Interview Cracker Blog
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Interview Cracker Blog
3y ago
Cold calling is one of the oldest and still effective methods of sales. It is the year 2021 and despite what you believe, cold calling is not dead.
Many times People hang up the call before you even say anything. Why, because people hate cold calls. other than you who is looking to generate sales today but for some reason, cold calling techniques are still effective to generate more sales.
In this article, you will know how to keep cold calling alive in this era.
First of all, you need to know what cold calling is. It is the activity in sales when a sales rep will reach out to pot ..read more
Interview Cracker Blog
3y ago
Running a business herculean task in itself, but thinking about customers is no less than stress or anxiety-inducing. Customers are very important if you have to keep your business afloat.
You might be a part of the hot industry but without clients, it is not good. No matter how good your credentials and skills are, there is no guarantee that there will be a regular and constant flow of customers. with this article get all the clients that you need.
Ask for referrals
This is one of the best ways to get new customers. Keep asking for referrals from satisfied customers and clients. You need to ..read more
Interview Cracker
3y ago
There are plenty of important skills that one needs to have to be a successful salesperson. And these skills go beyond, how to use CRM or how to create a sales forecast.
A good salesperson means that you are in tune with your soft skills as much as you are with your technical skills. As we all know that sales are a cutthroat industry and only one with the most skills can stay ahead of the competition?
The core strategy is dependent on the strength of your salespeople and how they collaborate with clients to get the desired result. We have listed important sales skills that you need to priorit ..read more
Interview Cracker
3y ago
It is a dream come true for every sales representative, to be able to sell on every single call to convince them that your product is good for them.
You would not have to sell to them which is what you do. Sometimes you will get leads that have done their research and are ready to buy your product or service. Aren't they dream clients?
This may be one in a hundred chances, you are more likely to get customers who are weighing their options, and your product is in a race against its other contenders. From here it is your responsibility to convince them that your product or service is the best ..read more
Interview Cracker Blog
3y ago
It's not easy to convert your leads into sales you just can't do it by sending them to a conversion funnel. You often required additional help to make the conversion happen. we will give you a few to help your business convert lead into sales.
The main goal in B2B sales is to generate new leads it can be through events, seminars online it is the easiest way an important way to make a business grow. If you are unable to convert your lead into sales efforts are wasted.
Therefore, we have put together a few tips that will turn your leads into think customers.
Don't make the leads wait
Nobody lik ..read more
Interview Cracker
3y ago
The way consumers make purchasing decisions is constantly changing. Hence we need to re-evaluate the sales strategies.
There is a fine line between being persuasive and arrogant or annoying. You need to find a perfect balance between the two if you have to sell your product or services.
It would be best if you do careful planning and place a solid strategy to close more deals. When you make a sale, the customer has to come first. We are going to share a few strategies to help you close your deal faster.
A good salesperson knows their products inside out. They can find ways to ensure that thei ..read more
Interview Cracker Blog
3y ago
It is important to give a good performance to secure any sales job. If you are a good salesperson you will be able to sell yourself think of it in this way if you can't sell yourself how will you sell the company's product. You are going to be the Representation of the company in the market before you take any steps you need to conduct thorough research like you would if you are selling a product. Now more than ever the companies are looking for salespeople who can provide the solution to the client's problems. You need to take a look at the latest trends and sales cycle blogs press articles ..read more
Interview Cracker Blog
4y ago
Charles Darwin once said,'' a man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life".
The direct meaning of the quotes is that time lost is time wasted; instead of spending an hour procrastinating over things that do not matter, make better use of that time by working on a project or learning a new language, or contributing to society.
Time Management Definition
The Oxford dictionary defines time management as ''the ability to use one's time effectively or productively especially at work." Time management is a necessary skill to have and it is one of the most desired qu ..read more
Interview Cracker
4y ago
Remote Work is the new normal especially since the pandemic has changed our lifestyle. Remote work is often defined as a working style that allows professionals to work outside of the traditional norms. A lot of us have heard the term remote work and we toss it around randomly. without understanding remote work's meaning.
What does remote work mean?
This is a new concept based on the fact that to execute your work successfully, it doesn't need to be confined to a specific place. Think of it like this, rather than traveling to your workplace and sticking to a chair and desk in your office, you ..read more
Interview Cracker Blog
4y ago
Employability and employability skills are the terms that we hear frequently.
What exactly does the word employability mean?
It is a concept that is still debated upon and has no sure definition or meaning. It is a fairly new concept. Employability is the ability of an individual to obtain and maintain employment throughout his or her career. Hillage and Pollard define employability as ‘the capability to move self-sufficiently within the labor market to realize potential through sustainable employment. This is a definition that is popular and widely accepted by many. According to this definit ..read more