Intellectual property rights notes
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
1y ago
Intellectual property rights notes Intellectual property rights are legal rights, which result from intellectual activity in industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields. These rights safeguard creators and other producers of intellectual goods and services by granting them certain limited rights to control their use. Types/Tools of Intellectual property rights Patents Trademarks Copyright and related rights Geographical indications Industrial design Trade secrets Layout design for integrated circuits Protection of new plant variety Patent  It provides protection for the in more
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Downy mildew of grapes
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
downy mildew of grapes Downy mildew of grapes distributed worldwide where the grapes are grown in humid condition. The Plasmopora viticola attacks on fruits and leaf of the grapes plants and also cause dwarfing and killing the young shoots. The downy mildew of grapes is caused by Plasmopora viticola. downy mildew symptoms  On the upper surface of the bay leaf developed yellowish gray spot from the lower surface of the spores downy growth of fungus appear these nacrotic areas may causes. The leaf of the grapes turn to become brown and the infected leaf may finally die. Barriers turn b more
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Paddy blast | Paddy Blast Disease
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Paddy Blast | Paddy Blast Disease  Class  Deuteromycetes  Sub-Class  Hyphomycetede Order Moniliales Family Monoliolose Pathogen  Pyricularia oriza Symptoms  Symptoms on leaf appear on small spindal shape spot with brown margine. The center of the spot is whitish grow. Such spores like appear on the collum, collum nodes and glumes. The neck become shrivelled and covered with gray fluphy Mycelium and bends down due to Waite of the year. The infected grain are also shrivelled. Causal Organism Pyricularia oriza  Mycelium consists of septate more
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Tikka disease
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Tikka disease of groundnut Class  Deuteromycetes  Sub-Class  Hypemycitidae Order Moniliales Family Dematiaceae Pathogen Cercosporidium personatum  Symptoms  The disease appears as two distinct type of leaf spots cause by two species of Cercospora. The groundnut leaf is infected by Cercospora archidicola show circular to irregular 1 to 10mm spores with a raddish brown to a black nacrotic area. Spots appears as a result of infection by Cercospora personata are smaller circular and dark brown to black in colour which enlarges upto about, 1-10 mm in diame more
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Powdery mildew of grapes
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Powdery mildew of grapes Class  Ascomycetes  Sub-Class   Hymenomycetidae   Order  Erysiphales  Family  Erysiphaceae  Pathogen  Uncinula necator  Host plant   Grapes The disease powdery mildew of grapes is world-wide in distribution. In India the disease powdery mildew of grapes appears in epidermic form periodically after some year causing great loose to the crop of grapes. powdery mildew symptoms Small white patch appear on the follier parts which in advance stage cover whole leaves surface flower more
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Rust of Linseed (With Diagram)
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Rust of Linseed or Linum (Rust of flax) Class  Basidiomycetes  Sub-Class  Teliomycetidae Order Uridenales Family Melamsporaceae Pathogen Melampsora lini The disease have been reported from about 12 species of Linum. Linseed Rust  Symptoms of rust of linseed  The disease appears as bright orange pastules of Uridia of leaf stem and flower part. Telia formed mostely on the stem and are reddish brown in colour. The soil are covered by Epidermis and appear like a crust. Rust of Linum Rust of linseed causal organism Melampsora lini T more
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Bunt of wheat | Karnal bunt of wheat
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Bunt of wheat 🌾  This smut disease also called stinking smuts of wheat are widely distributed in all wheat growing areas of the world. They effect plant by destroying the constrent of infected kernels and replacing them with the spores of fungus. Bunt causes losses in grain yield. Symptoms of bunt of wheat 🌾 Affected plants are usually shorter then healthy one. The colour of the plant may changed to bluish green to greenish green. The most pronounced symptoms however when the head of infected plants emerged. Infected kernels are shorter and thicker and greyish brown then normal more
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Black stem rust of wheat
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Black Stem Rust of Wheat This rust usually appears late in season. It is often not seen until March in northern India by the eating time of crops. Black stem rust of wheat 🌾 Symptoms Of Black Stem Rust of wheat The rust appears in the form of elongated raddish brown pastules  ( Uridia ). Primarily on the stem and followed by the leaf sheath and leaf. Stem is most severally attacked. The Uridia frequently merged with each other soon brust exposing the brown powder of uridiospores surrounding by reptured Epidermal fringes. Another kinds of pastules ( Telia ) develop letter i more
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Red rot of Sugarcane | Causal organism
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Red rot of Sugarcane | Causal organism Red rot is a serious disease of sugarcane is sub-tropical parted of the world. In India the disease attacks canes in field. In the first time it occurred in U.P & Bihar during 1939-1940 and 1946-1947. Red rot of sugarcane symptoms - The disease appear on all above ground part but stems and midrib arises of leafs are most affected in earlier stage dropping of leaf and the loss of their colour can be seen in the field Later the cane also starts developing the symptoms. The canes are completely rotted within the wind losses. It's natural bright colo more
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Smut of Sugarcane | Pests & Diseases
Biology 24/7
by Unknown
3y ago
Smut of Sugarcane | Pests & Diseases This is an important disease of sugarcane besides India the disease has been reported from other sugarcane growing areas of the world's. In India the pathogen also attacks Saccharum sp. Which may be a Collateral host. Symptoms of smut of sugarcane In the field disease plant may be easily recognised by their long whipe like black short much covered on it self. Firstly the powdery mass of teliospore on their while like Structure is contain by a fine membrane that reptures later exposing the black mass of teliospore. The lateral shoots developing from more
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