Infinitheism Blog
Infinitheism is a path that inspires breakthroughs in anyone who ardently desires abundance in any sphere of human endeavor - spiritual, emotional, and material by transforming the human spirit to have faith in its humongous, infinite potential. Follow our blog for more.
Infinitheism Blog
1M ago
Small businesses don’t become big by accident. The path to success lies in understanding ‘What big companies did when they were small ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
1M ago
Why do only a few entrepreneurs scale their businesses to large organisations, and global brands ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
1M ago
On this special day, January 11 – International Entrepreneurship Day ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
2M ago
Infinitheism Blog
7M ago
Infinitheism Blog
8M ago
A mother and a child went to a grocery shop.
When they went there
there was a lot of
like this
ribbons tied…
balloons were there.
So the child was curious the child asked the shopkeeper,
‘Kya occasion hey?’ (What is the occasion?)
And he said, ‘No, it is our shop’s anniversary celebration. So…’
And immediately he extended a tray full of sweets and told the child,
‘Beta, whatever you want you can take!’
The child said, ‘Nayi chaheye!’ (I do not want!)
The mother was very very proud about it.
A little later the shopkeeper on his own…
he took a brown cover bag,
picked as many sweets as pos ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
8M ago
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Dancing with You, without You…
Dancing with You, without You…
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Dancing with You, without You…
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feelin ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
8M ago
How to manage daily stress
and daily impediments
that we go through, Mahatria?
You’re the greatest of all the creation of God.
What creates your daily stress?
Expecting a moment to be other than
what it is.
Expecting people to behave other than
how they are behaving…
Every time I project my opinion and my judgment
to a moment and feel
it should be other than how it is,
the residual effect is stress.
I know it’s cool
these days to use the word stress, stress…
everybody wants to use the word.
There’s nothing cool about it.
First, I want you to feel uncomfortable
about living a stressful l ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
8M ago
I’m telling you a very, very important lesson
that I’ve learnt in life.
Because you are nice, people will like you temporarily.
Because you are a success in life,
people will come after you permanently.
Always remember, this is for all of you.
It’s a very difficult truth to accept.
Nobody wants to accept this but I’m telling you…
You will be liked because
you’re a nice human being.
You will be respected only
because of your success.
You can speak whatever you want to speak.
Gandhi itself because he is a success only,
Mahatma and all we have given
otherwise we would have removed.
If afte ..read more
Infinitheism Blog
9M ago
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Dancing with You, without You…
Dancing with You, without You…
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Celebrating Your Presence!
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feeling Thy Radiance!
Dancing with You, without You…
Feeling Thy Presence!
Feeling Thy Grace!
Feelin ..read more