Hygiene Superstar Podcast
Dental Hygienists and prevented minded Dentists are the real heroes in the fight against chronic inflammatory diseases. Dr Mike Czubiak and Dr Tom Larkin explore the mouth-body connection and talk about implementable strategies that will help your patients live a happier, healthier life.
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
2y ago
Dr Tom talks about his love- the phase contrast microscope. Nothing helps the conversation with patients about periodontal health better than seeing their own periodontal pathogens up on a 65-inch screen. This technology helps to transfer ownership of the disease back to the patient. Listen to Dr Tom talk about his journey into the microscopic world of dental biofilm ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
2y ago
Dr Tom and Dr Mike talk about the evolution and growth of dentistry and the opportunities that dental professionals have in the overall health of patients. Recorded in Nashville at the Future of Dental Hygiene is Now conference ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
2y ago
Dr Tom and Dr Mike ponder the question of whether dental hygiene is being taken seriously enough in big case treatment planning. The value of Dental Hygienists and dental hygiene can be overlooked by single-focused practitioners. Also, Dr Mike losses sleep after Dr Tom sends him a social media post that he received ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
2y ago
Dr Mike travels to Galway, Ireland to learn the Buteyko Breathing Method with the master, Patrick McKeown. Humble, gracious, welcoming, generous, caring, and smart- that's Patrick McKeown ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
Dr Tom talks with two very special dental hygienists that are making huge impacts in dentistry- Sue Rusalen and Barbara Tritz ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
Dr Tom and Dr Mike podcast live from the hands-on portion of the first The Future of Dental Hygiene is...Now! conference in Nashville. Attendees get a chance to experience the latest in technology and science. Lasers, guided biofilm therapy, ozone, phase contrast microscopes, and biological testing are proudly on display ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
Dr Mike and Dr Tom get to the root cause of bad sleep and bad breathing. What do so many of our patients who feel fatigued, unable to focus, anxious, and/or unrefreshed in the morning have in common? A compromised airway. One of our hygiene superstar superpowers is the ability to identify this root cause and get help. Dr Mike uses Vivos appliances to non surgically remodel these compromised airways ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
Dr Tom and Dr Mike reflect on the past year and discuss the opportunities to elevate our care in 2022 ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
Dr Mike and Dr Tom have been thinking about the post-pandemic landscape. What will stick, what should stick? Will we take this opportunity to improve or go back to business as usual?  ..read more
Hygiene Superstar Podcast
3y ago
For those that develop COVID-19, high cytokine levels like IL-6 have been shown to be associated with a significant risk of ending up on a ventilator. In study after study, who has been successfully lowering these levels for their whole career? Yep, you, the hygiene superstar ..read more