Thinking Freely
Thinking Freely is a political podcast, from the ACLU of Maryland, informing people about what's happening politically in Maryland from the courts to the streets, and everywhere in between. You'll hear from ACLU staff, our clients, and community leaders about the issues facing our civil liberties and how you can get involved.
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Thinking Freely
1M ago
If you are disabled and are reading this: We see you. We affirm you. We love you. The world would be boring as heck without people like you in it. This episode of Reading Freely is all about Disability Pride Month and celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) anniversary, signed into law in 1990. Listen as ACLU of Maryland staffer, Nicole McCann, takes us through why we must center disability accessibility and inclusion in everything we do. And provides great resources for anyone looking to strengthen their understanding of disability accessibility. Check out the written version: a more
Thinking Freely
1M ago
En junio, miembros del personal de la ACLU de Maryland asistieron a eventos del Orgullo en todo el estado, desde el condado de Charles, Annapolis y Baltimore. El Orgullo, sin importar dónde esté, sigue creciendo cada año. Los miembros de nuestro personal salieron de estos eventos con diferentes pensamientos del Orgullo LGBTQ+. En este episodio, escucha las cosas únicas e inspiradoras que los miembros del personal dijeron y recuerda que el Orgullo se trata de aceptación, reconocimiento, pertenencia y respeto por la vida de cada persona. Así se valora su humanidad. Lea la versión escrita aquí: a more
Thinking Freely
6M ago
Este año, el Día de los Presidentes, celebramos un Día de Acción centrado en los derechos de los niños en Annapolis para aprobar algunas buenas decisiones para que nuestros funcionarios electos rindan cuentas de sus palabras. Alrededor de 200 activistas, estudiantes y líderes comunitarios marcharon hacia la Asamblea General para hacer oír sus voces durante el Día de Acción de 2024: Justicia para los niños y los residentes de Maryland encarcelados. En este episodio, escuchará cómo estas voces colectivas, parte de un increíble conjunto de defensores, se unieron para hablar directamente con sus f more
Thinking Freely
6M ago
This year on President’s Day, we held a children’s rights focused Day of Action in Annapolis to pass some good bills and hold our elected officials accountable to their words. Around 200 activists, students, and community leaders marched into the General Assembly to make their voices heard during the 2024 Day of Action: Justice for Children and Incarcerated Marylanders. On this episode, you’ll hear how these collective voices – part of an amazing set of advocates – joined together to talk directly with their elected officials, ask the important questions and make demands in support of the righ more
Thinking Freely
7M ago
Life in prison was the verdict for teenagers Ransom Watkins, Andrew Stewart and Alfred Chestnut in 1983 when they were wrongfully intimidated and interrogated by police and sentenced for a crime they did not commit. The three were eventually exonerated, but were effectively robbed of 36 years of life, in addition to the ever-present trauma that comes with incarceration. A devastating reminder of the issues within our legal justice system, and why children's rights must be protected. Defending the rights of children shouldn't be optional, and yet every day in Maryland, children entangled in the more
Thinking Freely
1y ago
El acuerdo 287(g) con ICE en el condado de Frederick debe finalizar. En julio, la ACLU de Maryland se unió a la ACLU nacional para presentar una queja administrativa federal pidiendo al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los EE. UU. que investigue al alguacil del condado de Frederick, Charles Jenkins, para poner fin al peligroso acuerdo que promueve el odio contra los inmigrantes y la deportación. En este episodio de Thinking Freely, escuchará a Sergio España, el Director de Compromiso y Movilización de la ACLU de Maryland en una entrevista exclusiva con María Cáceres, la Directora de Asunt more
Thinking Freely
1y ago
Half a decade ago, Dana Vickers Shelley walked into the ACLU of Maryland as the new executive director ready to make "good trouble" in the name of working to guarantee the promise of Maryland’s constitution for all Marylanders. 5 years have gone by, but the mission remains the same. Listen as Dana reflects on her 5th year anniversary as executive director and how the ACLU of Maryland remains committed to empowering Marylanders to exercise their rights so that the law values and uplifts their humanity. This episode was adapted from the keynote speech Dana delivered to the Pro Bono Resource Cent more
Thinking Freely
1y ago
This June, the Human Rights Campaign declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people for the first time in the organization’s 40-year history. And unfortunately, students are not immune to the dangerous anti-queer assaults, legislatively or physically. Because of the seriousness of these attacks, we've published a Know Your Rights guide on LGBTQ+ students' rights on gender, dress codes, self-expression and more. On this episode you'll hear from Carlos Childs, Regional Community Organizer at the ACLU of Maryland on our updated LGBTQ+ Know Your Rights materials so students are fully aware of the more
Thinking Freely
1y ago
Starting on July 1st, 2023, marijuana will officially become legalized for recreational use in Maryland for adults 21 and up. This also includes a new law that bans police stops and searches based on the alleged smell of marijuana. But is that enough for Maryland to become a model for marijuana and racial justice? On this episode we'll examine that question and see if marijuana reparations are possible for those communities most harmed by The War on Drugs - a war whose ramifications are still felt today. Learn more at: more
Thinking Freely
1y ago
What's being called a modern day Indian Removal, The Wild Turkey Clan of the Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians in Maryland are being forced off their land by the Charles County government - the very land that belongs to the Piscataway Conoy People and that the Band has taken care of for decades. On this episode we speak with Tribal Chairwoman Natalie Standingontherock Proctor on the harmful impact of this removal and how people can get involved to end this eviction. To learn more and take action visit and more