this? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic ..read more
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Set timezone from UTC to EDT in Singlestore k8s Operator deployment
MemSQL Forum
by sethu.harish2912
3w ago
Hi, I have a singlestore cluster deployed on k8s as per the instructions in Kubernetes · SingleStore Documentation and I am running into an issue with the timestamp. By default, the singlestore master pod timezone is being set as UTC. I want the timezone to be set as EDT instead of UTC. I tried following Setting the Time Zone in SingleStore · SingleStore Documentation and I was able to add the below section to my cluster.yml globalVariables: default_time_zone: "-04:00" and while it did not change the timezone inside the pod, it changed the timestamp to reflect that of EDT. While this tech ..read more
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CDC-out & Observe Feedback/Clarification
MemSQL Forum
by tom
3w ago
Hi, i am currently implementing a Bytewax Connector for SingleStore (GitHub - tomkuehl/singlestore-bytewax-connector). I am facing two challenges: Delete events only include an internal id. The docs states, that the internal id is “An internal identifier for tables that do not have primary keys, which allows identification of records in the absence of a primary key.” (Change Data Capture · SingleStore Documentation). I guess this doesn’t work for delete events? Is the recommended approach to keep the internal id as an “absolute identifier” in downstream systems? Are there any plans to includ ..read more
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Scalar functions slowing down performance of stored procedures?
MemSQL Forum
by igor.kujacic
1M ago
Hi, I have a stored procedure that gets called from a loop and inside it executes SCALAR three times in each iteration for something similar to this: num_of_ids = SCALAR(CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM test_table WHERE test_id=', v_test_id), QUERY(a INT)); The whole procedure takes a lot of time because it handles a large amount of data, but I’ve encountered many blogs where people talk how Scalar UDFs in general lower performance significantly because query optimisation does not work on them, as well as some other reasons that I do not fully understand yet Though the most of the blogs I’ve read ..read more
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Unable to see the tls secret inside the singlestore k8s operator
MemSQL Forum
by sethu.harish2912
1M ago
Hi, I am trying to add the tls secret by following the steps mentioned in Configure TLS/SSL/WebSocket · SingleStore Documentation and after I created the secret and passed it to the cluster.yml, I am not seeing the secret mounted inside the master pod. My serviceSpec and secureConnectionSpec portion in my sdb-cluster.yaml looks like the below section: serviceSpec: objectMetaOverrides: labels: custom: label annotations: custom: annotations secureConnectionSpec: sslSecretName: ssl-secret clientServerConnection: enable enableWebSockets: true Can anyone let me know if I am doing something wrong he ..read more
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SingleStore 8.7 is Now Available!
MemSQL Forum
by hanson
1M ago
We are thrilled to tell you that SingleStore 8.7 is here! A summary of the release is as follows: Full-text Search Enhancements A new Java Lucene-based full-text search implementation that supports search over JSON as well as text, fuzzy search, proximity search, boosting and BM25 scoring. These are powerful features for hybrid search and GenAI, in conjunction with vector search. The new full-text search engine is the same one used in ElasticSearch and Solr. Vector Search Enhancements Improved index-based ANN search to now include index-based range search. This can use an ANN index to find al ..read more
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Loading 100 tables from mysql/mariadb to singlestore
MemSQL Forum
by sdevaiah
2M ago
I am trying to load a few 100 tables from mysql to singlestore db using the Load Data using CSV s option - LOAD DATA · SingleStore Documentation. We first export these tables from mysql in to csv , these csv s are placed in an NFS shared space and then we use the Load Data using CSV s to import the same by using the load data option. However, this seems to be consuming too long a time for bulky files. We are looking at the following option but, it says that its not recommended to use this in production - Load Data from MySQL · SingleStore Documentation could you please share another alternativ ..read more
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MySQL Stored Procedure Not Working as Expected
MemSQL Forum
by shantanu.gupta.d2ico
2M ago
I’m working with a MySQL, self-managed instance v8.0, and I’ve created a stored procedure to retrieve the row counts from various staging tables. However, when I try to execute the stored procedure, I’m getting the following error: SQL Error [1706] [HY000]: Compilation error in function `Research_HWD`.`Testing` near line 3: Feature 'Non-ECHO SELECT inside stored procedure as statement' is not supported by SingleStore Here’s the stored procedure code: DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `Testing`() RETURNS void AS BEGIN SELECT 'staging_table_1' AS Table_name, COUNT(*) AS Row_count FROM staging ..read more
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