In My Words
A platform for the BAME community to share their experiences. What needs to be improved? How can mental health professionals instigate change? What is the best way of establishing a positive presence in the media?
In My Words
2y ago
According to a report, thousands of people with a mental illness are coming into the criminal justice system each year but their needs are being missed at every stage. This includes a defunct system for sharing information between agencies, with confusion over data protection rules and incomplete or inaccurate records. There is also a shortage […]
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In My Words
2y ago
According to research there are many positive effects of exercise on mood states such as anxiety, stress and depression through the release of chemicals such as endorphins. Regular physical activity can increase self-esteem and can play a role in preventing the development of mental health problems and in improving the quality of life of people […]
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In My Words
2y ago
After winning the Mental health blog awards last year, some doors have opened for me including a few radio appearances and running a blogging course at the Health and wellbeing college in Ashton. In terms of my mental health I would say it has been up and down. Good some days and not so good […]
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In My Words
2y ago
Mental health problems affect around one in six children. They include depression and anxiety. Alarmingly, 75% of children and young people who experience mental health problems aren’t getting the help they need. Children’s emotional wellbeing is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever […]
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In My Words
2y ago
As it is World Mental Health day I wish to write about how my faith in Islam has helped me to cope with and live through many mental health struggles. Over the past 13 years my life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. I’ve been in and out of hospital be it on […]
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In My Words
2y ago
The UK mental health service is one of the best free services in the world. I have first-hand experience of the system from acute wards to PICUs (Psychiatric Intensive Care Units). I’ve been through the process of being sectioned and detained many times and have spent time hospitalised for around seven years in total. If […]
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In My Words
2y ago
Firstly, I wish to thank my family who have stuck by me through thick and thin, whether by visiting me when I was detained in hospital or supporting me emotionally and financially. Prior to the Pandemic, when I was detained far from home they would travel the distance to see me regularly. They encouraged me […]
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In My Words
2y ago
The terror attacks that took place on September 11 2001 in New York resulted in the deaths of nearly 3000 innocent civilians. The attacks also took a significant toll on the psychological health of survivors and first responders and witnesses, including PTSD, anxiety and depression. The symptoms they experience are varied, and can include hopelessness, […]
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In My Words
2y ago
According to (Brady, 2020), mental health is a huge problem in Palestine, but is hardly talked about or addressed. In Palestine, estimates suggest that around a third of the population are in need of mental health services and that Palestine has the highest rate of mental health problems in the Middle East. These staggering statistics […]
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In My Words
2y ago
The United Nation’s refugee agency UNHCR has warned that up to 500,000 Afghans could try to flee Afghanistan over the coming months (Hancock, 2021). So far, Britain has evacuated 13,700 British nationals and Afghans and America has evacuated around 105,000 people. So it is now an appropriate time to discuss the mental health of refugees. The rapid takeover […]
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