We Stink!
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by Grant Fritchey
5h ago
Comments posted to this topic are about the item We Stink! "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood" - Theodore Roosevelt Author of: SQL Server Execution Plans SQL Server Query Performance Tuning ..read more
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Reply To: where is my commit size in my pkg
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by Mr. Brian Gale
7h ago
One thing to note about things being slower when run over VPN in SSIS, slower than where? Slower than the exact same workstation (laptop/desktop) being on site OR slower than the SSIS server? The reason I ask this is if it is slower than the exact same workstation, then the slowness is caused by either the VPN or the internet provider speeds. IF it is slower than a different machine (ie server), it could be memory issues and things are paging to disk. Being 60 times slower makes me think it is more likely to be paging to disk than due to bandwidth  issues, but that's just a guess. Might n ..read more
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Reply To: View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors
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by frederico_fonseca
8h ago
have a look at this https://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/topic/sqlagentreaderrole-can-create-its-own-jobs-what-is-ms-thinking SQLAgentReaderRole would be the role to use to allow them to view jobs - but as this gives also permissions to CREATE jobs a few DENY are required where applicable ..read more
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Reply To: where is my commit size in my pkg
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by frederico_fonseca
8h ago
not those settings (which should be changed in most occasions - just don't set it to automatic on newer version of SSIS) look at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/integration-services/data-flow/ole-db-destination?view=sql-server-ver16 ..read more
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Reply To: where is my commit size in my pkg
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by stan
8h ago
thx ed are you talking about these?   so every source to dest occurrence in the dft shares in this total or has its own pair of these same limits.   i could have sworn in past versions of ssis these attributes were at the destination level and tagged as a commit count.  buffer doesnt sound like commit but i have to trust you.   ..read more
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Reply To: View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors
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by ScottPletcher
10h ago
Do you mean "sysadmin" (vs. "dbadmin").  SQL is very selective about who can see jobs.  If you didn't create the job and aren't sysadmin, you don't typically see the job.  I think there is one other obscure permission you can give someone to allow them to see jobs they didn't create, but I don't remember the details off the top of my head. SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tort ..read more
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View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors
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by krypto69
10h ago
Hi I have this view to check if a job is running:   SELECT job.NAME ,job.job_id ,job.originating_server ,activity.run_requested_date ,DATEDIFF(SECOND, activity.run_requested_date, GETDATE()) AS ElapsedFROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view jobJOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity ON job.job_id = activity.job_idJOIN msdb.dbo.syssessions sess ON sess.session_id = activity.session_idJOIN ( SELECT MAX(agent_start_date) AS max_agent_start_date FROM msdb.dbo.syssessions ) sess_max ON sess.agent_start_date = sess_max.max_agent_start_dateWHERE run_requested_date IS NOT NULL AND stop_ ..read more
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Reply To: where is my commit size in my pkg
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by Ed B
11h ago
Right click the dataflow task itself and view properties. Have you tried using table or view -fast load? If you can achieve minimally logged inserts they are typically much faster ..read more
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Dark mode, other color schemes
SQLServerCentral Forum
by mjdemaris
11h ago
All, if you are like me and do not care for the built-in color schemes, try http://www.sqlshades.com.  I just downloaded the EXE and instead of me taking an hour or two to find the right colors and without able to change the docked windows colors, I installed it, restarted SSMS and already love the dark mode.  I am not paid to post this, just want to share something I found via a Bing search for dark mode. You do need admin rights to install.  Here is a screen shot example. Mike This topic was modified 46 minutes ago by  mjdemaris ..read more
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Reply To: Unable to add the database back into AG
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by LearningDBA
12h ago
All, sorry for not replying to the thread. The secondary server has been offline since Saturday. I have a maintenance window tomorrow so the plan is to reseed via AG GUI. I am going to be using the automatic seeding(Not sure if that will work since the size of the DB is almost 320 GB in size) Because I am doing automatic seeding, do I have to change the seeding mode to automatic from manual within AG properties or leave it at manual? "He who learns for the sake of haughtiness, dies ignorant. He who learns only to talk, rather than to act, dies a hyprocite. He who learns for the mere sake of d ..read more
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