Supporting Nurses to Stay and Find Joy in Boldly Leading Healthcare Improvements » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
As the cracks in our stretched and overburdened healthcare system continue to widen, the downstream pressures on nurses, nurse practitioners (NPs) and other healthcare providers continue to rise. It is stressful and painful for nurses to witness how the weaknesses in our system impact the lives of patients, families and communities. Nurses are there amid the anger, uncertainty, weariness and fear – providing care around the clock. We know that the working conditions are challenging, to say the least, and the needs of the population are growing at the same time that the workf more
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Commentary: Understanding and Disrupting Whiteness in Nursing » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
Commentary: Understanding and Disrupting Whiteness in Nursing more
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BSN Learning Pathways: A Leadership Collaboration to Prepare and Retain New Nurses in Specialized Practice Areas » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
Current nursing shortages, particularly in complex practice or specialty areas, coupled with high attrition rates of both seasoned and new graduate nurses, have required nursing leaders to consider creative approaches to recruit, prepare and retain nurses in specialty areas. This article describes a collaborative partnership between post-secondary institutions and health authorities in one province to address the need to prepare and retain nurses in high-priority specialized areas, such as the intensive care unit or the emergency department. This partnership allows for a proactive connection t more
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From Federal Policy to Bedside Care: A Canadian Perspective on Key Considerations for Nurse Executive Action for AI Adoption – A Commentary » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare represents a paradigm shift with the potential to enhance patient care and streamline clinical operations. This commentary explores the Canadian perspective on key organizational considerations for nurse executives, emphasizing the critical role they play in fostering the establishment of AI governance structures and advancing the front-line adoption of AI in nursing practice. The discussion delves into five domains of consideration, analyzing recent developments and implications for nursing executives. This commentary helps nurse more
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Grounded in the Present and Anticipating the Future » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
Grounded in the Present and Anticipating the Future more
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Organizational Initiatives for the Recruitment, Retention and Advancement of Black Nurses: A Rapid Review » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
Introduction: Black nurses are under-represented in the Canadian nursing workforce. A legacy of discrimination and systemic barriers reinforce the under-representation of Black nurses in the nursing workforce throughout the health system. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify and describe organizational initiatives for the recruitment, retention and advancement of Black nurses in the healthcare system. Methods: We conducted a rapid review of peer-reviewed and grey literature regarding the recruitment, retention and advancement initiatives for Black nurses, in North America and more
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How Whiteness Shapes Nursing in Canada – What Does the Literature Say? A Rapid Review » Nursing Leadership
1w ago
Globally and nationally, there has been growing understanding and acknowledgment of systemic racism and its impact as a structural determinant of health. The profession of nursing has an obligation to carefully self-examine so it does not further contribute to systemic racism. Using the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools' rapid review methodology, this rapid review of the literature seeks to understand how whiteness shapes the Canadian nursing profession. Findings from literature published between 2017 and 2023 reveal how policies, practices and perspectives uphold whiteness w more
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What Do Genomics, Float Pools and Cardiac Surgery Have in Common? Innovating Nurses » Nursing Leadership
2M ago
What Do Genomics, Float Pools and Cardiac Surgery Have in Common? Innovating Nurses more
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Manitoba’s Provincial Travel Nurse Team: A Unique Staffing Model for Nurses » Nursing Leadership
2M ago
The growing demand in providing healthcare services combined with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare staffing has created a situation where the supply of available nurses is not keeping up with the demand with increasing competition for limited resources. Rural and remote locations face unique challenges in recruiting and retaining skilled staff. Manitoba's Provincial Travel Nurse Team (PTNT) was created as an alternative staffing model with flexible employment options to retain nurses in the public health system. The PTNT's early success has demonstrated that this model can su more
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Optimizing the New Model of Nurse Practitioner Regulation in Canada to Support the Integration of Genomics » Nursing Leadership
2M ago
The demand for genomic services has outpaced the capacity of the health system, thus creating opportunities for nurse practitioners (NPs) to develop genomic literacy and expand the genomics-informed services that NPs can offer to optimize safe and equitable healthcare. The new model of NP regulation that aims to educate all NPs, based on a set of common entry-level competencies, has the potential to accelerate the integration of genomics into education and practice. In this commentary, we explore opportunities within a new NP regulatory framework and highlight how NPs can strengthen Canadians more
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