Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by VM
1w ago
Comapre all other spirtual teachings availble in different people like Sadhguru,Ravishankar etc etc, is doing well with purity and resonance , overall its wonderful platform anf help people understand true dhamma and can learn more about buddha dhamma and his teachings, 10days course is start starter for the entry to pure dhamma wisdom.  my gratitude for goebka ji and all others who doing for noble cause to bring peace and happines to the society which forst step towars true path more
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Reply To: CBT and satipatthana bhavana
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by dosakkhayo
5M ago
“Satipatthana leads to Nibbana. Does that analysis lead to Nibbana?” No. I understand what you’re saying. I need to focus more on nibbana. I was just looking for an explanation that would be easier for the general public to approach. However, I think it would be more appropriate to focus on nibbana by myself. Thank you more
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Reply To: CBT and satipatthana bhavana
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by Lal
5M ago
“It seems very similar to satipatthana.” No, it is not. It is a very superficial analysis, even though there is nothing wrong with it. Satipatthana leads to Nibbana. Does that analysis lead to Nibbana more
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CBT and satipatthana bhavana
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by dosakkhayo
5M ago
I recently learned about CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). It seems very similar to satipatthana. I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this topic. Here’s a short video introducing CBT. I have noticed that the approach to the mind in CBT is very similar to the method of Buddha Dhamma. In particular, I think that focusing on how automatic thoughts and core beliefs affect a person’s lifetime is remarkably similar to satipatthana. I also found myself thinking about the differences between CBT and Satipatthana. It seems that the criterion distinguishing the two is whether there is an understa more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by pathfinder
6M ago
Thank you. I just found it strange that he experiences neutral vedana (neither pleasant nor unpleasant) but finds it pleasant from sañña. I thought that whether we feel something is pleasant or unpleasant is from vedana itself. I will need to re-read the posts on distorted sañña and investigate more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by Yash RS
6M ago
Dear Pathfinder, The Arahant won’t mentally feel pleasure or “happiness”. His happiness has become unshakable, it doesn’t depend on the outside flavours more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by Lal
6M ago
He perceives it as pleasant but does not attach to it because he fully comprehends that it is a “sanna made up by the mind more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by pathfinder
6M ago
Yes, I agree that the arahant can taste sweetness, it is part of distorted sanna. I am asking if he perceives it to be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by Lal
6M ago
You missed the next point on that list. “All vedanā initially coming through the other five sense faculties are neutral, i.e., adukkhamasukha vedanā.” But they give rise to “distorted sanna.”  For example, the taste of ice cream as sweet is not a vedana, but a “distorted sanna.” Since a puthujjana does not realize that they crave the sweet taste of ice cream, they generate samphassa-ja-vedana based on that craving. See, for example, #9 of “Saññā – All Our Thoughts Arise With “Distorted Saññā” Of course, read the whole post to get the idea. more
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Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world
Pure Dhamma » Meditation
by pathfinder
6M ago
In Vedana (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways It is stated in point 4 that Samphassa-ja-vedana “do not arise in an Arahant” Since We only experience vedana from either vipaka or samphassa-ja-vedana. We experience pleasant and unpleasant sensations from vedana Arahant has no samphass-ja-vedana “All vedanā initially coming through the other five sense faculties are neutral, i.e., adukkhamasukha vedanā.” Then we can conclude that the arahant does not experience pleasant or unpleasant feelings from an ice cream or rotten meat. However he will still taste ice-cream to be sweet, rotten meat to be so more
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