US visa application in Nigeria: Getting my student visa to Washington DC
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Osinowo
1y ago
Hi. Do I unnecessarily explain when I’m nervous about a situation? Perhaps. That’s what the facts here and now is saying. I’d been thinking of kicking off the blog with an explanation of some sort. Ramble my way back in. But what if I just dust off the draft from two years ago which continues a series on my journey to the US? This one would touch on my US visa application in Nigeria. If I verbosely explain my absence o, if I don’t explain o, you’ll still be reading,... Read More The post US visa application in Nigeria: Getting my student visa to Washington DC appeared first on Debby's Hub more
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How I decided on an LLM program at Georgetown Law
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
3y ago
I will just write it. Plain and old. Waiting for the right time hasn’t allowed me to write on so many beautiful experiences that could’ve been a blessing to the world. So here’s this one on deciding on an LLM degree at Georgetown Law- before it gets a bit too old for me. I was in Port-Harcourt, and I had a green bound journal – actually, it was pretty much a cyan colour. I had bought it myself from a mall (Port-Harcourt Market Square). In this journal, I had scribbled... Read More The post How I decided on an LLM program at Georgetown Law appeared first on Debby's Hub more
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Blog titles are difficult
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by Deborah Adebayo
3y ago
Believe it or not, I am writing like a newbie. I am shy and highly doubtful of what my words will read like. Going by blogging science, most of my readers will be long gone because consistency is key for bloggers. So why am I back?  I have things to write that could help one or two people, and I live for the opportunity to do so My bio page puts me to shame. I literally wrote there guys, that if no one was reading, I’ll still be blogging. Eweee! ... Read More The post Blog titles are difficult appeared first on Debby's Hub more
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Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
3y ago
What does 24 look like? Who is a 24 year old? Should they love flowers? Should they be confused about their lives? Should they feel old? Should they feel un-centered? Should they be focused on feelings? What should they be like in 2021? 2021 is the crazy year, isn’t it? The year COVID has the world in it lockgrip – still. The year it loosens up. The year it attempts to swallow it up back. You’re perplexed reading tweets tonight about New York. Is it truly happening again? The lockdowns?... Read More The post 2021 appeared first on Debby's Hub more
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2020 Highlights
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
As a norm, I don’t publicize my blog post highlighting how my year went – because that is an incredibly personal thing to do (hey world, come see my life on display). But I still appreciate being able to put up an highlight. I hope you learn from this, since you’re here. P.S: No pictures because picture-hunting and merging will be such an additional task. ❣️ What has this year been like?If I did a monthly recap for my blog, will that be good enough? Or if I compiled memories... Read More The post 2020 Highlights appeared first on Debby Hub more
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Boasting on Instagram
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
As I sat to type, I decided to take a picture of what’s going on over here. How is it that my laptop needs external support for everything? Check it out. I got a wireless mouse from my dad because my laptop’s mouse just wouldn’t cooperate. Mister lover bought me an external keyboard because the internal keyboard was getting me frustrated one day and I’m not ready to send it for repairs. If then the Lord ministers to you to bless the blog ministry with an efficient laptop, do not... Read More The post Boasting on Instagram appeared first on Debby Hub more
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A visit to Nike Art Gallery
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
Hey guys. How are you doing? While I was ready with a non-fiction story to tell you, I was also hugely interested in documenting my recent visit to Nike Art Gallery over here. So today, it’s a picture-story about my visit. I hope you enjoy it. We should all regularly ask ourselves: “Does whatI am feeling or doing have its roots in the contentment offaith or in the anxious insecurity of unbelief?” That will giveyou help in hundreds of little and big ethical decisions. Here starts a story: There are... Read More The post A visit to Nike Art Gallery appeared first on Debby Hub more
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Blogging hiatus |Privacy | Stories
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
I have a friend who tells me “I don’t understand this 2020 version of Debby”. Personally, I get myself sometimes. At other times, I don’t. This is mostly because I no longer have a routine for most things in my life. No constancy. I mostly wake up knowing the tasks I have pending and I see to them – in bits. This leads to feeling bad for what’s left undone. But one task I haven’t felt bad about leaving undone is this blog. I’ve always wanted my blog to be... Read More The post Blogging hiatus |Privacy | Stories appeared first on Debby Hub more
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Some of my favourite YouTube Vloggers
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
Hi guys! At the time of writing this, I had had quite an interesting day on YouTube. At the time of publishing this though, I barely think sending Vloggers your way is super productive but it can be super relaxing. I’m also trying to be consistent with blogging once again. I hope you find this post helpful. In no particular order, welcome: 1. WITH THE PERRYS I found this channel very recently and the channel in itself is quite new. What do I like about this channel? It’s Jackie and... Read More The post Some of my favourite YouTube Vloggers appeared first on Debby Hub more
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Nigerian Law School Advice
Debby Hub Blog
by Deborah Adebayo
4y ago
Hi guys! I wanted to give write this post for close to a month but I had been busy. This is a part of what I shared on a Law School webinar recently. I’m glad to finally have it up on the blog. Share with your law school contacts and have an amazing day. I finished from the Nigerian Law School this year with a first class. I wasn’t surprised when I saw my result but I was surprised at one thing – only five of us made a first... Read More The post Nigerian Law School Advice appeared first on Debby Hub more
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