Amphibian Metamorphosis (Apoptosis)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
The familial process of Amphibian Metamorphosis (Apoptosis) is one of the excellent examples which help to understand the mechanical process and how much it’s normal for each organism. The amphibian body undergoes rapid and dramatic changes to adapt from aquatic to terrestrial life, this condition is known as amphibian metamorphosis. In the larval stage of the frog some physiologic dissimilarities are found from the adults these are tail and gill in the larval stage and forelimb in adults. During metamorphosis, numerous organs are changed rapidly from the larval stage to adult form. The tail more
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What is DNA Recombination? (A Complete Guide)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
DNA Recombination is the rearrangement of DNA segments by the involvement of DNA breakage, integration of DNA molecules, or by exchanging the parts of DNA. Breaking of DNA strands and the rejoining process in this recombination assist to produce genetic diversity. The recombination process has performed both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, recombination undergoes through the conjugation, transformation, and transduction procedure. In eukaryotic cells, DNA recombination is seen during meiosis. Types of DNA Recombination – 4 types of recombination have been found naturally. General more
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Full Agonist, Antagonist, Inverse agonist, Receptor Agonist & Antagonist
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
Agonist and Antagonist play a vital role in medical history in disease treatment and understanding the underlying mechanism of any pathway of the biological complexity. One often comes across such a word as an agonist, antagonist, inverse agonist, etc. We simply consider it as something which is either similar or dissimilar to the ligand, which can either bind the receptor and or inactivate it or modulate it. But no, we need to understand the mechanism of action and difference between agonist, antagonist, and its every sub-type. Let’s begin the brainstorming. Agonist It is a type of ligand whe more
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Did you know? that Diabetes Originated in Egypt Dating Back to 1550 BC
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
Diabetes in one of the archaic metabolic disease which manifested over 3000 years ago in ancient Egyptians as type 1 diabetes which is one of the metabolic genetic disorder. Fig: Egypt During the 5th century CE, people of India and different Asiatic countries were state to work on both type of diabetes and they specify that diabetes type 2 is more common occurrence in overall population. From the beginning to till date there has no direct/ specific therapeutics recuperation. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes prevalence has increased by 64 % across India over the quarter-century, according to a Novemb more
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Concept of Gene: Allele, Multiple Alleles, Pseudoallele, Complementation Tests
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
Physiological, Psychological, and even behavioral characteristics are amazingly controlled by genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes and are segments of DNA that code for specific proteins responsible for specific functions. These specific functions can be of variable nature which arises due to alleles of a specific gene. What is an Allele? The term ‘allele’ is used for describing a variety of genes. Commonly allele is a gene’s variant (1). The definition of an allele is the one version of two or more varieties of a gene mutation at the same position as a chromosome. Mostly in multicellular more
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The Story Behind Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria: Endosymbiotic Theory
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
Evolution typically refers to the changes in the proportions of biological types in a population over time. It is an important phenomenon for emerging life on earth and Endosymbiotic Theory plays a vital role in the emergence of eukaryotic cells. The beginning of the cell marked the passage from pre-biotic chemistry to partitioned modern cells and the final transition to living entities that fulfill all the delimitation of modern cells depends on the ability to evolve effectively by natural selection referred to as the Darwinian Transition. Evolution of The Eukaryotic Cell Evolution is the ine more
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Monoclonal Antibody an Emerging Therapeutic: Clinical Trial Launched by National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
During this world wide pandemic, we can observe fear in the eyes of people and worthy smiles in the face of survivors and their family. Both are important for the world of research and science, Biological Science is all about rejuvenating life, giving health a new destination. In recent years along with Doctors ad Nurses and other important workers, researchers have also worked hard giving their days and nights into a brain storming research to discover, innovate drugs or other means of therapeutics to combat SARS-CoV2. Among them NIH have recently launched a clinical trial with the monoclonal more
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What are Probes (DNA and RNA Probes)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
What are Probes Probes are something like that—searching a perfect matching, and bonding with each other. Matching sequences are selected for targeting a desirable sequence of the genome under investigation. The selected sequences are labeled with a particular detector that together searches their matching ones or we can say the complementary sequences. The complementary sequences have the tendency to bind each other, and the probed sequences show us the binding location or position. This fulfills our desirable investigation. Definition- Probes are designed and labelled sequences, that helps i more
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What is DNA Recombination? (A Complete Guide)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
What is DNA Recombination: DNA Recombination is the rearrangement of DNA segments by the involvement of DNA breakage, integration of DNA molecules, or by exchanging the parts of DNA. Breaking of DNA strands and the rejoining process in this recombination assist to produce genetic diversity. The recombination process has performed both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, recombination undergoes through the conjugation, transformation, and transduction procedure. In eukaryotic cells, DNA recombination is seen during meiosis. Types of DNA Recombination – 4 types of recombination have been more
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Everything that you should know about Remdesivir (Origin, Mode of Action, and Effect on Covid-19)
Bio Trivia | Enhance your Life Science Knowledge
by Bio Trivia
4y ago
Remdesivir is quite trending around the internet as one of the highly searched potential therapy against Novel SARS-CoV2,  the coronavirus which is responsible for COVID-19 disease. Remdesivir is an “adenosine triphosphate analogue” which was first coined in the literature in 2016. As every person has a bit of an idea about DNA knows about its four basic components i.e., adenosine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. Remdesivir is just an analogue (mimic) of adenosine.  Remdesivir was mentioned in an article published by Sheahan et al in 2017, that Remdesivir possesses activity against t more
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