S03E13 - The Life of a Professional Hollywood Voice Over Artist with Jon Lipow
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
1y ago
In this episode I interview Jon Lipow, Jon is a professional Voiceover artist who has had an amazing career in Hollywood. He has done voiceovers in Star Wars, The Incredible Hulk, The Simpsons, and so many more.  In this episode, Jon shares his exciting story as a voiceover artist, the keys that led to his success, and as an added bonus, he does some pretty badass sound effects. Enjoy the show!!   Instagram: @Jonlipow   Connect with Mentor Nation: Instagram: @mentornationpodcast Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5TKA2_zaflKgLp7-5lUmpg mentornationpodca ..read more
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S03E11 - Making Millions in Multi-Family with Jennings Smith
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Jennings Smith. Jennings is an investor and the founder of My first million in Multifamily. He has built a portfolio to over $60,000,000 in value, in three years, comprising over 1500 rental units, with $800,000 a month in rents collected. His online community has grown to over 24,000 members in less than 2 years. In this episode we talk about his story, but most importantly his step by step process to build a monster portfolio in record time. Enjoy!   Follow and Connect with Jennings: jenningssmithjr.com/   Connect with Mentor Nation: Instagram: @men ..read more
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S03E10 - An Incredible Story of Perseverance and Mindset with Megan Reuwer
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Megan Reuwer. Megan is the truest definition of success that I have ever seen. I want you for a moment to imagine how difficult it would be to raise a child with a disability while running a successful business. Now imagine If you had 5 children, one died and the other 4 all have serious disabilities. Megan Reuwer is a rockstar. 2 of her children have Spina Bifida, two of her children have a heart defect, and despite this, she is able to care for all of them while building a successful company nationwide.  Her story was so inspirational that I couldn’t help but ..read more
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S02E09 - The Tao of Trading: Success in Stocks and Options with Simon Ree
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Simon Ree. Simon is the author of the best selling book, The Tao of Trading and he is a master when it comes to helping people make money in options trading.  He started his career in the financial markets in 1992, where he held senior positions with Goldman Sachs and Citi-Bank. He headed up the markets desk for Goldman in Sydney and after a 28 year career, decided that it would be far more fulfilling to help everyday people have success than it would be to continue helping wealthy people get wealthier.  He wrote a book that became an international best se ..read more
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S03E07 - Building Wealth Without Wall Street with Joey Mure
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode, I interview Joey Mure. Joey is the founder of Wealth without Wall Street. Wealth without Wall Street is online community that seeks to re-educate business owners & families on how money truly works. After leaving his high paying job in mortgage banking, he was able to build a passive income from $2,500 per month to over $50,000 per month in under 3 years. In this episode Joey talks about his journey, the infinite banking concept, and how he has not only built a massive residual income for himself, but has helped thousands do the same.    Connect with Joey: www.we ..read more
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S03E06 - A Conversation with Actor/Writer/Producer Brent Bailey
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In the episode I interview Brent Bailey. Brent is an incredible Actor who has been in many different shows and films over the years. More recently he just wrote and starred in a ultra fun Christmas movie titled The Holiday Dating Guide which airs on The Lifetime Channel on Dec. 17. We talk about his unlikely journey into the entertainment industry as well as his latest film and the power of building relationships.  Brent is an incredible human being who’s as humble as he is talented and I think listening to his  journey will be just what you need to give you that dose of inspira ..read more
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S03E05 - How to have short AND long term success in the stock market with Jerremy Newsome
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Jerremy Newsome.  Jerremy is a highly successful investor and is the founder of Real Life Trading, which is a platform that educates thousands of people all around the world how to trade stocks, options and futures.   His Youtube channel has tens of thousands of subscribers, but what makes Jerremy really incredible is how he lives his life every single day. I don’t know many people on earth with his passion, intensity and gratitude and since he also lives in Nashville, I get to see first hand why he’s the real deal. He lives life in every facet at 100 ..read more
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S03E04 - A Conversation with the King of Rom Com Holiday Films Brian Herzingler
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Brian Herzingler. Brian is probably the most well known director of Rom Com Holiday movies in Hollywood. Brian did something unbelievable to launch his successful career in directing movies. He filmed a 30 day documentary called My Date with Drew in which he took $1,100 he won from a gameshow, and used it to film a documentary about trying to get a day with Drew Barrymore in 30 days. She had no idea who he was at the time and he pulled it off. The documentary was a huge sensation winning every film festival it was entered while putting Brian on the map.  He has ..read more
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S03E03 - Estate Planning 101: Crucial things to know to protect your family with Brad Barth
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode, I interview Brad Barth. Brad is the absolute guru when it comes to Estate planning. He is the Founder and Senior Managing Partner for BarthCalderon, LLP and is the co-author of the book, Planning Today For All Your Tomorrows. Brad covers literally everything you need to know about how, why, and when to put together an estate plan. I learned so much from this interview I listened to it 3 times and took notes. You’ll want a pen and paper for this one.. enjoy! Learn more about Estate Planning: https://barthattorneys.com/   Connect with Mentor Nation: Instagram: @mentorn ..read more
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S2E35 - How to Effortlessly Grow your Own Food with Jim Gale
Mentor Nation with John Abbas
by John Abbas
2y ago
In this episode I interview Jim Gale. Jim is the founder of Food Forest Abundance, a company that helps average people all over the country effortlessely grow their own food. Regardless of how big or small your yard is, His company can take your pictures, and design blueprints with simple step by step instructions for growing all of your own fruits, vegetables, and more. You can literally do it yourself easily or just had it to a landscaper and soon you’ll be able to save thousands of dollars, eat 10 times healthier, and have a badass story to tell your friends and neighbors.   In this in ..read more
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