With One Accord
Every Monday and Friday at noon CT, the Houston Chamber Choir presents the With One Accord podcast, your one-stop shop for choral joy! Join us for Music Mondays with Artistic Director Robert Simpson as he presents favorite moments from past performances, get a glimpse into the personalities of the Houston Chamber Choir on Behind the Music with St.John Flynn, and take a look at the choral..
With One Accord
1y ago
On this episode of Education Spotlight the Houston Chamber Choir speaks with Alysia Lee, Founder and Artistic Director of Sister Cities Girlchoir, Education Program Supervisor of Fine Arts for the Maryland State Department of Education, Chorus America board member, and President of the Baltimore Children & Youth Fund ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In this episode of With One Accord join our host St. John Flynn and special guest Dr. Anthony Trecek-King as we gain insight into our most recent concert "Ancestors' Dream". This podcast was recorded in front of a live audience at South Main Baptist Church on Friday March 10th, 2023.  ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
Houston Chamber Choir speaks with Austin Hunt, Houston-based Composer, Choir Director, and Singer. Austin directs multiple award-winning choirs throughout the Houston area, including the Springwoods Village Middle School Choir, HopePointe Cathedral Choir, and Luminari Boys Choir. Mr. Hunt also is an avid composer of choral music, with multiple works available through major publishers such as Carl Fischer Music, BriLee Publications, and Choristers Guild. In addition to choral activities, Mr. Hunt is also an accomplished tenor soloist, with highlights including Messiah with The Woodlands S ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In this episode of With One Accord, we welcome young American composer, Sarah Kirkland Snider. Recently deemed “a rising star on the American compositional scene” (The Wall Street Journal), “one of the decade’s more gifted, up-and-coming modern classical composers” (Pitchfork), and “an important representative of 21st century trends in composition” (New York Classical Review), Snider discusses her spellbinding and impactful choral work, Mass for the Endangered ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In episode six of With One Accord we welcome two alumni of the Treble Choir of Houston. Join arts and culture expert, St. John Flynn, and hear about their experience with the choir and singing at the Villa de Matel!  ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
Houston Chamber Choir speaks with Merri Ann Smith, Owner and Director of Heaven Sent Choirs. Heaven Sent Choirs consists of a collection of some of the finest young voices around Houston, with a love for music and ministry. The students are regularly exposed to general music education and essentials, such as sight-singing, solfege, and ear training, a winter and spring concert, and ministry opportunities. The students will be challenged to excel while enjoying the fruits of teamwork with friends. These are the values and precious memories the students will cherish for the rest of their lives ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In episode four of With One Accord, we welcome our Desert Island Playlist concert community partner, Brazos Bookstore. Join us as we explore the unique and limitless synergy between music and literary art ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
Houston Chamber Choir speaks with Jorge Garza, Founder and Executive Director of Garza Studios and the Segundo Barrio Children’s Chorus. Segundo Barrio Children's Chorus is Houston's First and Only Bilingual Choir for Children. Based out of Houston's historic Second Ward (Segundo Barrio) neighborhood, this program offers tuition-free access to music and vocal instruction, as well as transformative performance opportunities which increase representation in the arts for our community while celebrating the culture, language and traditions of its members and their families ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In episode two of With One Accord we welcome Cissy Segall Davis, Managing Director of Miller Outdoor Theatre. Join arts and culture expert, St. John Flynn, and learn about Miller Outdoor Theatre and the rich culture of live theatre in Houston.  ..read more
With One Accord
2y ago
In the first episode of Season 3 of With One Accord, we welcome Richard Hyde, British Consul General in Houston. Join us as we discuss the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, arts and culture in Houston. We hope you will enjoy this podcast as we prepare for our first concert of the season “Let All The World in Every Corner Sing” a tribute to Ralph Vaughan Williams on the 150th anniversary of his birth.  ..read more